Greetings to our Virtual Family in 45 nations from Los Angeles on May 20th – the 63rd day of our “Safer at Home Quarantine!” As of today, we are approaching 5,000,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the world of whom sadly over 325,000 have passed away. Of these, 1,600,000 have been in the United States, where almost 100,000 have died. Metro New York City continues to be the hardest hit American city with over 30,000 dead.

The worldwide COVID-19 Pandemic has
claimed over 325,000 lives!
God has moved in unprecedented ways in this
generation compelling this lost world to be
more conscious of a “lack of control” and
mortality, thus creating more openness
to the Gospel in every nation!
In the SoldOut Movement, there have been 42 confirmed cases of the coronavirus. The highest number of disciples in a single congregation who contracted the dreaded virus was 9 in the Paris Church! The two Lead Ministry Couples both had COVID-19 – Anthony & Cassidy Olmos and Kevin & Sandra Lackenn-Toto! Sandra was placed in an induced coma as she had COVID-19 when she prematurely went into labor with “Baby Laël.” Kevin, her awesome husband, took great care of their son while Sandra recuperated in the hospital! Laël was born on March 23rd and first met “Maman” on April 14th!

Praise God that Kevin, Sandra and
“Baby Laël” have been re-united!
Amazingly, to my knowledge, no one in God’s Movement has “gone to glory” through the coronavirus! However, of great sorrow for several disciples is that many family and friends have died. Also of concern, our dear New York City Sister – Shivanthi Crawford, who was a “first responder” as a nurse – has been in critical condition. She has needed a ventilator for over three weeks.

Please pray and fast for the complete recovery
of our dear sister – Shivanthi!
A few days ago, Shivanthi had a tracheotomy to avoid permanent damage to her vocal cords. She remains on the ventilator, but they have begun taking her off for a few minutes to encourage breathing on her own. Her amazing husband and our brother Travis believes his prayers and the prayers of the NYC Church have been answered by God sparing Shivanthi’s life for more “fruitful labor!” (Philippines 1:22) And to God be all the glory!

graduation from nursing school!
Los Angeles
The last Global Good News Email was published on Friday, April 10th! The following day, I was humbled to celebrate my 48th Spiritual Birthday! As we do seven days a week after our quiet times, Elena & I embarked on our daily 8:00AM 3-mile prayer walk! I had so much to express to God and to Elena as my heart was full of gratefulness to be a disciple and to have Elena as my wife, best friend and “partner in quarantine!” At about 6:00PM, we headed out again for our customary 2-mile evening walk, as our days have become so sedentary in quarantine.

Often on the McKeans’ prayer walks, they see seals
and other wildlife reminding them of the
greatness and glory of God!
That night, we celebrated by ordering dinner from India’s Oven our favorite Indian meal of reshmi chicken with rather hot masala sauce on the side along with saag khumb (spinach and mushrooms)!

Even during the COVID-19 Pandemic, the McKeans
“Zoom” around the world on their
missionary journeys!
On Sunday, April 12th, we joined the live online City of Angels ICC Virtual Easter Service!

The striking graphics of the CAICC Worship Services
were made by the gifted Rob Onekea!
Highlights included my beautiful sisters inside and out – Lauren Zepeda, Heather Harvin and Maraia Lastra – singing in both English and Spanish, The Via Dolorosa, and Cory’s lesson on THE RESURRECTION CHANGES EVERYTHING!

The singing before Communion of The Via Dolorosa
by Heather, Lauren and Maraia drew every
listener closer to the cross!

Cory preached THE RESURRECTION with great
“fear and trembling!” (1 Corinthians 2:3)
Also, RD & April Baker “wrapped up” the service with these powerful words, “It wasn’t nails that kept Jesus on the cross, but love!” Elena & I felt that from beginning to end we were ushered into the very presence of God!

RD & April – the missionary heroes of Dubai –
have brought a greater passion for missions
collections to the City of Angels Church!
Afterward I wrote on the LA Staff Chat, “Thank you Tim (Kernan), Brian (Carr)and Rob (Onekea) for this outstanding production! Each week, the Virtual CAICC Worship Service goes from “one degree of glory to another which comes from the Lord!” (2 Corinthians 3:18)

Have you tested positive for faith during
the COVID-19 quarantine?
Then as Elena & I do every Sunday afternoon, we had the “McKean Family Zoom Meeting” with my mom, our three awesome children, their amazing spouses, and our three granddaughters! My son Sean calls this weekly event: “The McKean Extravaganza!”

