Editors Note: The following email was sent out to the entire leadership of the International Christian Churches from Kip McKean. Since it details significant movement changes, we have been asked to inform all of the members in our congregations. EB
Greetings from New Delhi! For the past few months, the World Sector Leaders have prayed all the more fervently “that the message of the Lord may spread rapidly and be honoured, just as it was with you.” (II Thessalonians 3:1) Therefore, we have made decisions that would
allow God’s Spirit to do so; such as moving the Ukraine and the Baltic Nations into the European World Sector, led dynamically by Michael &
Michele Williamson, and placing the remaining 11 former Soviet Nations into the new Northern Federation World Sector, forcefully led by Dr. John & Emma Causey.
The import of this email is to share with you the exciting announcement of the plans for OPERATION Jerusalem! My vision for the Jerusalem Church of the Movement has long been Acts 2:41-47, “Those who accepted [Peter’s] message were baptized, and about 3,000 were added to their number that day. They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favour of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”

Very interestingly, though all the Jerusalem disciples were sent out by the apostles in Acts 8, by the time Paul reached Jerusalem after his third missionary journey, we read in Acts 21:17-20 an astounding fact about the Jerusalem Church, “When we arrived at Jerusalem, the brothers and sisters received us warmly, The next day Paul and the rest of us went to see James, and all the elders were present. Paul greeted them and reported in detail what God had done among the Gentiles through his ministry. When they heard this, they praised God. Then they said to Paul: ‘You see, brother, how many thousands of Jews have believed…’” Amazingly, even though so many had been sent out, the Jerusalem Church was once again thousands of disciples!
Drs. Tim & Lianne Kernan have faithfully led the City of Angels Church since December, 2015. During this era of our Movement, the Holy Spirit has not only sent out many mission teams from Los Angeles, but in fact, whole new World Sectors have been planted! At the 2022 Global Leadership Conference, Elena & I gave the charge to our dear son and daughter in the faith to be the new Chancellor Couple for
ICCM-Global, so we could devote more time encouraging and strengthening the churches. In this the Year of The Spirit, the Spirit has moved my heart to see that leading the City of Angels Church, overseeing the Tribe World Setor tor Churches, and leading ICCM-Global is simply too much for one couple, even as gifted as the Kernans.
Therefore, we have selected another one of our sons and daughters in the faith to lead the Jerusalem of the Movement – Dr. Jason & Sarah Dimitry of San Francisco! With the writing of the SOPI Book, COPS – Company of Prophets, and the extraordinary growth in that great church, and in the DREAM and THRIVE Geographic Sectors, we believe that God’s Spirit has set them apart to lead the City of Angels
Church into a new era of thousands of disciples, and once again daily baptisms, while still sending out missionaries for the evangelization of the nations in this generation! Please pray and fast over the following plans:

1) On Sunday, December 18th, after exactly seven years of gallantly leading the City of Angels Church, Tim & Lianne Kernan will pass on the leadership of the Jerusalem Church to Jason & Sarah Dimitry of San Francisco. This will officially begin OPERATION Jerusalem where 60-plus disciples from San Francisco will move to LA on January 1, 2023. Tim & Lianne will be freed up to travel and oversee the Tribe
Pacific Rim World Sector and serve as Chancellor Couple for ICCM- Global.
2) The New Region Leaders for LA in January, 2023, are:
Kyle & Janien Bartholomew of SF – North Region
Adam & Lauren Zepeda of SF – Central Region
Olay & Regine Oredola of SF – Southland Region
Matt & Salma Rodriquez of SF – West Region
Tyler & Shay Sears assisted future by Steven Grizzle & Eddie
Dunn of SF – OC Region
Austin & Gigi Alexander of SF – Ventura Region
3) The new Super Region Couples for LA are:
Bartholomews – North, Ventura, Antelope Valley, and Santa Barbara
Dimitrys – West and Southland
Woodys – Central, East, and AMS
Sears – Orange County, Inland Empire, South, and Coachella Valley

4) The City of Angels Church Shepherding Couples will be Tony & Therese Untalan and Michael & Sharon Kirchner. Dustin & Amanda Miller of SF will step out of the ministry and move to LA to train to become a City of Angels Church Shepherding Couple, helping to unburden the Untalans of all of their worldwide shepherding responsibilities. Also moving from Phoenix to LA are Jeremy & Amy Ciaramella for Jeremy to serve as the Assistant Lead CyberEvangelist of the ICC. The Ybarras of San Diego will lead the Phoenix Church.

5) The plans for OPERATION Jerusalem have these paid, hard-working disciples leaving LA and for their new roles:
A) Fernando & Jackie Chavez to lead San Francisco and oversee the DREAM Churches in California and Utah. Ten more LA disciples will move with them including full-time couples: Rico & Janelle Jones, Tyre & Jael Ellison, Hugo & Paulina Melendez, Chris & Jessica McClosky, and Nick & Jessie Kley. Tyler & Tahlia Jongsma of Houston will also move to SF with 10 disciples.
B) RD Baker and Sadhvi Monfleur to lead San Diego and oversee the Global Sector Leader charge of Southwest USA Churches. 2 more LA disciples will move with them.
C) Brian & Joaly Carr to lead the Denver Church and oversee the Global Sector Leader charge of the Rocky Mountain Churches. Ryan & Rosas Hill will be their campus leaders.
D) Jason & Sarah will directly disciple Joey & Karen Gregory to prayerfully someday become Global Sector Leaders of the THRIVE Churches in Texas and Oklahoma.
E) Jose & Monica Carranza to lead Houston. Two more LA disciples will also move with them. Israel & soon-to-be Jennifer Escobar of San Francisco will move to help on campus.
F) JD & Karla De Leon to lead Dayton Beach, Florida, Mission Team in December, 2022. It will be composed of two more LA disciples, 12 SAGES disciples, and Martin & Carmen Bentley, already of Daytona Beach.
G) After years of faithful service, Ryan & Iyonna Keenan and Michael & Jazmin Peterson will pursue secular employment.
At no point in the history of the SoldOut Movement have so many been gathered and moved by the Spirit! Indeed, a new era for the City of Angels Church and for the entire Movement will commence on December 18th! And to God be all the glory!
We are family… bonded tightly by the Holy Spirit
Kip McKean