Greetings from Chicago, Kiev, Moscow, Amsterdam and Los Angeles in this the Year of Vision! I left Los Angeles on January 1, 2020 to fly to Chicago for their incredible 2020 Winter Workshop! (I was so thankful that Elena joined me on Saturday!) On Sunday, January 5th, we witnessed one IUPUI baptism and the 34 disciples on the Chicago Supplemental Mission Team – led gallantly by John & Emma Causey – placed membership!
Mission Team, Chicago has grown by 11 in
January! On Sunday, January 26th, the
171 Chicago Disciples had 344 in
attendance and 2 baptisms!
Then, on Tuesday, January 7th, we flew to Kiev (Ukraine) for their equally amazing Winter Workshop on January, 9-12, 2020! From Kiev, we traveled to Moscow on Wednesday, January 15th to strengthen and encourage our dear family in this world metropolis! Then, we were so blessed to fly on Saturday, January 18th to The Netherlands to participate on Sunday in the historic Amsterdam Inaugural Service with an astounding 207 in attendance! And to God be all the glory!
Tomiwa Safe-Adewumi – the Amsterdam Mission
Team Leader – prayed the “most cranking”
Pre-Service Prayer ever…
He prayed for the Spirit to move in Amsterdam
and all Europe like never before!
God graciously answered this prayer – and
thousands of others – blessing the
Amsterdam Inaugural Service
with 207 in attendance!
On January 1, 2020, I landed at O’Hare International Airport at 4:30PM! I was given a fiery SoldOut Movement Welcome by 26 enthusiastic Chicago Brothers and Joel Parlour of Seattle!
On New Year’s Day, the Chicago Brothers greeted
Kip for a glorious SoldOut Movement Welcome!
That evening, John Causey – the Chicago Church and the PACK Geographic Sector Leader – arranged for me to have dinner with 11 of his closest brothers! What a terrific time of discussion after dinner as I was asked questions on quiet times, church building and campus ministry! I shared that the three areas where the New Movement most needs to improve are: 1) Having Dorm Bible Talks; 2) Having Women’s Bible Talks; and 3) Having varying Campus Devos – not just the Campus Minister preaching. Instead, Campus Devos should be student led, and a mixture of sharing, small group Bible discussions, and preaching!
Kip so enjoyed his New Year’s Day Dinner with John
Causey, Joel Parlour and the Chicago Brothers!
Birthday was celebrated with an amazing
selection of desserts!
The entire Chicago Winter Workshop was held in Oak Brook – about 19 miles (31 km) from the Chicago Loop – at the Hyatt Lodge which is connected to the former “McDonald’s Hamburger University!” At “Hamburger University” – which moved into Downtown Chicago in 2018 – they continue to host 5,000 students every year and more than 80,000 restaurant managers, mid-managers and owner-operators have graduated from this university… that has evangelized the world in our generation!
On the brisk morning of January 2nd, John,
Emma and Kip went outside to see the
renowned, former “McDonald’s
Hamburger University!”
Thursday evening, January 2nd, we gathered for the Speakers Dinner! What a memorable occasion!
John has a deep conviction that to move the
ministry, the church must first move God!
After incredible singing, John & Emma Causey warmly welcomed the PACK Church Leaders by introducing them and sharing about the dates of their baptisms and weddings, as well as naming the churches in which each couple had served! (The PACK – Preaching Always Christ’s Kingdom – Geographic Sector of the Tribe World Sector includes the Midwest USA, the Northwest USA and Canada.)
The awe-inspiring Speakers Dinner!
The Ministry Leaders were introduced in this order: Jeremiah & Julie Clark of Indianapolis, Indiana; Jay & Barb Shelbrack of Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Coltin & Mandee Rohn of Columbus, Ohio; Evan & Kelly Bartholomew of Toronto, Canada; Rich & Hannah Hardy of Eugene, Oregon; Joel & Courtney Parlour of Seattle, Washington; Cesar & Debbie Limon – the right-hand couple in Chicago; Aaron & Sheila Turner – the Chicago Campus Ministry Leaders; Mike & Brittany Underhill – the future Minneapolis, Minnesota Mission Team Leaders; Pat & Pam Boea – a Chicago Shepherding Couple; Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams – another Chicago Shepherding Couple; Roger & Kama Parlour – a Seattle Shepherding Couple; AJ & CL Penedo – the third Chicago Shepherding Couple; Preston & Shawna Inkley of Portland, Oregon; and Pat & Sparkle Boea – the Chicago Downtown Region Leaders!
Working behind the scenes, Danny Garner & Taylor
Causey were instrumental in organizing
the Speakers Dinner!
Each couple was presented with the “PACK Tie and Scarf,” and very inspirationally, a glass statue of an eagle standing on a rock! John explained the significance of this gift as the “Three T’s:” 1) Transparent – Since the trophies are clear, every couple needs to be open about their lives; 2) Truth – The rock symbolizes the need for each couple to build their lives on the Rock of Christ; and 3) Transcendent – As each couple needs to soar like the eagles above the storms of ministry!
Mike & Brittany Underhill – the future Minneapolis
Mission Team Leaders – were able to attend the
Speakers Dinner before heading back to LA
for their Winter Workshop!
Each couple at the Speakers Dinner was
presented with a Glass Eagle Statue, a
“PACK Scarf” for the sisters and a
“PACK Tie” for the brothers!
Following these intros, we enjoyed a delicious dinner! After the meal, John delivered a brief charge on PURSUE THE VISION! He boldly challenged us to rely on God to achieve both our ministry and personal dreams and visions! Unforgettable was his insight, “A man on his knees can see further than a man on a mountain!”
A man of the Word for over 40 years, John preached
fervently about pursuing one’s relationship with
God before one can PURSUE THE VISION!
A forever “Causeyism!”
Immediately after the sermon, Joel & Courtney presided over Communion. Pam had baked unleavened bread for this occasion and John personally poured the red juice in a glass for each couple! When he came to the last couple, he poured the last of the juice to fill the cup, and he said, “Jesus’s blood has been completely poured out to motivate you to evangelize the territories in your charge!”
Joel & Courtney – the Seattle Church Leaders – were
honored to preside over the Speakers
Dinner Communion!
We closed this glorious evening with each Church Leader Couple sharing about their congregation’s incredible Faith Goals and a prayer by the Shepherds!
The new Chicago Bulletin detailed the PACK
Prayer Goals that God had put on
John’s & Emma’s hearts!
Friday, January 3rd was the Church Builders Workshop! During the “huddle up,” I learned the very exciting news that the first baptism of the Chicago Church in 2020 was Pat Boea’s daughter – Kesha Campbell! (I met her the next day and was given a huge hug!)
Kesha – Pat Boea’s daughter – was baptized
on New Year’s Day in Chicago!
After excellent singing, the Causeys gave a very gracious Welcome to almost 100 in attendance!
Blessed with an uncommon zeal for music, Chris
Adams oversaw the tremendous singing
at the Church Builders Workshop!
The lesson of the hour was powerfully delivered by Joel entitled, THE POWER OF A VISION! To begin his sermon, Joel shared that his life had been eternally changed by his study of the Book of Psalms that he began in June 2019! He added, “l love listening to old cassette tapes of John, Cory, Kip and others, as the ‘Old Movement’ came so close to evangelizing the world! I’m just a ‘Kingdom nerd’ trying to learn from their unparalleled accomplishments!”
The self proclaimed “Kingdom Nerd” of
the Movement – Joel Parlour!
Highlights in Joel’s sermon included his illustration about being sold-out in talking to his son Brinton. He asked Brinton (5), “Do you love Jesus enough to give him ‘Platty’ (his valued stuffed platypus)?” Brinton quickly answered, “Yes!” Then Joel asked, “Do you love Jesus enough to give Him your heart?” Brinton quickly said, “No!” Joel asked, “Why?” Brinton answered, “If I did, I would die!” Then Joel addressed the audience and said, “Are you willing to give Jesus your heart and die to your life?” Shortly afterward, Joel presented a “buck knife” to honor his new father in the faith John – which he recently purchased at the only “buck knife store” in the world in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho whose motto is, “The edge of a legend!”
Brinton with his beloved “Platty!”
In the afternoon, there were the Men’s and Women’s Programs!
Marcos Lopez of the dynamic Portland Spanish
Ministry led singing for the Men’s Session!
The speech in each program – HE WAS CHANGED BY THE VISION – was delivered respectively by Evan and Emma! Evan closed out his lesson with the heroic and moving account of the achievement of Carl Brashear – an amputee – who became the first African American Master Navy Diver! Following were sermonettes on Heroes Of Faith!
Evan’s moving illustration about Carl Brashear
showed his tremendous growth
in his public speaking!
Emma’s faith and sincerity – felt in her lessons –
gave the sisters under her charge such
confidence in the Lord!
Boldly, Julie made every effort to persuade
the sisters to have more vision for
themselves in 2020!
Friday evening was the Bible Talk Leaders Session! After the singing, the Columbus Disciples gave a riveting Mock Bible Talk!
For some reason, John was selected to be a
non-Chrisitan for the Mock Bible Talk!
Then Coltin preached – in my opinion – his best sermon to date: WHERE THERE IS NO VISION! He began by paralleling our times to Amos 8:11, “There is a famine in the land… a famine of the Word of God!” Coltin then challenged us to end the famine by preaching the Word! Invoking the mantra of the new Star Wars Series The Mandalorian, we were urged to follow Jesus in preaching the Word, and saying, “This is the way!” In closing, he asked us to pray for his dad Earl and his fiancée Victoria that they will come into the Kingdom as Earl asked Coltin to give them “prenuptial counseling!”
Coltin “laid it out” that there is a famine for the
Word of God in the world today!
Just as Coltin referenced The Mandalorian, modern
cultural phenomena were employed by Jesus
and Paul in their teachings to connect
with their audiences!
After a short break, we were privileged to listen to five couples who gave five charges on A VISION FOR THE NATIONS!
The five couples that spoke on A VISION FOR
THE NATIONS “cooked up” some
really creative lessons!
Saturday morning, January 4th was the First General Session of the Winter Workshop! Great singing and the Flag Presentation began this momentous morning!
The always inspiring Flag Presentation!
Flags were presented from the PACK States and
Canada where God has planted a SoldOut
Discipling Movement Church!
After the Flag Presentation was the International
Prayer in nine languages! Ghislain Normand
of Toronto – a hero of the Movement
for the Canadian Remnant –
prayed in French!
Before I spoke, Manilyn Pogoso sang what I now call, The Kingdom Song whose chorus is, Together we can turn this world upside down!
Hailing from Columbus like Manilyn, Daniel Gross
– only baptized on September 22, 2019 – played
the guitar for her during The Kingdom Song!