The Sunday afternoon McKean Family Extravaganza
has been a great encouragement to all
during the quarantine!
That evening, as on almost all Sundays, the World Sector Leaders (WSLs) based in LA met with Elena & me over Zoom for a lesson, a d-group and an open discussion of the needs in the churches throughout the world. Included in these amazing meetings are: Tim & Lianne Kernan (Tribe Pacific Rim WSLs), Cory & Jee Blackwell (Middle East WSLs), Tony & Therese Untalan (Shepherding WSLs), and Michael & Sharon Kirchner (Administration and Law WSLs)! As most are aware, the Kernans and the Blackwells also zealously serve as the Lead Ministry Couples for the LA Church! As well, the Untalans and the Kirchners serve as the local LA Church Shepherding Couples with great compassion!

“What a fellowship, what a joy divine” on
Sunday evenings for the LA based
World Sector Leaders!
Kiev And Moscow
Tuesday, April 14th at 10:00AM, we held a Zoom Kiev and Moscow Staff Meeting! After hearing good news from Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – the Eurasian World Sector Leaders, Luca & Sophia Di Beo – Kiev Campus Ministry Leaders, and Dima & Tanya Serafonov – the Moscow Church Leaders, I preached on the theme, GOD IS AT WORK!

The opening Scripture of Kip’s sermon GOD IS AT
WORK was Ephesians 1:18-22, where Kip re-
minded the Kiev and Moscow Disciples that
“God placed [the coronavirus] under Christ’s
feet… for the sake of the church!”

Sophia – the McKeans’ precious Granddaughter
in the Faith – is a gifted artist as seen
with this self portrait!
Viareggio, Italy is…
…the city where the family of her adored
husband Luca once resided!
Disciples are called by God to use their gifts!
Then the very next day, Elena & I received our two $1,200 stimulus checks from the USA Government! We preached at the Kiev Staff Meeting again on Monday, April 20th – a day after “their” Ukrainian Easter Sunday! I began this lesson by sharing that on the previous Saturday, we joyfully gave our stimulus checks to Missions!

Movement – The Chronicles Of Modern-Day
Christianity – is now available in
Russian on Amazon!
We also shared with our Eurasian Family that Saturday was Cathi Martinez of Washington DC – our dear Daughter in the Faith’s – 50th Birthday!

Given the quarantine, Cathi’s 50th birthday was
celebrated with a “parade of cars,” which
stopped for a moment at her driveway
to drop off amazing cards and gifts!
Los Angeles
Thursday, April 23rd was the First Zoom Women WSLs D-Group! Elena’s lesson was entitled, OVERCOMING THE PANDEMIC – GOD IS THE ONE! Her text was Esther 4 and her simple points were: 1) The Power Of Fasting And Prayer To Move God; and 2) The Power Of Clear, Compassionate And Concise Communication!

Elena so enjoyed seeing her dearest friends
at the First Zoom Women World
Sector Leaders Meeting!
Friday, April 24th was the First CyberMinistry Global Virtual CyberAppointment Jamboree at 1:00PM PCT! This historic event began with a stunning Opening Video made by Rob Onekea! (https://youtu.be/-E8Tem-qZ-4) Then Jeremy Ciaramella – the Phoenix Lead Evangelist and the first CyberEvangelist appointed by me in the early Portland Days – welcomed everyone with excitement and joy!
After Rob prayed, Ron Harding – the Global Leader of the SoldOut Movement’s CyberMinistry – said, “Greetings from Hot’lanta and the Invisible Continent!”

Ron is one of the hardest working brothers in the
Kingdom and sustains a standard of excellence
as the Atlanta Evangelist and the Movement’s
Lead CyberEvangelist!
Ron went on to share the new CyberMinistry Mission Statement: Creating, Maintaining, Preserving and Propelling the Legacy of God’s people in our Generation!

The SoldOut Movement CyberMinistry
Mission Statement!
He eloquently delivered an overview of the CyberMinistry’s vital role in the Movement. He defined in detail about the key roles of WebDeacons, WebDeaconesses, CyberEvangelists and CyberWomen’s Ministry Leaders (CyberWMLs). Ron further explained what qualifies a person to be appointed, the crucial relationship they must have with their Overseeing Evangelist. He preached about the work ethic, self-motivation and skill required to honor God in these roles. He concluded by saying, “These 17 Kingdom Appointments in 13 different churches on 5 different continents of CyberEvangelists and CyberWomen’s Ministry Leaders will be ‘heard round the world!'”

