“Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four months until harvest’? I tell you, open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest. Even now the one who reaps draws a wage and harvests a crop for eternal life, so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together.” (John 4:35-36)

In warmer climates, the month of March signifies the beginning of Spring. It is where the end of Winter compromises with the beginning of
Summer, and meets in the middle to produce some of the most pleasant weather of the year! In colder climates, however, like we have here in
Canada, the month of March seems to be a bullheaded extension of Winter as it refuses to compromise with Summer’s warmth. This stubborn refusal by Winter to give up its’ seasonal authority over our climate results in March still being one of the coldest months of the year. How exciting it is then that we have had our hottest month ever in the Toronto Church this past March!

Amazingly, the Toronto Church was able to see TEN souls baptized into Christ in March! These awesome souls are Kadisha, Antonisia, Anjola, Cornielle, Adrian, Mwaka, Rae-Shawn, Elia, Alexandra, and Elijah! Previously, our most fruitful month in the history of the Church was last April, where we saw seven souls baptized! So it is incredible to see God working in such a powerful way to begin this year!
Very interestingly, I was studying out the above passage and learned something new. Although the New International Version’s translation of John 4:35 says, “Don’t you have a saying, ‘It’s still four month until harvest.’” Likely, this was not actually a “saying” in the sense that it was a common expression. First off, the way the statement is structured in the Greek does not fit with it being a common expression, or even a phrase used by the disciples. Then secondly, there was usually about a six month period between the sowing season and the reaping season, not a four month period. So the expression, if it was an expression, would not have made sense.
Rather than “Don’t you have a saying…”, most scholars would agree that it should read something like, “You might say, ‘There is still four months left until harvest.’” In other words, this was not a common expression or phrase; it was something that Jesus was saying in relation to the coming harvest at that time. Since the harvest typically came in the Jewish month of Nisan (our modern-day April), this would place the timing of Jesus’ statement in December or January – in the dead of Winter!

From a logistical point of view, it would not have been reasonable to expect a crop in the Winter months. But that was the point that Jesus was making. He said, “Open your eyes and look at the fields! They are ripe for harvest.” With the right perspective, no matter the season, the fields are always “ripe for harvest.” In good weather or bad weather, in season or out of season. There is always a potential for a lot of fruit!

If the harvest is not meant to be seasonal, why does It sometimes seem that it is? Why are some months more fruitful than others? Perhaps the following verse will help us to “open [our] eyes” and gain insight: “In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and in view of His appearing and His Kingdom, I give you this charge: Preach the word; be prepared in season and out of season…” (II Timothy 4:1-2) This is not to say that preaching the word is seasonal, but that the Word of God should be preached regardless of
whether or not it is accepted or not accepted, in season or out of season. We should always be prepared to preach!

What’s the point? The harvest is not seasonal when the preaching is not seasonal! Where there is consistent preaching, there will always be a consistent harvest! Sadly though, we sometimes don’t preach consistently because we think that the harvest is seasonal. As the wise King Solomon wrote, “Whoever watches the wind will not plant; whoever looks at the clouds will not reap… Sow your seed in the morning, and at evening let your hands not be idle, for you do not know which will succeed, whether this or that, or whether both will do equally well.” (Ecclesiastes 11:4, 6)

With more preachers, and more preaching, there will always be more fruit! This is true in the Winter inasmuch as it is true in the Summer; this is true during the school semester inasmuch as it is true during the break; this is true for the Married’s and Singles inasmuch as it is true for the Campus Ministry; and it is true in March 2023 inasmuch as it is true in April 2022! It is always true! So we must always preach!
It is so awesome to be a part of a Church that truly believes that the fields are always ripe for harvest! This belief is evidenced through the consistent sharing with non-Christians, large numbers of visitors being brought to Church, Tik Tok videos being made and posted, Bible Talk attendances growing, and ultimately, the ten baptisms in the month of March – now the hottest cold month of the year! Let’s keep up the great work! Let’s continue to believe the fields are “ripe for harvest!” Let’s preach in season and out of season so that we can get a harvest in season and out of season! And to God be all the glory!
Evan Bartholomew