I was very privileged to preach on A ROCK THAT BECAME A MOUNTAIN! I began my sermon with good news from around the world which included announcing a new remnant group in the nation of Burundi in East Africa giving us 43 nations in the SoldOut Movement! Then, I shared the planned 13 Church Plantings in the 13th Anniversary Year of the SoldOut Movement:
1) Amsterdam, Netherlands
2) Baguio City, Philippines
3) Bahrain
4) Brazzaville, Congo
5) Crouching Tiger #3
6) Edinburgh, Scotland
7) Guam*
8) Kolkata, India
9) Quito, Ecuador
10) Dover, Delaware
11) Minneapolis, Minnesota
12) Salt Lake City, Utah*
13) Tucson, Arizona
(*Mission Team Landed)
My three points were: 1) The Dazzling Kingdom, 2) The Rock That Overcame Hell, and 3) A Mountain That Filled The Earth! Of note, I shared that our Bible Talks Leaders needed their members to also attend the Bible Talk Leaders Meetings! Why? So that following the lesson, the Bible Talk Leaders could meet in d-groups with their members to direct them in their follow up and studies!
Kip was assigned Daniel 2 – one of his favorite
texts – for his speech, A ROCK THAT
That afternoon, there were Specialized Workshops on: Marriage, Singles, Campus, AMS, Spanish Ministry and “Women of Wisdom!”
During the weekend, Aaron & Sheila – the leaders
of the Campus Ministry Specialized Workshop –
shared with Kip & Elena the exciting
news that they were expecting!
At 5:00PM, the PACK Sister Leaders greeted “my Elena” at the airport! I was so grateful that she was finally with me even though she had come down with the flu!
Emma’s “loving personal touch” was seen on
the sign welcoming Elena to Chicago!
Debbie Normand gave a giant hug to
her “mom in the faith” – Elena!
The PACK Sisters enthusiastically
greeted Elena at the airport!
The evening was capped off with the Pure Dance, not just for the young people but for “us” older marrieds as well! Yes, Elena & I were there!
The “ever-so-enjoyable” Pure Dance!
performed the rap song that they
had written – Champion!
Sunday morning, we planned breakfast with the Rohns!
The Rohn Family – Coltin, Mandee, Hailee and Trina –
bring such joy into the McKeans’ life!
Hailee (right) and Trina were so excited
to order waffles with fruit!
Hailee in particular enjoyed breakfast!
Hailee and Trina were so sad that their
tummies could not fit any more food!
Mandee made Elena an honorary
“Ohio State Buckeye!”
Sunday was phenomenal, as we had 446 in attendance! The singing was almost deafening and very inspiring! Elena & I oversaw the placing membership of the 34 disciples on the Chicago Supplemental Mission Team! I read 1 Corinthians 3:10-16 comparing the Causeys to the passage’s “expert builder” and the team to “gold, silver and costly stones!” Then, beginning a new SoldOut Movement custom, each new member – whether by baptism, restoration or place membership – will be presented with a SoldOut Press International (SOPI) Book of his or her choice!
SoldOut Press International was founded
by Carlos & Lucy Mejia of Mexico
City in 2016!
The first book published by SOPI was
Elena’s ICCM Doctoral Dissertation:
ELEVATE – Jesus’ Global
Revolution For Women!
As with Elena’s book, the Master’s Thesis
of Tim Kernan – 20/20 – has been printed
in English and Spanish!
Raul Moreno’s book – A Battle That Even
Kings Lost – has helped so many
disciples live a pure life!
In Money Is The Answer For Everything, Joe
Willis used the Scriptures to call disciples
to go beyond tithing, and be “generous
on all occasions!” (2 Corinthians 9:11)
The Chronicles Of Modern-Day Christianity
is the history of the Crossroads, Boston
and the SoldOut Movements by Ron
Harding! This book is so helpful
for the remnant in joining
the New Movement!
Immediately following, the Causeys presented the new PACK Shepherding Couples: Pat & Pam Boea, Roger & Kama Parlour, and Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams, which John called the “baby shepherds” for their comparative youth! Each was presented with a “shofar” – a ram’s horn to call the flock together!
John presented “shofars” to the three
PACK Shepherding Couples…
…Pat & Pam Boea of Chicago, Roger & Kama Parlour
of Seattle, and Chris & Kerri-Sue Adams of Chicago!
Joel & Courtney presided over a terrific Communion followed by a moving rendition of It Is Well With My Soul by Taylor Causey and Courtney Smith! Then Evan & Kelly gave the Contribution Charge calling us to remember that only those in the ark – the church – are saved… not our possessions as, “They cannot float!”
Taylor’s and Courtney’s rendition of It Is Well
With My Soul moved all who heard!
Then came the much anticipated speech by John, I WAS NOT DISOBEDIENT TO THE VISION! He had two points: See God and See God’s Will! Very insightfully, John shared that before God revealed His will to a person, He always first showed His presence so they would have the faith to do His will! He went on to expound on “Vision Killers,” “Vision Fade” and “Vision Foes!” He then made me teary eyed, as he shared about joining me in the New Movement! As my Jonathan, I accepted the “Shofar of the Movement” from this amazingly, loyal brother!
Near the end of John’s speech, he called Kip forward
to present him with the “Shofar for the Movement!”
After this “mountain top lesson,” the Indianapolis Sisters came forward with their first baptism of the year – Tanya, an IUPUI (Indiana University – Purdue University Indianapolis) Student!
Julie introduced Tanya to her
soon-to-be church family!
Tanya was the first baptism of 2020 for
the fast-growing Indianapolis
For Kip & Elena, seeing baptisms
never grows old!
After witnessing this incredible gathering, and in view of 2020 being the Year of Vision, Elena & I announced at the end of the Worship Service that in 2021, we will call this January “get-up-and-go” gathering – the Northern America Missions Conference! We will locate it in Downtown Chicago prayerfully at the historic Palmer House, where in the 80’s we held the Boston Movement’s Midwest Evangelism Seminar! Lord willing, the dates will be January 8-10, 2021, and we pray it will attract many remnant disciples to join God’s Modern-Day Movement!
Pray for the 2021 Northern America Missions
Conference to be held at the fabled Palmer
House in Downtown Chicago!
We closed this unforgettable weekend arm-in-arm singing, Go Make Disciples!
Pat Boea, Jr. – the Downtown Chicago Region
Leader – led the closing song,
Go Make Disciples!
and Susan participated in the Chicago
Winter Workshop!
The mighty Evangelists and Shepherds of the
PACK Geographic Sector!
The dynamic Women’s Ministry Leaders
and Shepherdesses of the PACK
Geographic Sector!
The powerful PACK Church Leaders have a unified
vision to evangelize the Northwest USA, the
Midwest USA and Canada!
The new home of the Chicago ICC is the Feinberg
Theater, whose glass exterior stands out even
among the other beautiful buildings
on the Magnificent Mile!
The Feinberg Theater can seat up to 400!
Pat, Sparkle and Elena give the “thumbs up” to the
Causeys on stage, who also are giving their
“thumbs up” for this to be the
new Chicago ICC home!
On January 7th, Elena & I flew from Chicago and landed in the amazing city of Kiev late afternoon on Wednesday, January 8th! We were delighted and greatly encouraged to receive a heart-felt SoldOut Movement Welcome at the airport by Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – the Eurasian World Sector Leaders – and several other Kiev Disciples!
The longer the flight, the more the McKeans are
encouraged by a SoldOut Movement Welcome!
In 2019, Elena & I focused our energies on Manila and Los Angeles, and the Lord blessed us, as Los Angeles grew more than any other USA Church and Manila grew the fastest of any church in the world reaching over 300 disciples locally and over 500 disciples in Southeast Asia! (Please see the Thank You Video from Ricky & Coleen Challinor to the USA Churches for their financial support. I have shown this in Chicago, Kiev and Moscow and many of the disciples wept, because they long to see the same multitudinous miracles in their cities! https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=share&v=b2EWaCIvglI)
Ricky’s and Coleen’s “Thank You Video” to the
USA Churches for their missions support has
encouraged disciples around the world!
In 2020, Elena & I are focusing on Chicago and Kiev! Since Aliona was blocked from entering Russia in February 2019, I had Oleg move to Kiev to join her. Therefore, the pillar church for the Eurasian World Sector was moved last year from Moscow to Kiev!
Historically Moscow is the Crown of Thorns
Church; however, the new “Pillar
Church” for Eurasia is Kiev!
On Thursday, January 9th, we met with Oleg & Aliona – also the Kiev Church Leaders – and their right hand couple, Luca & Sophia Di Beo, to discuss the ministry over lunch! For 2020, Oleg has structured the church with Luca & Sophia leading the Campus Ministry, Victor Maslyanikov and Luda Makarycheva leading the Singles, and Oleg & Aliona leading the Marrieds!
The Thursday Planning Meeting was vital in
organizing the McKeans’ schedule and
the Kiev Bible Talks!
On Thursday evening at 7:30PM was the Campus Ministry Workshop! We gathered at the “home” of the then 68-member Kiev Church – the Tourist Hotel!
Alyona Mekeda greeted Elena at the Tourist
Hotel – the old “home” of the Kiev Church!
The singing was jubilant, as Oleg led us in singing, Hallelujah! That evening, Vlad Matveyuk – the Moscow Campus Minister – preached on STUDENTS SEE VISIONS and Luca spoke on GOD CALLS! Both were outstanding!
Always inspirational, Oleg led the Kiev Campus
Workshop in the singing of Hallelujah!
Fresh from Moscow, Vlad preached on
Luca – translated by his lovely wife Sophia – delivered
an amazing lesson entitled, GOD CALLS!
I closed out the evening preaching on THE FOCUS OF CAMPUS MINISTRY! I began the study with Matthew 17:24-27, showing that of the Apostles only Peter was older than 20 years old since only Jesus and Peter paid the temple tax. (Exodus 30:14) So, we can surmise that the rest of the Apostles were in their teens – campus age! Therefore, if we are to follow Jesus’ pattern, the preacher must start with a “band of campus age disciples” to evangelize his geographic charge! I closed out the study with Acts 19:8-10 to show the immense impact that campus ministry will have!
Starting in January, the Kiev Campus Ministry
will reach out to the number one college
in the Ukraine – Kiev State University!
Friday morning, Oleg, Victor, Bogdan Mekeda and I visited different hotels in Kiev to find a site for the upcoming Eurasian Missions Conference (EAMC) on May 1-3, 2020!
“A [new] light has dawned” on the Kiev Church!