The McKeans’ computer was one of 35 with
multiple disciples watching the historic
Jamboree in groups!
Let’s honor our newest appointed CyberEvangelists and CyberWMLs:
Administration World Sector
Dominic D’Angelo Sears – Kingdom Admin CyberEvangelist
(Nick Economo of LA)*
*(Appointed by)
Africanus World Sector
Joseph U. Nelson, Jr. – CyberEvangelist of Washington DC
(LuJack Martinez of Washington DC)
Central & South America World Sector
Vinicius Rodrigues De Souza – CyberEvangelist of South America
(Raul Moreno of São Paulo)
Carlos (Carlitos) Mejia II – CyberEvangelist of Central America
(Carlos Mejia and Albert Wagers of Mexico City)

Carlos Sr. (left above) wept as Albert and he
appointed his brilliant son “Carlitos”
a CyberEvangelist at just
17 years old!
European World Sector
Dominik Herlitzek – CyberEvangelist of Europe
(Michael Williamson)

Every appointed CyberEvangelist and every
CyberWoman Ministry Leader will receive
a “Computer on the Globe Statuette!”
SAGES World Sector
Jackson Isaac Jones – CyberEvangelist of India
(Prathap Kumar of Chennai)
Jonathan Davis – CyberEvangelist of NYC
(Luke Speckman of NYC)
Kiana Davis CyberWomen’s Ministry Leader of NYC
(Brandyn Speckman of NYC)
Aaron Viscichini – CyberEvangelist of Intellectual Property
(Mike Patterson of Boston)

Prathap Kumar – the Chennai Church Leader –
appointed Jackson Jones (with his very proud
wife Geomol at his side) a CyberEvangelist
in the Kingdom of God!
Tribe Pacific Rim World Sector
Orion Abel Traullé CyberEvangelist of LA
(Rob Onekea of LA)
Donna Cruz – CyberWomen’s Ministry Leader of LA
(Rob Onekea)

During the Jamboree, Branesha lovingly pointed
out that LA’s newest CyberWomen’s Ministry
Leader – Donna Cruz – was not dating… yet!
Patrick Boea – CyberEvangelist of Marketing/Advertising
(AJ Penedo of Chicago)
Sparkle Boea – CyberWomen’s Ministry Leader of Chicago
(AJ Penedo)

Pat & Sparkle not only serve the Lord tirelessly in
the CyberMinistry, but as the Chicago
Downtown Region Leaders too!
Jason McNeill – CyberEvangelist of the First Principles App
(Jeremy Ciaramella of Phoenix)

Jeremy (above) and Jason are both “geniuses”
guiding the Movement to evangelize
the “invisible continent!”
Sean O’Connor – CyberEvangelist of Southeast Asia
(Ricky Challinor of Metro Manila)
Aki Cabañero CyberEvangelist of Metro Manila
(Ricky Challinor)
Rafael Dumaraos De Jesus Jr. – CyberEvangelist of Phnom Penh
(Ricky Challinor)

Ricky had the privilege to appoint three
CyberEvangelists: Rafael of Phnom
Penh, Sean of Guam, and
Aki of Manila!
To close this electrifying event, Ron gave his signature sign off, “Keep frying the airwaves – through every computer, tablet and phone – til every soul has heard!” If you would like to view the Jamboree, please go to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qECqjxnwFmw&feature=youtu.be.

In a word, Ron Harding’s preaching is “fire!”
Amazingly, Ron not only shoulders the SoldOut Movement CyberMinistry, but he is also the Lead Evangelist of the Atlanta Church! Since the Atlanta Inaugural on January 24, 2018, the Atlanta ICC has grown from 15 to now 49 disciples through 26 baptisms, 8 restorations and 3 place memberships directly from the ICOC!

Dystany – of LA’s AMS Region – was able to
watch her cousin Catherine’s glorious
baptism on Facetime!
Los Angeles
On Tuesday, April 28th, Elena & I “visited” the LA Staff Meeting to address the low weekly contribution. I shared from the Scriptures that not giving to the weekly contribution was “robbing God” and a sign of unfaithfulness. (Malachi 3:6-12) (Of course, there are extraordinary situations: A disciple lost their job; they or a loved one was very sick and needed money for the doctor; or they themselves were shut ins.) The LA Region Leaders took this message back to their people and preached the Word to their groups and individually “with great patience and careful instruction.” (2 Timothy 4:2) Incredibly, just five days later on Sunday, May 3rd, praise God, the City of Angels Church gave the largest weekly contribution to date in 2020 – an astounding $48,000! This was more than a $8,000 “jump” from the week before! The LA World Sector Leaders gathered as usual that evening for the sermon, A TIME TO SHINE!

