Title: The Valley Of Dry Bones I. Dry Bones of Modern Day Christianity II. Dry Bones of Fears and Insecurity III. The Strength of a […]
Title: Open Heart Surgery I. Trust The Scalpel II. Trust The Great Physician
Title: Go The Distance I. The Magi Went The Distance II. The Message Went The Distance III. The Messiah Went The Distance
Title: Choosing To Endure I. Endurance Comes From Within II. Every Storm Has A Time Limit III. Stay Hungry To Stay Fed
Title: Greater Worth Than Gold I. Your Faith II. Your Knowledge Of God’s Word III. Your Relationships IV. Your Decisions
I. Called to be Righteous II. Calling out the Unrighteous III. Get yourself Ready
I. Listen to the Truth II. Hold to the Truth III. Be Renewed by the Truth
Title: Whose Side Are You On?
Title: Feast or Famine I. The Famine Of False Doctrine II. The Feast That We Can Miss Out On III. The Feast That We Are […]
Title: Forcefully Advancing The Kingdom of the Heart I. A Heart of Humility II. A Heart of Pleasing God Over People III. The Heart of […]