The official beginning of the Kiev Winter Workshop was Friday night! I had the privilege to address my Kiev Family on VISION FOR THE WORLD! Though I used the same Daniel 2 text as in Chicago, I addressed very different needs. At the end of the sermon, I challenged the Kiev Church to average 2 additions per week – 100 additions for 2020! This was accepted with a standing ovation! (Kiev only had 19 baptisms, 15 restorations and 33 fall aways in 2019 largely due to disunity caused by false teachers.)
Visiting from Russia were Rezo & Sasha Davitadze –
who serve as North Sector Leaders of
the Moscow Church!
One of the goals of Kip’s preaching is to give every
congregation a vision not just for themselves,
but for an evangelized world!
Oleg does a superior job in translating Kip’s
words, voice inflections and gestures!
The newlyweds, Artem & Julia Varlakov, serve as
the Eurasian World Sector Admin Couple!
On Saturday morning, we gathered again! I preached on UNITY OF WORSHIP! From the Scriptures, I called upon everyone to be present at all of “the meetings of the body!” (Hebrews 10:23-25) I shared my personal conviction that “the only time to miss church is on your death bed – dead!” For my second point, I preached that everyone is commanded by God to sing at the worship service! (Ephesians 5:18-20) Lastly, I challenged the church to set aside the dates of May 1-3, 2020 to participate in the EAMC!
Every church leadership needs to embrace
not caring “who gets the credit!”
Then for the remainder of the morning, we broke into Men’s and Women’s Programs! In each session, the following topics were addressed: Vision In Discipleship (Dima Serafonov – the Moscow Lead Evangelist / Elena), Vision In Prayer (Luca / Aliona Sirotkina), and Vision In Missions (Vlad / Sophia)
Elena preached passionately to all the women
on Vision In Discipleship!
Sophia – not only translated many of the messages
of the weekend – but also delivered the speech
to the sisters Vision In Missions!
Aliona shared that prayer is the
foundation of the ministry!
After the Men’s Program, it could be said of Slava
Matsiuk, Oleg Sirotkin, Ivan Arkhipenko
and Igor Tkalen, “Your old men will
dream dreams!” (Acts 2:17)
The afternoon was filled with appointments, and then at 5:30PM, we rushed to where the Kiev Church was gathered for ice skating! There Gustavo Piai (converted in São Paulo) secretly dressed up in a polar bear costume and then asked on the ice his unsuspecting girlfriend Anya Korotova (converted in Moscow) to marry him! In laughter and tears, Anya said, “Yes!”
Gustavo did not know if he was on “thin ice”
in asking Anya to marry him!
Congratulations to Gustavo & Anya!
Since Anya is Russian, most likely the “future”
Piais’ Wedding will be in Moscow!
That evening, we had a very relaxing dinner with the Sirotkins and the Mekedas, who have become dear friends to Elena & me!
For the McKeans, Saturday night was a delightful
dinner with the Sirotkins and Mekedas!
Sunday, we began the Worship Service at 11:30AM! The singing – with everyone singing – was “angelically loud!” Victor and Luda gave a rousing Welcome!
Victor & Luda welcomed 122 to the
Sunday Worship Service!
After the prayer, Oleg & Aliona oversaw the placing membership of the three week old newlyweds – Vlad & Masha Matveyuk! They have moved to Kiev to train to lead the St. Petersburg (Russia) Mission Team, Lord willing, to be sent out in May 2021!
Vlad & Masha Matveyuk were married in
Moscow on December 21, 2019!
The magical first kiss!
God has blessed Vlad & Masha with
“the desire of their hearts!”
Vlad & Masha “love” working in the
full-time ministry together!
The Serafonovs gave a moving Communion commending the Kiev Church on all of the changes that they had made during the past three months!
Though Dima & Tanya have been through difficult
times in Moscow, they have “given thanks to
God in all circumstances!”
(1 Thessalonians 5:18)
I was privileged to deliver the Contribution Charge! My text was 1 Corinthians 5:6-8. I preached that the “old yeast of malice and wickedness” had been completely removed from the Kiev Church since my last visit in October. I went on to say that the Kiev Church now has a “sold-out and unified foundation” of disciples! Therefore, the Lord was going to bless their “sincerity and truth” with abundant fruit! Then, I shared, “The Gospel is free but building churches costs money! So motivated by grace, just as every sold-out disciple attends all the services and sings, every disciple should be generous in their giving to the work of the Lord!”
During Contribution, Kip challenged the Kiev
Church, “The Gospel is free but building
churches costs money!”
Following a couple more songs, Oleg was the most forceful that I have ever heard him in his lesson from John 9, TO SEE THE GLORY OF GOD!
Though there are several bilingual Ukrainian
Disciples, Sophia is by-far the
best translator!
Unexpectedly, since there was no real “push” for visitors, God packed out our room in the Tourist Hotel with 122 in attendance! There were so many remnant visitors… and by the end of the service several were crying! With Oleg’s help, I had four visitors out, of which, I believe three will join the New Movement perhaps in a couple weeks! There is so much fruit to be had in Kiev!
Daniel was so excited that his babushka
(grandma) enjoyed church!
During lunch, we studied with another remnant disciple that had been full-time in the ICOC! Praise God, by the end of the study, he too cried, as he decided to join God’s Movement! Then we “Ubered” back to the hotel for one last appointment with Dima & Vita – a young dating couple! Afterward, Elena & I had a quiet dinner, while looking out on the spectacular “city-scape” of Kiev!
Oleg’s mom – Sophia and Lidiia’s babushka – also
was profoundly moved by the love of the
Christians and Oleg’s preaching of the
Word at the Kiev Sunday Service!
On Monday, January 13th at noon, Elena & I met with Pasha & Masha Davydov, who placed membership directly from the ICOC two months ago! Interestingly, Pasha was told, “Stay away from Oleg Sirotkin and Kip McKean!” Since he is only 27 years old, he did not know who “Oleg” and “Kip” were. However, he was very dissatisfied with the ICOC, so he went online and found so many negative articles! He read some and then was so intrigued that he began to listen to our sermons online! Then, “by chance,” he was invited to the Kiev ICC four different times, but each time he “backed out” of going. Still very interested, Pasha found Oleg’s vlog about The History of God’s Movement in Russian! (https://youtu.be/DggEWYH-nKk) After Pasha and his wife Masha listened three times, they finally visited the Kiev ICC! Both were immediately moved by the love of the fellowship! After studying out the SoldOut Movement’s Distinguishing Five Core Convictions, they joyfully placed membership!
After joining the New Movement, Pasha &
Masha are no longer “lukewarm!”
At 1:00PM, Elena & I met for a four hour planning session with Oleg & Aliona, Luca & Sophia, and Victor and Luda! At the end, Sophia expressed her desire to study for her ICCM Master’s Degree! Lord willing, Luca will be awarded his Master’s Degree at the 2020 GLC, and then, Luca will establish ICCM-Kiev! My last charge to my awesome grandson in the faith – Luca: Become fluent in Russian enough to preach in Russian at the May EAMC!
Luca & Sophia have fully embraced the Prayer Goal
of 100 additions – 2 additions per week –
in 2020 for the Kiev Church!
Pray for the upcoming 2020 Eurasian Missions Conference – SHINING LIKE STARS, which will be held in Kiev! You may register at: http://conf.19240.aqq.ru/speakers/item/300-rob-bob.html and secure hotel nights at the Premiere Palace Hotel by going to: http://conf.19240.aqq.ru/#hotel
The Premiere Palace Hotel will be the
site of the 2020 EAMC!
On Wednesday, January 14th, in well below freezing temperatures, Elena & I flew from Kiev to Moscow through Vienna!
The McKeans’ plane in Kiev had to be “de-iced”
before taking off as the temperature
was well below freezing!
We were received with a terrific SoldOut Movement Welcome with the bold singing of We Love You With The Love Of The Lord in Russian at the airport by our dear Moscow Disciples! Many heads were turned as it is against the law in Russia to gather for church except in a church building or a registered location!
Though there are several laws in opposition to
“fundamental Christianity” in Russia, the
Moscow Disciples still boldly sang to
the McKeans, We Love You With
The Love Of The Lord!
Elena & I rose early due to “jet lag,” but the Moscow sun did not!
Thursday noon, January 15th, Dima & Tanya Serafonov – the Moscow Church Leaders, Oleg, Elena & I met for a light lunch and a detailed discussion of the Moscow Church. This sobering but very productive meeting ended a little before 4:00PM.
Sadly, Aliona Sirotkina – a Ukrainian – could not
be apart of the Moscow Planning Meeting with
the Serafonovs, Oleg and the McKeans,
because she is presently “blocked”
from entering Russia!
We regathered that evening to try to help a struggling remnant couple in the church. We met for 5 1/2 hours till 12:30AM! Praise God this remnant couple – once full-time in the ICOC – is now with us heart and soul! “Be merciful to those who doubt; snatch others from the fire and save them; to others show mercy, mixed with fear – hating even the clothing stained by corrupt flesh.” (Jude 22, 23) After doing Kingdom Admin, having dinner, and calling my mom – which I do daily since my father passed – Elena & I “hit the sack” at 3:00AM! Yet, sleep did not come easily.
Since Jesus was crucified at 3:00PM, some believe
that 3:00AM is when demonic and hellish forces
are the strongest! The McKeans “felt the
darkness” in Moscow! (Exodus 10:21)
On Thursday at 8:00AM, we met for a Eurasia World Sector Financial Meeting with Dima, Tanya, Oleg and Artem Varlarkov – the Eurasian World Sector Administrator. Then, we had a second meeting to organize Bible Talks and a D-tree for the Moscow Church. That afternoon, Elena met with the very talented sister, Sasha Egorova, since she had cancer and wanted Elena’s spiritual guidance as a cancer survivor.
So true!
Thursday evening at 7:00PM, we met with dear friends, but another very hurting, former ICOC full-time couple who had begun to doubt if we were the Movement of God. This time, the appointment did not end till 12:45AM! Again, God was victorious and we kept the couple! (James 5:18-20) Friday, January 10th, we did not have an early appointment. At 11:00AM, we met with a couple to help their family situations. We counseled this precious couple and praise God they decided to forgive each other and stay together!
On Friday, January 10th, the Davitadzes’ dream – to
become a full-time ministry couple since
the Crown of Thorns Council Meeting
in India – became a reality!
That night at 7:30PM was church! I was pleasantly surprised by how powerful the singing was! During the announcements, Dima shared that with the decision on Thursday to dramatically increase Moscow’s funding from Missions, the Moscow Church was hiring Rezo Davitadze – the husband of Sasha who is already full-time – and the sweet Alyona Chupova!
Congratulations to Alyona Chupova for becoming
full-time in the ministry at 19 years old! She is
excited to join ICCM-Kiev in the Fall!
After this encouragement, as I did in Kiev, I showed the Thank You Video From Southeast Asia from Ricky & Co Challinor! As it concluded, again I saw several disciples weeping, as in the “old days” of the ICOC, Russia and the Philippines had led the way for the Movement outside the USA with “thousands of baptisms!” Our Moscow Disciples long to see the miracles that the Manila Disciples are once again experiencing! Then before I spoke, Elena shared “good news” about her 5 year cancer-free doctor’s report, as well as about the LA, Chicago and Kiev Churches!
The Davitadzes welcomed a packed room to listen
to Kip & Elena share about GOOD NEWS
That evening, I preached about the Five Core Convictions and the heavy price that many of us have paid in suffering and persecution to build God’s Movement to over 100 sold-out churches in 43 nations in just 12 years!
The McKeans were elated to be reunited with
Lena and Varvara Kapsky – a powerful
mother-daughter disciple combo!
In closing out the night, Oleg – with instructions from me – humbly apologized for his part for the weak condition of the Eurasia World Sector, as he is the leader. Then, he ended with a great vision for 2020 for both the Moscow and Kiev Churches! Indeed, Elena & I felt that the trip to Moscow was the most difficult of our mission trips in recent years. We felt similar to Paul when he wrote, “We put no stumbling blocks in anyone’s path, so that our ministry will not be discredited. Rather, as servants of Christ, we commend ourselves in every way: in great endurance, in troubles, hardships, distresses, [persecutions], in hard work, in sleepless nights… in purity, understanding, patience and kindness… in truthful speech and in the power of God… through glory and dishonor, bad report and good report, genuine yet regarded as imposters… sorrowful, yet always rejoicing… having nothing, yet possessing everything.” (2 Corinthians 6:3-10)
The abundance of Burger Kings in Moscow
gave evidence that they are striving
to evangelize the nations
in this generation!
On Saturday morning at 4:00AM, we left for the Moscow Airport so excited about the Amsterdam Inaugural!
The Amsterdam Inaugural Invitation announced
that God’s Kingdom had come to
The Netherlands!
We arrived in this amazing Dutch city at 2:30PM and received a very gracious SoldOut Movement Welcome from the Amsterdam Mission Team Leaders – Tomiwa & Vienne Safe-Adewumi – and 50 other enthusiastic disciples!
With Tomiwa & Vienne Safe-Adewumi on top of the
“I am Amsterdam” Sign, they along with 50
other disciples, welcomed the McKeans
to “the Venice of the North!”
During the SoldOut Movement Welcome, Kip was
proud to stand beside his son Michael
and grandson Tomiwa!
Joining the 14 on the Amsterdam Mission Team were Michael & Michele Williamson – the European World Sector Leaders, who brought 30 London Disciples for the weekend to help evangelize for the Inaugural Service; Anthony & Cassidy Olmos came with 14 Paris Disciples; and Erik & Michelle af Klint brought 5 from Stockholm! As well, it was so refreshing to be warmly greeted with hugs from Kolbe & Rebecca Gray of London and Gustaf af Klint of Stockholm!
The Netherlands is located in the
very heart of Europe!
After a little needed rest at our hotel, Elena & I had a lovely dinner at Sizz Indian Restaurant with the Williamsons and Safe-Adewumis – who are fluent in Dutch as Dutch citizens – to go over all of the plans for the Inaugural Service Day! (Of note, Tomiwa has a Master’s Degree in Engineering from the prestigious University of Central London!) At dinner, we learned that Nia Smalls was their first baptism fittingly on January 1, 2020!
The Amsterdam Inaugural Service
Planning Meeting!
At 10:00AM, we headed to Zuiderkerk (South Church) for the Inaugural Service scheduled to start at 11:00AM!
As the McKeans and Williamsons walked to the
Inaugural, Michael mentioned that bikes were
the primary means of transportation
inside the city limits!
Just outside the South Church, Erik, Michelle
and Gustaf af Klint of Stockholm
greeted all of the visitors!
Anthony & Cassidy Olmos of Paris greeted all
of the visitors that came inside the church!
The service opened with two hymns in Dutch and I Hear God Singing in English!
The breath-taking South Church was filled by
the Amsterdam Inaugural Service!
The words for the Dutch hymns were projected on
two screens making it “somewhat easier” for
the English-speakers to sing along!
Then, Elena & I had the privilege to welcome the 207 in attendance to the “Amsterdam Internationale Christlijke Kerk!” As I spoke the words, “Welcome to the historical Inaugural Service of the Amsterdam International Christian Church,” several confetti guns went off filling the air with golden confetti! Menno Zoutendijk gave a powerful “Gebed” (Prayer)!
Confetti fell from the rafters when Kip announced,
“Welcome to the historical Inaugural Service
of the Amsterdam International
Christian Church!”
Eldrin Rojas of Curaçao – a Dutch Territory in the Caribbean – placed membership! For joining the church, Tomiwa presented him with a new copy of Raul Moreno’s book, The Battle That Even Kings Lost!
Eldrin Rojas – the former Curaçao Remnant
Group Leader – placed membership!
At “Avondmaal” (Communion), Vienne spoke in Dutch and was very vulnerable in sharing about her life before becoming a Christian. (All of us “English only speakers” listened to the translation through the “Hangout App!”)
The “Hangout App” – with Michael Hart of
London translating from the back of the
auditorium – worked surprisingly well!
In tears, Vienne spoke about being so promiscuous with “one night stands” that before becoming a disciple, she even contemplated becoming a prostitute – as in The Netherlands, prostitution is legal. She ended with a huge smile as she shared about her baptism as a disciple of Jesus Christ!
Vienne’s raw sharing about her pre-Christian life
made some uncomfortable but most
knew they had never been to
a church like this!
Then for “Contributie,” Tom & Dana Takac – citizens of and the future mission team leaders to Slovakia – spoke about the value of a “medicine that could prevent death!” To find this as a non-Christian, Dana became a pharmacist but came to understand that only God’s love gives eternal life!
Lord willing,Tom & Dana Takac will lead
the Bratislava (Slovakia) Mission
Team in 2021!
After singing in Dutch, There Is A God, Tomiwa preached an incredible “Preek” in Dutch! His sermon points were from 3 popular Dutch TV Shows: I Love Holland, Farmer Seeking A Wife, and The World Keeps Turning, which could be translated: The World Keeps Turning Crazy! He began by calling The Netherlands a “Disneyland for adults” – legalized prostitution in the Red Light District, legalized drugs of all kinds, and if you hate your life, euthanasia is legal as well! Tomiwa closed his message reading Acts 2:29-38! His one challenge: Study the Bible!
In his incredible sermon, Tomiwa’s emphatic one
challenge to the visitors was: Study the Bible!
Then came the baptism of Shemel – a 19 year old campus student! She chose Elena’s book ELEVATE for her “baptism gift!” At her “good confession,” there was a standing ovation!
Shemel was all smiles after her baptism!
Without question, Shemel is a five talent disciple,
who someday may hear the call of
God for the full-time ministry!
Next was our “new Inaugural Service custom” of a Raffle so that everyone will hand in a Response Card, motivated to win a basket of goodies! This was outstandingly overseen by Susan Vrolijk! Two of the three winners were the mom (Jeanette) and little sister (Nayeli) of Javeline Mattheeuw – an amazing Amsterdam Team Member baptized in Curaçao, but from Amsterdam! She heard and obeyed God’s call: “Nationals go home to save your people!”
Susan congratulated Nayeli on winning
one of the raffle baskets!
Everyone was so excited during the raffle!
The three raffle winners were all connected to
Javeline: her friend Amaral, her sister
Nayeli, and her mom Jeanette!
Michael & Michele gave a stirring “Afsluiting” (Close), expressing how proud they were of the Amsterdam Church Family! We ended the service arm-in-arm singing and then clapping and singing, Go Make Disciples!
In their closing, Michael & Michelle shared how
proud they were of Tomiwa & Vienne!
The closing song described “why” the Amsterdam
Mission Tean made so many sacrifices
to come, Go Make Disiples!
Fellowship lasted for over an hour, as the visitors just did not want to leave! One visitor said, “I’ve never seen anything like today! I will be back next Sunday!” As well, a light lunch of “Italiaanse Kip” (Italian Chicken Salad) was served!
For lunch, Anna Adesigbin of London and Elena
helped to pass out the “Italiaanse Kips” –
Italian Chicken Salad!
Vienne’s sister, mom and her aunt and uncle – all
living in Amsterdam – were moved
by the service!
One of the original 25 Portland Disciples in 2003
when the McKeans arrived, Eileen Mengis,
served the Lord in London and in May is
moving to San Francisco to be with
her best friend – Shay Sears!
Arni Sicam flew all the way from Manila to bring his
beautiful daughters Beryl (left) and Cherie – who
live in The Netherlands – to the
Inaugural Service!
For lunch, we ate with Kolbe & Rebecca – the Edinburgh (Scotland) Mission Team Leaders – and held our spiritual granddaughter “Baby Keeva” for the very first time!
Lord willing in October, Kolbe, Rebecca and
Keeva will be sent out at the European
Missions Conference to plant
Edinburgh, Scotland!
In Amsterdam, Kip & Elena held their spiritual
granddaughter – “Baby Keeva Gray” –
for the first time!
Since we so enjoyed the meal the night before, again we ate at the Sizz Restaurant, but this time for the Mission Team Celebration Dinner! Michael shared about his son in the faith Tomiwa – who had 20 visitors out – as “class personified!” Michele shared about the Amsterdam Family as “all heart” adding, “No one tapped out!” Then Michele read about Miriam in Exodus 15 where all of the women followed her, comparing her to Vienne, saying, “You are The Netherland’s Miriam – full of heart!” We too praised God for Tomiwa & Vienne! Therefore, Elena & I have begun to pray that they will so “prove themselves” that they will “earn the right” to be in the Crown of Thorns Council!
The Inaugural Celebration Dinner!
During the Celebration Dinner, l heard that Moscow had the baptism of a young man named Hillary! Repentance should always be quick, refreshing and fruitful! Truly, God is moving extremely powerfully in the Eurasian and European World Sectors!
Elena & I spent Monday morning with the Safe-Adewumis and the Williamsons in a “Wrap-up Meeting” going over “what was awesome” and “what was not so awesome” about the Inaugural Service!
In the 1500’s, the Anabaptists – many of whom
were true baptized disciples – met in the
church in the foreground. Sadly,
it is only a resturant now!
The Safe-Adewumis, the McKeans and the
Williamsons had their “Wrap-up Meeting”
at the Waag Resturant – the old
Anabaptist building!
Then that afternoon, Elena & I walked around scenic Amsterdam, and made a special point to visit the Anne Frank House! And to God be all the glory!
Amsterdam – the stunning city of canals and bikes!
“The Anne Frank Huis” was where Anne Frank went
into hiding on July 5, 1942 and wrote the now
famous “The Diary of Anne Frank.” Sadly,
she and her family were arrested by
the Nazis on August 4, 1944!
Anne died of Typhus sometime in March 1945
at the Bergan Belsen Concentration Camp.
It was liberated on April 15, 1945.
Being such a grateful husband, Kip treated
Elena to an afternoon snack!
Jason Dimitry – Overseeing Evangelist for Hawaii: Aloha! I bring you greetings from the first ever Hawaiian Islands Missions Conference (HIMC) – TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! After this conference, I can confidently say, “[We gave] glory to the Lord and [proclaimed] His praise in the Islands!” (Isaiah 42:12)
The creative designer of the striking HIMC
Logo was Michelle Laurin – a University
of Hawaii-Manoa Student!
To say that the HIMC surpassed our hopes and dreams is an understatement! We had a total of 220 registrants which was “off the charts” compared to our initial projections! We had 60 participants from the NorCal Churches and another 25 from around the Mainland Churches (continental USA)!
220 paid registrants came to the First HIMC!
We also had two special disciples come all the way from New Delhi, India – our incredible guest speakers: Raja & Debs Rajan!
Not “twinning” but “tripling,” Jessie Rojo of LA
adopted “Raja Uncle” & “Debs Auntie!”
On Thursday evening, January 16th was the Speakers Dinner! Mark Garrido prepared all the speakers with a convicting lesson from Ezekiel 47 entitled, THEIR VOICE HAS GONE OUT TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! After second and third trips to the buffet, we closed out the night totally unified that Hawaii is one of the greatest places on Earth!
Jason Dimitry was ready to serve the roast
pig for the Speakers Dinner!
Even the chefs listened intently to Mark Garrido’s
message at the Speakers Dinner!
Friday morning was our First General Session! After some incredible singing, we were blessed to experience a series of Cultural Presentations, which were all performed by disciples in the Honolulu Church! From Hula Dances to Fire Dances all the performers did an amazing job! Then Tim Kernan powerfully preached the sermon titled, THAT YOU MIGHT BRING SALVATION TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! He called the disciples to no longer believe the lies of Satan, but let God and His Word tell us who we truly are!
Jason & Sarah Dimitry, Mark & Keri Garrido, and
Tim & Lianne Kernan were the gracious
hosts for the First HIMC!
At 5:00PM, we came back for Men’s and Women’s Sessions. My incredible wife, Sarah, and Lianne Kernan split the lesson in the Women’s Track, and I heard they blew it out! Meanwhile, at the Men’s Session, Kyle Bartholomew’s lesson challenged every single one of us!
Kyle & Janien Bartholomew of Hilo!
Janien gave a very encouraging charge to the
sisters, Turning Weaknesses Into Strengths!
On Saturday morning, in the Second General Session, my dear partner in the Gospel Fernando Chavez gave his best sermon to date! His epic lesson was entitled, THE LORD HAS MADE HIS PROCLAMATION TO THE ENDS OF THE EARTH!
Soon to lead the Dallas / Ft. Worth Church, Fernando
Chavez of San Francisco preached like never before!
Disciples took over the hotel!
Disciples took over the beach!
Disciples took over the Polynesian Cultural Center!
Disciples took over the restaurants!
On Saturday night, we held a Luau Banquet! The food was incredible; the Luau performers provided by the Hilton Hotel were awesome; and the “Lion of India” – Raja Rajan – inspired us all as he preached from 1 Kings 18 on Elijah and the 450 prophets of Baal!
The Hilton Dancing Instructor was blown away
by the dance moves of the disciples!
By the time of the Sunday Worship Service, we all knew that we had participated in something historic! I preached the final lesson entitled, THE FINAL VISION which in the very least, I believe I preached some good Scriptures!
Mark & Keri Garrido have inspired the Hawaiian
Islands with their courageous leadership
of the Honolulu Church!
Jason preached “great Scriptures” in his
Praise God that after the service, Jeremy & Ros Beck – accompanied by several disciples – went down to Waikiki Beach and baptized their son, Takshi!
Congratulations to Jeremy & Ros on the
baptism of their amazing son – Takshi!
One of the many highlights for me was being able to pray one of the mornings during the conference with my dear brother Tyler Sears at literally “the ends of the Earth!” I believe all of us left this paradise much closer to God and His great people, and more determined than ever to take the Gospel TO (all of) THE ENDS OF THE EARTH! Pray to come next year!
In Isaiah 42:10, the Islands are considered
“the ends of the Earth!”
Tyler and Jason prayed at “the end of the Earth”
in Hawaii for the Movement to fulfill Jesus’
words to go to “all” of “the
ENDS of the Earth!”
The Mainland Disciples marveled at the many
rainbows – the promise of God – that came
over Waikiki Beach over the
duration of the HIMC!
In closing, “back home” in San Francisco, there is so much good news! On January 5th at our Winter Workshop, the Holy Spirit sent out the Salt Lake City (SLC) Mission Team led nobly by Dustin & Amanda Miller!
Lord willing, the SLC Inaugural Service
will be Sunday, March 29th!
The indomitable SLC Mission Team Leaders –
Dustin & Amanda Miller!
The inspiring SLC Church Logo!
Lastly, we are blessed to have many talented musicians – led by Gary Ochs – in the Bay Area, who have come together as the Sovereign Sounds Band! Excitingly, they have recorded their first album: The Eagle Has Landed!
This is the link to The Eagle Has Landed Album:
The Dancing About Architecture Review (from London) on December 28, 2019 about The Eagle Has Landed: While the country rock lineage of bands such as The Eagles, and Crosby, Stills & Nash echoes in their sound, the fact that Sovereign Sounds was born out of a church worship band also plays into their music with a message. Songwriting from the late 60’s era of consciousness meets the sound of a new sonic gospel. How cool is that? If music born out of Sunday worship leaves you thinking that perhaps this isn’t for you, think again. As their debut album The Eagle Has Landed clearly demonstrates, this diverse collection is not simply about delivering a message – though it does so brilliantly – it is music that you can fall in love with for a variety of reasons. The diverse, eleven-song playlist covers a lot of ground from the funky reggae of Barricades To Heaven to the jazz-blues of North Beach Tagging Blues to the soulful, West Coast sounds of If I Could Touch The Sky… In today’s music scene, the torch is being borne by more mainstream voices. Sovereign Sounds’ poignant, Where Do The Children Play, personifies such a voice…
Gary Ochs (center – white shirt) is the inspirational
leader of Sovereign Sounds!
Tim Kernan – Lead Evangelist of LA: “Now we ask you, brothers and sisters, to acknowledge those who work hard among you, who care for you in the Lord and who admonish you.” (1 Thessalonians 5:12) I want to thank the Dimitrys, Garridos and all the disciples of the Hawaiian Islands for an incredible conference! I believe this conference will be one of the most sought after Geographic Missions Conferences in 2021! The hospitality of the Hawaiian Disciples, the naturally beautiful location, the infrastructure including low airfare, affordable hotels and conference facilities lend itself to a great Missions Conference! Thanks of course to Kip & Elena for their foresight to initiate Missions Conferences like this in every corner of the world to make every effort that no congregation is isolated – thus becoming easier prey for Satan!
Tim & Lianne “preach the Word, in season…”
“…and out of season!” (2 Timothy 4:2)
The City of Angels Church began the Year of Vision on January 1st serving concessions at the Rose Bowl Football Game, where the 550 sacrificial LA Disciples that participated raised $67,000! The amount raised per disciple will be $122 toward missions! This is the largest single-day fundraiser this congregation has ever done! It would not have been possible without the outstanding organization and oversight of Haley Jacelon!
On December 19th, Tony Untalan, Michael Kirchner,
Haley Jacelon and Nick Economo met with the
Rose Bowl Officials to go over all the details
for the concessions at the Rose
Bowl Fundraiser!
Congratulations to Haley for a “job well done”
as the chief organizer of the Rose Bowl
Fundraiser, and to Orion Traullé – her
handsome boyfriend – as they
started dating January 14th!
Walter Flores, Richie McDonnell and Nick Kley –
all of the Mighty West Region – enjoyed serving
concessions AND seeing the game!
Then came our powerful Winter Workshop on January 2-5, 2020!
The City of Angels Church Winter Workshop Flyer!
At the Bible Talk Leaders Meeting, Blaise (whose name means “fire” in French) Feumba (which is an Africanization of the word “feu” which also means “fire”) set the house on spiritual FIRE with his incredible Friday night keynote speech, WITHOUT VISION THE PEOPLE PERISH! Lord willing, when Blaise & Patricia leave at the 2020 GLC for Abidjan (Ivory Coast), they will surely light all of French-speaking Africa on FIRE!
Blaise was on fire for his speech, WITHOUT
On Saturday morning, Cory Blackwell gave the inspirational speech VISIONS AND DREAMS that set the whole congregation in the right direction for the new year! All the keynote speakers were presented with binoculars in honor of the “Year of Vision!”
Cory Blackwell – as with every speaker – was
presented with binoculars for
the Year of Vision!
Tim & Lianne and Cory & Jee serve as the
new visionary leadership team
for the CAICC!
Saturday evening the Campus and Singles had a Pure Dance, and so did the 51 LA Teen Disciples!
fastest-growing region in LA in 2019…
but they also rocked the
Teen Dance Party!
On Sunday, two outstanding, young men placed membership in the Southland Region from Chicago: Keywanta Summey and Isaiah Navarro!
Lianne and Jennifer Haynes – as the Sisters of
Encouragement – welcomed Isaiah Navarro
from Chicago to LA by presenting him
with Ron Harding’s book!
I preached THE VISION WILL BE FULFILLED! Perhaps the highlight of the weekend for me was the appointments of the Esparzas and Grangers! So, I believe we are ready for the Year of Vision to become the Year of Reality!
As the Overseeing Evangelist of the Southwest USA
Churches, Mike Underhill appointed Everardo
an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!
Everardo was one of the 42 Portland Disciples that
planted the City of Angels International
Christian Church on May 6, 2007!
Appointed by Brittany Underhill, Jen was thrilled to
be recognized as a Woman’s Ministry Leader!
Danny Granger – the Wind Sector Leader in
the OC Region – was appointed an
Evangelist by Brian Carr!
Danny’s beautiful wife Patty was appointed a
Women’s Ministry Leader in God’s
Movement by Joaly Carr!
Last but not least, we are so excited to welcome the 17th grandchild of Victor & Sonia Gonzalez! Congratulations Udo & Sarah Ibe on your darling new addition to your wonderful family!
Congratulations to Udo & Sarah on the birth
of their fourth child – Cameron Jayden
born on January 14, 2020!
Nick & Denise Bordieri – the World Sector Leaders of MERCYworldwide: Happy New Year from the Kingdom of Wonder – Cambodia! MERCY is an acronym for Maximizing Efforts for Relief, Care and Youth – worldwide!
Uniquely, every SoldOut Movement Disciple
is a MERCY Ambassador!
In September 2018, MERCY and the Cambodia Social Welfare Mission (CSW) signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), opening the door for MERCY to oversee the daily operations of what has been named, the CSW-MERCY Orphanage, home of 55 incredible children, ages 7 to 23! So much has been done in the past year and a half from implementing “The Three Pillars of Growth and Development: Character, Education and Health” to completing the Boys Bathroom to building a Game Room/Auditorium for all the kids to enjoy group activities!
Nick & Denise Bordieri – the MERCY World Sector
Leaders – live in Phnom Penh and directly
oversee the CSW-MERCY Orphanage!
Ashley Nicole – a member of the Auckland (New Zealand) Mission Team – had to leave New Zealand as her visa expired. With support from Joe Willis and the Sydney Church, Ashley was able to move to Phnom Penh and become MERCY’s first paid intern! Ashley, who will receive her teaching certificate, teaches English to the kids in the CSW-MERCY Orphanage and is Nick’s assistant!
Ashley fulfills a vital role in the MERCY Orphanage,
as she teaches English to the children!
At the Orphanage, there are 3 levels of English
Classes: Beginner, Intermediate
and Advanced!
Nick & Denise are excited to introduce to you
Tavy (6), the newest member of the
CSW-MERCY Orphanage!
Perhaps the MERCY Project that has the most people excited is the construction of the All-Purpose Sport Field in the back of the orphanage! (Previously, it was very dangerous to even walk back there as the field had all sorts of glass and sharp metal objects.) With funding from the Wong Foundation, we kicked off 2020 with this answered prayer!
God has opened several doors for Dennis
Wong to influence the “influential” for
Christ! Of note, his donations have
supported projects in the MERCY
Orphanage and the MERCY
Schools in El Pocito, DR
and Makoko, Nigeria!
This is a very important step in developing a Sports Program in the orphanage!
Chhem and Nick on December 19, 2019 to survey
the land and discuss the contractual agreement!
moving the trees along the wall of
the Boys Dormitory!
them neatly away from the field!
cleared for construction!
drains, because of the annual heavy
rains in Cambodia!
turf is expected to be installed on the
last week of the January!
Ricky Challinor – Overseeing Evangelist of Southeast Asia: Greetings from Metro Manila! With 2020 being the Year of Vision, it has definitely begun powerfully! We started the year with our Annual Manila New Year’s Workshop on January 9-12th with the leaders our family of churches also joyfully assembling! We were especially honored to have the Movements’ Shepherds: my father-in-law, Tony Untalan of LA, as well as Nick & Denise Bordieri for this amazing time!
Congratulations Priscoo & Chokiss Palomata, who
were married on Sunday, January 12th after
the Manila New Year’s Workshop!
We are praying and fasting for our 2020 Prayer Goals: Blady & Cielo Perez, the gifted leaders of the Phnom Penh Church, have begun the year with exactly 50 disciples, and they have a dream to grow to 100 strong this year! Zach & Ariel Shields, the awesome leaders of the Metro Davao Church, have started the year with 42, and they have a goal to grow to 80 disciples! John & Anna Malnegro, the incredible leaders of the Metro Cebu Church, have a 5 month goal to grow from 73 disciples to 100 by the Pacific Rim Missions Conference (PRMC) in June!
ASEAN is composed of 10 Southeast Asian Nations
to promote Intergovernmental cooperation
and to facilitate trade!
In Metro Manila, we have started the year with 315 disciples and we have faith to grow the church to 450, as well as sending out the Baguio City (Philippines) Mission Team at the PRMC! To close out the weekend, the Holy Spirit sent off the Guam Mission Team led nobly Sean & Krystal O’Connor along with 9 other sold-out disciples – who were graciously sent from Los Angeles, New York City, Eugene, Portland and Manila!
Given as gifts to the Guam Team were small wooden
replicas of latte stones! The latte stones were
pillars capped by a hemispherical stone
capitals (tasas) with the flat side facing
up! They were used as building
supports by the Chamorro
people of Guam!
The fired up Guam Mission Team was joined at the
Send Off by the Guam Remnant Group Leaders –
John & Bernie Pereda!
The Guam ICC Logo was beautifully
designed by Sean O’Connor!
Upon their landing in Guam, the mission team immediately set out to solidify housing, transportation and telecommunications! They are all now ready to focus on saving souls. We are excited for their Inaugural Service on March 1, 2020!
The Guam Mission Team Sisters are planning
to re-write the history of the Island!
The Guam Mission Team believes that God has
the power to crush all of Satan’s plans!
Sean & Krystal are ready to fight
for every soul in Guam!
Krystal realized that many late night and
early mornings are ahead!
The Guam Mission Team is already beginning to
turn the Island “upside down for Jesus!”
(Acts 17:6 RSV)
Coleen & I are so thankful for this planting as this is where Coleen and her parents Tony & Therese Untalan – were born and raised!
With Chamorro grandparents (Tony & Therese
Untalan) and a Chamorro mom (Coleen
Challinor), Mina is planning to have
lots of visitors at the Inaugural
on March 1, 2020!
In closing, today the Metro Manila Church had a Bring Your Neighbor Day themed, “Inaugural Services.” Every region “acted” as a mission team that had their own “Inaugural Service!” We had a record attendance of 688 with 3 baptisms and 1 restoration! To God be the glory!
Mike Patterson – Lead Evangelist of Boston: God has been moving powerfully in Boston as God has given us weekly additions since arriving! Very healing to the church was the restoration of three brothers in the last four weeks and two baptisms! On January 12th was the baptism of Lucia, who is a dynamic teen and captain of her track team! We launched our Teen Ministry immediately with a luncheon that had 5 teens attend!
team to victory in the 4×200 Relay!
With the revival in the church, God encouraged the congregation by being awarded from the “Brookline Award Program” – who annually recognizes “the best” in business and non-profits – with the 2020 Award for “Best Place of Worship!” And to think that God has just started our revival!
The Boston Church received the 2020 Brookline
Award for “Best Place of Worship!”
Bellamy Patterson was so pleased that God
gave the 54 Boston Disciples 112 at
their College Sunday Service!
Matt Sullivan – Lead Evangelist of Miami: We are now preparing for the 2020 SAGES Campus Conference which will be in February! (SAGES: South Asia, Gulf and Eastern States) Amazingly, the Miami Campus Ministry has grown from 7 to 50 radical zealots in the last 18 months (since the arrival of the Turners) – almost 35 in 2019 alone! The Campus Conference is entitled, THE MOUNTAIN and will take place February 21-23, 2020 at the Biscayne Bay Campus of FIU! Please continue praying for us as we pray for God’s incredible Movement to become “a huge MOUNTAIN that filled the whole earth.” (Daniel 2:35)
Come and learn from one of the fastest growing
Campus Ministries in the USA at the 2020
SAGES Campus Conference in Miami!
Of special note, since the beginning of the year, we have been working on writing 20 new Kingdom songs, and on Sunday, January 19th, we released three new songs to the congregation! The prayer is for us to write 20 songs by February 20, 2020! Our heart is to write songs that speak to the hearts and minds of our disciples today… Not to replace the songs of old, but to inspire us to see that we are also living our destiny with songs that show it! The following is one that is written by my dear partner in the Gospel – Marcel!
(Inspired by Luke 1:78)
Do you recall the day our Movement was formed?
It was in a time of broken dreams and our hearts were worn.
A voice of one called from the desert and cried, “It’s time to be reborn.”
Through the fires of adversity we remembered the day the veil was torn.
Do you recall that faithful day that we began?
When a visionary prayer shook the earth and we took our stand?
We sang a new song and gathered arm and arm with tears in our eyes;
In this moment we realized, the world will be evangelized!
This unity we hold is an answered prayer of Christ,
God sent His angels in our darkest of nights.
From the depths of sin He reached out His hand and gave us full life.
And now He sends His SoldOut Movement to finish the good fight!
Raul Moreno – Lead Evangelist of São Paulo: Greetings in the summer in Brazil! January 11th was incredible as Luis & Malu Malaquias were married after dating purely for three years! They also both just graduated from USP (University of São Paulo) this December! They are an amazing couple as they have been leading our South Region while being full-time students at USP – the number one college in Central & South America! This is no easy task!
Super congratulations to Luis & Malu Malaquias!
Now, they are in the full-time ministry for the first time, and Lord willing, they will plant the Campinas Region of the São Paulo Church! This is very important because Campinas has the second best university in Brazil!
The new Malaquiases are so appreciative of their
dad & mom in the faith – Raul & Lynda Moreno!
We are praying for God to create another fountain of leadership like USP! This will all take place at the South American Missions Conference!
Moises (center) was directly restored to his
“first love” for God from the ICOC!
Last Sunday was great as we had our Bible Talk Expo! All the Bible Talks were courageously and faithfully presented before the whole congregation, as each is excited to exercise their “2020 vision” for their respective area in our immense city of over 24,000,000 lost souls! Pictures were taken; laughter was exchanged; but most of all, vision was entrusted to each individual unit! You could feel the excitement in the air!
The São Paulo Church has begun the Year
of Vision with 27 Bible Talks!
Please pray for our South America Missions Conference entitled, OPEN YOUR EYES which will be held in São Paulo on February 14-16, 2020! Here is the registration link! (https://saopauloicc.org/conferencia-sulamericana-de-missoes-2020/)
It is not too late to register for the 2020 SAMC –
Alfredo Anuch – Lead Evangelist of Santiago: Greetings from “the ends of the earth!” It’s summer here in Chile and this January has been very hot (95 ºF / 35 ºC on average), but the church has been hot too! We have decided to start the Year of Vision with radical weekly fasts, prayer nights on Fridays, and evangelism morning, afternoon and night! God has blessed us in the first 26 days of 2020 with 8 baptisms, so now the Santiago Church has 171 disciples!
Venezuelan Disciple in the
Santiago Church!
We currently have about 40 Bible studies progressing in a good way! We are praying to God to reach 200 disciples by the end of May, and God willing, to end this year 2020 with 250 disciples for the Lord here in Santiago!
the Spanish translation of ELEVATE!
Please keep Santiago in your prayers, since we have strong political discussions and social battles happening, but we are convinced that God always has a great harvest already prepared!
Danilo Bataglin – Lead Evangelist of Lima: Greetings from the 100th Church Planting of God’s SoldOut Movement – Lima, Peru! In the last 8 months since our Inaugural Service, we have been blessed with 16 baptisms, thus going from 9 disciples to currently 25, of which 17 are campus! At the beginning of 2020, it was so encouraging to see 2 campus students from San Marcos University (number one in Peru) getting baptized: Luis – who studies Economy, and Stéfano – who studies Computer Engineering!
Luis was the first baptism of 2020 for Lima!
In the past months, we have been focusing on studying our “Luke-Acts Series” so that we can build this baby church on a strong foundation, making sure we are using “gold, silver and costly stones!” (1 Corinthians 3:12) Principles such as Jesus’ “Strategy for World Evangelism” (like focusing on the few) and Paul’s “Strategy for World Evangelism” (like campus ministry) are being rooted – little by little – as deep convictions into each of the Peruvian Disciples!
this very campus-oriented congregation!
We are also having First Principles Classes after our Sunday Services, but this time we are doing them a little differently: I recorded myself teaching how to do each study and made it available on YouTube on a private link for the disciples each Monday. So they had the whole week to study with the help of the video. Over these past weeks, after service, I gathered the brothers (and Carol gathered the sisters) and they taught me the Scriptures! It was really productive as all of them studied the Scriptures beforehand and I was able to give them feedback!
The Lima Leadership has prayed and is actively
teaching to not merely add disciples to
their number in 2020, but to multiply!
Finally, we are very excited that, Lord willing, 13 Lima Disciples will attend in São Paulo the 2020 South American Missions Conference! I myself am fruit of world missions, as I was converted in São Paulo in 2012 by Tyler Sears! I still remember the impact of attending my first South American Missions Conference in Santiago (Chile) in 2013! The speeches and fellowship gave me TONS OF VISION as to what God could do in South America and really inspired me to be in the full-time ministry for the Lord! I am more than convinced that these disciples will come back to Lima ON FIRE FOR GOD! Thank you so much Kip for grasping the importance and giving us the vision for Geographical Missions Conferences throughout the world!
Danilo so appreciates the USA Churches Missions
Collections, as he was baptized by the American
Tyler Sears – a São Paulo Mission Team
Member – on March 4, 2012!
Please continue to pray for us, as we continue to work hard toward our Prayer Goals for 2020: 1) Weekly baptisms, 2) Raising up national leaders, and 3) Training every disciple to be personally fruitful! Thank you so much USA Churches for all your sacrifices in your many Missions Contributions! Love you guys!
Joe Willis – Austral-China World Sector Leader: Thank you for all your prayers for the Sydney Church! Many disciples are away for Chinese New Year and for the Australia Day Weekend, but we still decided to “push” for a Chinese New Year Celebration Service! Aaron & Fang Ha organized it all with Aaron preaching!
Aaron Ha preached the Word!
We are so thankful to God that the 50 remaining Sydney Disciples brought 57 visitors!
The Sydney Church had more than one-to-one
visitors for this amazing occasion!
Very encouragingly, Aaron Yang – a Law Student who already has a Psychology and Law Degree in China – was baptized!
Aaron Ha (left), Aaron Yang (second from left), Leo
Chan (converted in Hong Kong and now
studying in Sydney), and Dune Sun
celebrated Aaron’s baptism!
This was followed that night by a Congregational All Night Prayer walking from Bondi Beach to Congee!
Sydney’s All Night Prayer!
Several visitors came as well!
There were congregational prayers, group
prayers and individual prayers!
Andrew Smellie – World Sector Leader of Africa: Greetings from Johannesburg and the Mid-Atlantic USA! The last month has been filled with spiritual and financial challenges of having a third of our Johannesburg Mission Team stranded in Lagos due to visa issues! That said, on December 22nd, Levi and Kutlwelo were baptized in Johannesburg – a wonderful Christmas gift from the Lord! Levi is a married Congolese professional who has lived in Jo’burg for over 20 years, and Kutlwelo is a University of Witwatersrand Master’s Student in Psychology! I had the privilege to meet and baptize Levi as he was one of my Uber drivers!
On December 22nd, Levi and Kutlwelo
became spiritual twins!
After the Christmas holidays, my family traveled to Washington DC to coordinate the DC Winter Workshop with our dear friends and church leaders – LuJack & Cathi Martinez! We are so proud of the hearts of the DC Disciples for all their love and support, as the DC Church has given over $300,000 for missions and missionary expenses in 2019! According to Kip, who is very grateful to God for all of the financial sacrifices and fund-raising in 2019, the USA Churches that gave the most to support world missions were: 1) Los Angeles, 2) San Francisco, 3) New York City and 4) Washington DC!
Newlyweds Dale & Ruth Bryant are the Dover
(Delaware) Mission Team Leaders!
Our daughter Naomi also celebrated her 9th birthday while in DC, and the Martinezes graciously bought her and Isaiah (who turned 7 on December 15th) very cool “lion” and “unicorn” bedtime outfits!
Isaiah was fired up that he too received a birthday
gift from “Uncle Luis” & “Auntie Cathi”
for Naomi’s 9th Birthday!
After a successful DC Workshop, we returned to Jo’burg to hear the good news of the first baptism of 2020 in the Lagos Church on January 12th! My dear son in the faith, Kingsley Michael, who was the first baptism of 2019 in Lagos, baptized his friend Thomas, who we met together back in February of 2019! Remarkably, Thomas was the first baptism in the Lagos Church of 2020! To God be the glory!
for 2019 and 2020 – Kingsley and Thomas!
We were also excited that week to welcome Miguel & Sadhvi Mendez who powerfully lead our Dubai Church, as they were in town for the Wedding of Tchalo & Mbali Felipe!
The Smellies (left) took great care of the
newly married Mendezes, when they
visited Johannesburg!
Miguel & Sadhvi so enjoyed playing
with the Smellies’ cats!
Tchalo & Mbali are Dubai Disciples, who have African heritages from Angola and South Africa respectively! The Wedding Ceremony before God was at 11:00AM and had 150 guests that consisted of disciples, family and friends from all the world! It was followed by an amazing Reception at 3:00PM!
Best of friends, Miguel & Sadhvi participated
in Tchalo & Mbali Wedding!
Then at 5:00PM, the Filipes had a traditional South African Wedding! It was very touching as well! It started with Opening Prayers by the parents, followed by Tchalo walking in to a poem praising God, that was read by a close friend. Then, Mbali walked in also with an amazing poem praising God! She was accompanied by all the women family members, who walked behind her! Tchalo stood in front waiting to receive her, and as she got closer, he began to dance with his bride!
Tchalo began the “dance of a lifetime” with Mbali
at the South African Wedding Ceremony!
After exchanging gifts to each other’s parents, Mbali washed Tchalo’s feet! This was a sign to Tchalo and to all that she will always be of humble service to him! In a word, “beautiful!”
Mbali pledged with the foot-washing that she
will always humbly serve her “one
and only” – Tchalo!
Also, great news from Abidjan! Josephat Ndayizeye – a denominational minister in Bujumbura, Burundi – contacted Kip on Facebook! Kip sent him and his wife Jaja to Abidjan (Ivory Coast) to be with Amadou & Angele Sountoura – the Abidjan Church Leaders – since Burundi is a primarily French-speaking nation in East Africa! Praise God, Josephat (also known as Jojo) and his wife Jaja were baptized on December 29, 2019! So, God initiated the new Bujumbura Remnant Group!
Amadou gave a thumbs up, when Jojo & his
wife Jaja were baptized on December 29th!
Upon the Ndayizeyes arrival back in Bujumbura,
the members of their denominational church
honored their return being very anxious
to be taught what Jojo & Jaja had
learned about true Christianity!
Jaja came back to Burundi full of fire to build
churches of sold-out disciples throughout
her beloved nation!
The church in Kinshasa, Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – under the impactful leadership of Micky & Lyly Ngungu – has become the “light” that shines in the dark nation of DRC crippled by corruption and the lack of the fear of God! The Kids Kingdom Program where moral and spiritual values are taught to children has drawn the attention of the national TV – RTCN1! Micky and the kids were invited to the popular program dedicated to Christmas and children’s education called “Univers Des Enfants” (Children’s World)! They performed an educative program, which included sketches on Christ and morals values, and they were viewed all across the nation of DRC! Micky invited the entire nation to join the church and become true disciples of Christ!
with the audience, and then invited the nation
of DRC to visit the Kinshasa ICC!
Praise God that the Kinshasa Church now numbers 360 disciples and the four churches of the DRC number exactly 501 disciples! That same day on December 23rd at the National TV Station, our beloved Micky & Lyly celebrated their 30th Wedding Anniversary!
Micky’s Facebook declaration of love
celebrating 30 years of marriage to
“the love of his life” – Lyly!
A special thank you to the USA Churches for all your love, your prayers and your financial support over the past year for the Motherland, and we look forward to an incredible 2020 in the Lord!
Blaise Feumba – Overseeing Evangelist of Hispaniola: In Jacmel, Haiti over a year ago, Jean Bonard & Lorvelie Colin invited a Church of Christ preacher, leader of a 50-member congregation in Jacmel, to study the First Principles. After completing the series Joel Lindor and his wife Mariette pulled back for fear of persecution. After a year and tired of resisting the Holy Spirit, Joel finally surrendered and contacted Bonard in December 2019 saying he was ready to be baptized as a disciple and was ready to lose his position as the lead preacher and his income if needed. This time, Joel convinced his entire staff of 12 members to do the First Principles! After the studies with Bonard & Lorvelie, Joel & his wife boldly confessed to the church that they discovered like Apollos that they were not in the right doctrine and needed to be taught “the way of the Lord more adequately.” (Acts 18:26) In spite of the opposition of part of the leadership team and some members, Joel – a 43 year old Church of Christ preacher – and his wife Mariette were baptized to join God’s Movement!
baptism of Joel (center) and his lovely
wife Mariette (left)!
After them, Michot Joseph, Joel’s assistant preacher and his wife Gislene as well finally surrendered to the Scriptures and were baptized on January 5, 2020! As of this email, there are now 7 baptized disciples from the efforts of Bonard & Loverlie in reaching out to this Church of Christ in Jacmel! Please pray for the rest of the staff and the other members of the congregation who are wrestling with the truth to follow in the waters of baptism shortly!
“But Paul chose Silas and left, commended by the believers to the grace of the Lord. Paul went through Syria and Cilicia, strengthening the churches [that he had planted.]” (Acts 15:40-41) After a first fruitful missionary journey between 47-48 AD in Asia Minor (present-day Turkey), Paul moved by the Holy Spirit decided to embark on a second missionary trip to visit the disciples in all the churches that he planted during his first mission trip. From Scripture, we see the importance to devote time and resources to visit the churches that we have planted to strengthen them. While visiting the churches, the Holy Spirit opened a new door for Paul to preach the Gospel in Macedonia – no longer on the continent of Asia but in Europe! “During the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him, ‘Come over to Macedonia and help us.’ After Paul had seen the vision, we got ready at once to leave for Macedonia, concluding that God had called us to preach the Gospel to them.” (Acts 16:9-10) Following the steps of Paul, in 2017 while sojourning in Northern Haiti to strengthen the churches, the Lord put on our heart to cross the border into the neighboring Dominican Republic where Chelot – a Nazarene preacher – had been calling for help. (The nations of Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the Island of Hispaniola.)
Haiti (red) and the Dominican Republic (green)
share the Island of Hispaniola!
After 5 days in El Pocito, we baptized Chelot, his wife America and 23 members of his congregation! Thus a SoldOut Movement Church of only sold-out disciples was planted in the Dominican Republic! Last year, Cory & Jeraldine Blackwell visited to strengthen these valiant disciples, and they were so encouraged that Jeraldine was born in the Dominican Republic in Santiago de los Caballeros!
Cory & Jee Blackwell encouraged the El Pocito
Church in March 2019!
Kip agreed a couple of weeks ago for Patricia & I to travel to the Dominican Republic to have a d-group with the Haitian Church Leaders of our 10 churches in Haiti – with now a collective membership of 400 disciples!
At the beginning of Blaise’s & Patricia’s last visit,
they were able to bring the Haitian Leaders
“to complete unity!” (John 17:20-23)
The El Pocito Disciples were so happy to see us and welcomed us with so much love! We spent 2 days strengthening our DR Church about our Five Core Convictions during their VISIONS AND DREAMS New Year’s Workshop! Patricia did an amazing job helping the sisters’ ministry to have a better presence and higher profile in the church!
The El Pocito Church was the first
SoldOut Church in the DR!
Blaise – translated into Spanish – again brought the
fire preaching to the DR Church!
We also seized the opportunity to practice “true religion” by caring for the 65 children of our International MERCY School in El Pocito! Last year, our brother Dennis Wong helped with resources to clothe all the kids with MERCY uniforms and provide them with individual ID cards. These kids are the victims of the political segregation that leave poor kids from Haitian immigration to be stateless. Most of them were born in the DR from illegal Haitian parents. They have neither Haitian legal documents nor Dominican. We offered them a feast with a warm meal and drinks and were able to help with the 4 teachers’ monthly support!
The El Pocito Church Building not only houses
the church, but the International MERCY
School as well!
The students were appreciative of their
lunches and their new MERCY
School Shirts!
After El Pocito, we traveled to Santiago de los Caballeros, the second largest city in the DR and the fourth largest Caribbean city with 1,200,000 inhabitants without counting the large Haitian undocumented migrants. We had a chance to meet with a Pentecostal preacher and his congregation to introduce them to the First Principles Bible Studies that our dear “Brother Kip” compiled in 1980! For 3 days, we studied with a 102 people and labored so very hard to win Waksens, his wife and his entire fellowship! All of his staff was convicted and is now counting the cost to leave their family of Pentecostal churches in order to become disciples!
This Santiago Pentecostal Church listened intently
to Blaise teaching the true plan of salvation!
We also had a chance to meet with 11 more preachers from the Churches of Christ and other backgrounds to share the vision of God’s Kingdom and His SoldOut Movement! After the Discipleship Study most were convicted and 9 preachers are planning on visiting the First Caribbean Missions Conference with their staffs and to keep studying the Scriptures! Of note, I shared with a very wealthy businessman Tony how to become a true Christian and the vision of a sold-out diverse church in Santiago! Tony pointed to his swimming pool and then asked, “Is it possible for me to be baptized there?” Tony’s mother of 77 years old is interested too!
Tony and his 77 year old mom are waiting for
the Kingdom of God to come to Santiago!
We also were led by the Spirit to meet a young educated Dominican named Haito, who is a youth minister!
Haito and Blaise share the dream of a day that
the people of the DR can be released
from the slavery of sin!
Lastly, we decided to visit the two top campuses in Santiago to see how open they were. We went to the largest university called the UASD (Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo) with 15,000 students, but the campus was on break.
Then we went to the smaller UTESA (Universidad Tecnológica de Santiago) with over 1,000 top students and had a Bible Talk with 4 Dominicans Students and 11 Haitians Students!
The UTESA Campus was so open for the harvest!
Please pray for the harvest in Haiti and in the Dominican Republic and for the Lord to help build a church where the 2 peoples – Haitians and Dominicans – will be unified by the blood of Jesus in one SoldOut Church! There is a loud Macedonian (Dominican) trumpet sounding and begging for the Kingdom to come! Even the Dominican Republic’s flag has a compelling sign that this Island needs the Gospel, as it is the only flag in the world to have the image of the Holy Bible and the cross on top of it! The Bible is open to John 8:32, which reads, “And the truth will set you free.”
The Dominican Republic Flag!
The DR Flag is the only national flag with the Bible!
Places And Dates
Dearest Family, Please consider supporting one or more of the following Geographic Missions Conferences! Not only will you impact your fellow disciples in another nation, but your life will be forever changed as well!
- The Hawaiian Island Missions Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii – January 17-19, 2020 - The South American Missions Conference
São Paulo, Brazil – February 14-16, 2020 - The new Caribbean Missions Conference
Port-au-Prince, Haiti – April 9-12, 2020 - The Eurasian Missions Conference
Kiev, Ukraine – May 1-3, 2020 - The Pacific Rim Missions Conference
Manila, Philippines – June 18-21, 2020 - The African Leadership Conference
Johannesburg, South Africa – June 26-28, 2020 - The Global Leadership Conference
Los Angeles, California – August 16-18, 2020 - The South Asia Missions Conference
New Delhi, India – October 9-11, 2020 - The European Missions Conference
Paris, France – October 28 – November 1, 2020 - The Austral-China Missions Conference
Sydney, Australia – November 5-8, 2020 - The Middle East Missions Conference
Dubai, UAE – December 2-4, 2020
- The new Northern America Missions Conference
Chicago, Illinois – January 8-10, 2021 - The Hawaiian Islands Missions Conference
Honolulu, Hawaii – January 22-24, 2021
The historic 2020 Global Leadership Conference – VISIONS AND DREAMS – will be held in Anaheim, California on August 16-18, 2020! Lord willing on Sunday, there will be over 3,000 in attendance for the Worship Service and the Seventh LA Commencement of the International College of Christian Ministries! The registration cost is $225 per adult and $99 for teens! However, until Sunday midnight, February 2nd, we are offering the Early Bird Special Registration, which will be $199 for adults and $89 for Teens!
The exciting theme for the 2020 GLC is
Below is the link for GLC Registrations on Eventbrite and an outline of the dates and times of the Pre-Conference Festivities from Tuesday, August 11th to Saturday, August 15th! When you register for the GLC, you can also register for the Church Builders Workshop and the ICCM Chancellor’s Gala! (https://www.eventbrite.com/e/2020-global-leadership-conference-visions-and-dreams-tickets-87778767657) As well, here is the link for the Anaheim Hilton Hotel with a limited time $139/night rate: https://book.passkey.com/event/50046006/owner/3718/landing.
Love will take the Gospel to all
nations in this generation!
Tribute To Kobe Bean Bryant
(August 23, 1978 – January 26, 2020)
On Sunday, January 26th, immediately following the Southland Region Service of the City of Angels Church BYND, Cory & Jee Blackwell and Elena & I were informed of the tragic death of Kobe Bean Bryant (41) and his 13 year old gifted daughter – Gianna!
Kobe and his second oldest daughter Gianna
were inseparable largely because of their
shared passion for basketball!
On the night of Kobe’s passing, the NYC
Empire State Building was lite “purple
and gold” – the Lakers colors!
Since basketball is so huge in the Philippines, the
Mall of Asia in Metro Manila paid tribute
to “Number 24” as well!
Newspapers from London to Argentina to New
Delhi covered the passing of this global icon!
The Lord has allowed me to meet and share my faith with such NBA greats as Magic Johnson, Larry Bird, Shaq O’Neil, Robert Parish and James Worthy, but sadly not Kobe, Sean’s and Eric’s – my sons – and my favorite NBA player of the 2000’s! I will never forget watching Kobe with my boys in front row seats at a playoff game (gifted to us!) in 2002!
Early on in Kobe’s career, he wore the
number 8 on his jersey!
Known as the “Black Mumba,” Kobe entered the NBA directly from high school in 1996 at just 18 years old!
Kobe was drafted in the first round by the
Hornets, but immediately was traded to
the Lakers… and NBA history was
forever changed!
In the course of his 20 seasons – the only guard to play so long – he won five NBA Championships! Kobe was an 18-time All Star starter, a 15-time member of the All NBA Team, a 12-time member of the All-Defensive Team, the 2008 MVP, and a 2-time Finals MVP! Upon retirement, he was the third highest scoring player in NBA history! In fact, he scored 81 points in one game against the Raptors (second highest ever), as well as 60 points in his last game of his glorious career against the Jazz! Of course, Kobe is in the discussion for the “GOAT” of the NBA!
In his later years, he wore number 24!
Uniquely, both 8 and 24 were
retired by the Lakers!
As well, Kobe won two Olympic Gold Medals, as a member of the USA Basketball Team! He possessed a brilliant mind, evidenced by being fluent in three languages – Italian, Spanish and English! In 2018, Kobe was awarded the Academy Award for Best Animated Short Film for his film – Dear Basketball!
Kobe was accompanied by his wife Vanessa
when he won a 2018 Academy Award for
his film – Dear Basketball!
For all of these unparalleled accomplishments, I admired him so much, because he drastically turned his life around after breaking his marriage vows as a very young man. He became a terrific husband and very involved, proud dad to four girls!
Kobe & Vanessa dearly loved their four girls: Natalia
Diamante (17), Gianna Maria-Onore (13),
Bianka Bella (3), and Capri Kobe (1)!
Not only in the NBA, but around the world, Kobe was known for his extraordinary, hard-work ethic and never making excuses about results!
“Hard work! No excuses!”
When I heard the news of Kobe’s accidental death on Sunday, I felt shock and a very deep pain. I remembered James 4:14, “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.” This is why our purpose “to seek and save the lost” must remain at the forefront of our minds as we enter a new decade and the Year of Vision!
The “Black Mamba” will continue to inspire Kip
and his sons – Sean and Eric!
Let us resolve to consecrate ourselves to have a “Kobe-like effort” to accomplish Jesus’ vision and dream: The evangelization of the nations in this generation! (1 Timothy 2:3-4) And to God be all the glory!
We are family… filled with visions and dreams,