Tim Kernan (above left) and Nick Economo help
Kip with monitoring missions finances in LA
and around the United States!
Interestingly, on April 30th, I found Georgina Olysse’s post on my Facebook Page and I remembered 1 Corinthians 12:26, “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it!”
Voted “Most Likely to Succeed” senior year of high school (2011), I had no idea that part of that entailed me becoming a nine-year resident of Gainesville, Florida 😬 4 years undergrad, 5 years grad! Tonight would have been the night that I walked across the commencement stage to be hooded – Dr. Georgina Olysse! Due to COVID19… that won’t happen 😂😂 However, I’m still so fired up to have come this far 👊🏾 It was not easy and I wanted to quit several times but God continued to provide, teaching me and refining my heart and mind about persevering! I look forward to how God will use me powerfully as I continue to grow in all areas of my life (mind, body, heart and soul) as I embark on my next journey!

Congratulations to Kip’s & Elena’s fellow
University of Florida Gator…

“Dr.” Georgina Olysse, as she is…

“Phinally Done” with her PhD!
On May 2nd, Elena & I participated in the gorgeous virtual wedding of Taylor & Khamille Jaynes! Matthew Lovacheff masterfully presided!

Khamille was sooooo excited about Taylor’s
& her wedding that she kindly invited
the McKeans twice!
Taylor & Khamille “did it right” – their
first kiss was at the alter!
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Jaynes!
Monday, May 4th was Star Wars Day… “May the ‘Fourth’ be with you!” So I greeted all of my closest brothers with the picture below! A few minutes later, I received a picture in response!

In the spirit of “brothers being brothers,” on
May 4th, Kip sent the above picture to
all of his closest brothers!”

force is strong” – the São Paulo Jedi –
aka Dr. Raul Moreno!
Tuesday, May 5th was Cinco de Mayo! Again, Elena & I met with the LA Zoom Staff Meeting go over those who had not given in three weeks or more.

At the LA Staff Meeting, Tim asked RD to preach
48-disciple Ventura Region had grown
through 9 baptisms and 1 restoration
since the lock-down on March 18th!
Friday, May 8th, was the Second Zoom Men World Sector Leaders Meeting! (The first was on Thursday, April 9th.) The lesson was entitled, A JEHOVAH-JIRAH PERSPECTIVE! (Jehovah-Jirah means “God will provide.”) I shared that with the quarantine and the number of deaths from the Coronavirus (worldwide that day the total was 275,000 deaths) for so many these times were “almost apocalyptic!”

For the Second WSL Zoom Meeting, Nick Bordieri
in Phnom Penh tuned in at “his” 3:00AM!
So I began the lesson by reading an “adapted” historical perspective from an unknown author that I saw on Facebook, which I called, THE PERSPECTIVE OF MY GRANDFATHERS:
For a small amount of perspective at this moment, imagine you were born in 1905 like my grandfathers – Thomas Augustus Kimberlin and Gorman Ferdinand McKean. On your 9th birthday, World War I starts, and ends on your 13th birthday. 22 million people perish in that war. Later in the year, a Spanish Flu epidemic hits the planet and runs until your 15th birthday. 50 million people die from it in those two years. Yes, 50 million. On your 24th birthday, the Great Depression begins. Unemployment hits 25%, the World GDP drops 27%. That runs until you are 28. The country nearly collapses along with the world economy. When you turn 34, World War II starts. You aren’t even over the hill yet. On your 36th birthday, the United States is fully pulled into World War II. Between your 34th and 40th birthdays, 75 million people perish in the war. At 45, the Korean War starts. 5 million perish. At 50 the Vietnam War begins and doesn’t end for 20 years. 4 million people perish in that conflict. On your 57th birthday you have the Cuban Missile Crisis, a tipping point in the Cold War. Life on our planet, as we know it, could have ended. Great leaders prevented that from happening. When you turn 70, the Vietnam War finally ends. Think of everyone on the planet born in 1905. How do you survive all of that? When you were a kid in 1985 and didn’t think your 80 year old grandparent understood how hard school was. And how mean that kid in your class was. Yet they survived through everything listed above. Perspective is an amazing art. Refined as time goes on, and enlightening like you wouldn’t believe. Let’s try and keep things in perspective. Let’s be smart, help each other out. Keep your eyes on God.
I concluded by saying that I had never heard either of my grandfathers complain about these intense trials or dire financial times. Though difficult beyond words, I was honored to preside at both of their Memorial Services.

Kip was so blessed that both “sets of his beloved
grandparents” participated in Kip’s & Elena’s
wedding on December 11, 1976!
Then, we looked at Genesis 22:1-18 where God provided the ram in place of Isaac. Following, we studied in the Book of Ezra how God provided the money and the people to build the Second Temple! Bottom line, I challenged all the brothers to have the perspective that God will provide His New Movement with all the people and all of the money necessary to evangelize the nations in this generation… even during the Coronavirus Pandemic! Following, we had a Financial Meeting led by Michael Kirchner. We were all completely united in: 1) Meeting the huge benevolence needs in the Third World by Families of USA Churches; 2) Scaling back our Fall Missions Collection; 3) Eliminating all Fall USA Missions Collections after 2020; 4) Only sending out a few more mission teams this Fall, and 5) Putting before the Lord the following plantings in 2020 and 2021:
- Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Campinas, Brazil
- DFW Supplemental Mission Team
- Guam
- Kolkata, India
- Minneapolis, Minnesota – OPERATION EAGLE
- Salt Lake City
- Tucson, Arizona
- Ann Arbor, Michigan – OPERATION EAGLE
- Baguio City, Philippines
- Bahrain
- Boise, Idaho – OPERATION EAGLE
- Brazzaville, Congo
- Colombo, Sri Lanka
- Crouching Tiger #3
- Dover, Delaware – OPERATION EAGLE
- Edinburgh, Scotland
- Madrid, Spain
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – OPERATION EAGLE
- St. Louis, Missouri – OPERATION EAGLE
- St. Petersburg, Russia
- Tuscaloosa, Alabama – OPERATION EAGLE
- Yaoundé, Cameroon
Green – Planted / Purple – Remnant Group / Red – To Be Planted

Lord willing, with the Minneapolis Mission Team
being sent out from LA in August 2020, the
SoldOut Movement will be in 24 of
the 50 States of America!
Celebrated on May 10th was the CAICC Mother’s Day Church Service! At this occasion, we also rejoiced over the 13th Anniversary of the City of Angels Church and thus the official beginning of the SoldOut Movement! Celebrating Mother’s Day and the 13th Anniversary was so appropriate as the City of Angels Church is the “Jerusalem Church” of the SoldOut Movement – the “Mother Church” of the New Movement!

The Kernans – Tim, Lianne, Junior and David –
delivered a rousing Welcome to the
Mother’s Day Service!

Sandra Smith of the AMS Region…
…Pleng Rodphai and Singles from all of the
other LA Regions shared incredible
good news reports!

During the Communion both Maya and her mom
Marlo shared about the joy they had on the day
Maya was baptized on December 16, 2018!

This is a must see!
baptized about a month ago when her fiancé
(Mark Sims) was restored in the
New York City Church!
Then came the surprise… Luke Speckman
sang the base part amazingly!

The indomitable Ricky & Coleen – the Manila
Church Leaders – both shared about their
moms being Christians!
Therese Untalan – Coleen’s mom – and Gidget
Challinor – Ricky’s mom – shared a quiet
moment with their ever-so-cute
granddaughter Mina Challinor!
Cory began his message with the history of Mother’s Day whose roots can be traced to May 10, 1908! It became a national holiday in America on May 9, 1914! In perhaps Cory’s finest lesson to date, he shared about his mom – Wazirah Yamin – who was a disciple that went to glory just 6 months ago.

Cory’s favorite picture of his mom and him was
taken immediately on the day he was
drafted by the NBA!
Cory has had three guiding dreams: 1) Play in
the NBA, 2) Become a preacher, and
3) Baptize his mom… All
became a reality!
Cory’s mom and his spiritual mom Elena celebrated
together at Cory’s 50th Birthday Party!
Cory shared his “mama’s” wisdom with us in his sermon, LESSONS FROM MY MAMA! “His mama’s points” were: 1) Obey God’s Word, 2) