“As you come to Him, the living Stone – rejected by humans but chosen by God and precious to Him – you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house to be a holy priesthood, offering spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God through Jesus Christ.” (I Peter 2:4-5)
The concept of a milestone stems from an ancient way of measuring and marking distance. Our ancestors would measure off a particular distance, and then mark that length by hammering a stone pillar into the ground. The Romans, who are known throughout history as master road builders, were the first to use this unique technique. Then it was passed on to other empires, as well as throughout future generations. Even today, there are mile-markers, or kilometric points for those in metricated areas, where distance is marked. So too, are there mile-markers for the Church.
These milestones are not meant to measure physical distance, but rather spiritual progress, numerical growth, and geographic expansion. In Paul’s first letter to Timothy, he encourages Timothy to not “let anyone look down on [him]” because he was young. (I Timothy 4:12) Instead, he says, “Be diligent in these matters; give yourself wholly to them, so that everyone may see your progress.” (I Timothy 4:15) Progress is inspiring! Drawing attention to our progress is not meant to be boastful or arrogant; but instead, it is meant to inspire and motivate those who see it. Therefore, as a “young” church, I would like to encourage you by highlighting several new milestones we have reached this year as a local congregation, and as a worldwide movement.
Christabel becomes our NEW sister in Christ!
Our first new congregational milestone was reached on April 17th at our Easter Bring-Your-Neighbour Day Service. Our largest attendance up to that point was 112, which actually occurred earlier in February of this year. Typically, when we have a Bring-Your-Neighbour Day, or a “push service”, we aim to have at least one more in attendance than we had previously. Therefore, our goal for our Easter Sunday Service was to have 113 in attendance. Despite our mustard-seed-level of faith and vision, the Lord blew it out! We had our largest attendance ever in the Toronto Church with 148 in attendance – 35 (30%) more than expected!
Perhaps even more encouraging than our attendance on Easter Sunday, have been those who have been “added to our number.” (Acts 2:41) As you may know, Jesus’ Church started in Jerusalem on Pentecost. And it made quite a splash! After Peter’s dynamic preaching, three thousand accepted the message and were baptized! What a day! After this, it is recorded by Luke that “the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” (Acts 2:47) That means, not only was there a big splash, but their impact continued on as they had daily baptisms!
Unbeknownst to most people is that although the Church started out in Jerusalem and was meant to spread to all nations, it remained only in Jerusalem for seven years. Ironically, it was through persecution that the Church was scattered, and the disciples began preaching outside of Jerusalem. (Acts 8:1) They literally preached the word wherever they went; (Acts 8:4) or as we like to say, Satan scattered them so they scattered seeds. How exciting it must have been when these seeds grew, and when other churches outside of Jerusalem “were strengthened in the faith and grew daily in numbers.” (Acts 16:5) These “living stones” had achieved a new milestone – daily additions!
The Single Professionals Women have been the fastest growing ministry in the Church with six women baptized in just four months!
In starting the year with just 60 disciples, we have yet to hit this exemplary milestone. However, prior to this week, the Lord had added 17 to our number – 16 baptisms and one placed membership – in just 18 weeks. This week, though, with the Hamula’s moving to Toronto to be in the full-time ministry and placing membership in the Church, we will have had 19 additions in 19 weeks! This will be the first time in the history of Toronto Church that we will have had weekly additions! Praise God for this momentous milestone! Now, on to “daily” additions!
Lastly, not only has God been moving locally through His people in Toronto, but He has been working powerfully all over the world. Officially, our movement began when just 42 disciples moved from Portland, Oregon (USA) to plant a sold-out church in Los Angeles, California (USA) in 2007. Now after 15 years, this movement of God has blossomed into over 120 churches in 55 nations throughout the world! To add to this, just last month we reached a new milestone. Globally, the Sold-Out Discipling Movement has now surpassed 10,000 disciples! Truly, like what Barnabas understood when he witnessed the great number of gentile believers in Antioch, this is a “grace of God.” (Acts 11:23)
Unlike milestones, which were purposely fashioned not to be moved, we are “living stones.” Peter himself, who made this reference, understood this. After all, the name “Peter” means rock. In the Greek, Jesus referred to him as petros, which means little rock; (Matthew 16:18a) and in the same conversation, He referred to Himself as the big rock, or the petra. (Matthew 16:18b) Undoubtedly, this is what Peter meant when he said, “As you come to Him, the living stone…” and “you also, like living stones, are being built into a spiritual house…” That is, our sacrifices as little stones are being added to Jesus’ sacrifice as the chief cornerstone to build a spiritual house. We are like Jesus, as we sacrifice like Jesus to build up the Church. Therefore, us living stones are required to reach new milestones. So in fact, it is the living stones that make the best milestones! To God be the glory!
Evan Bartholomew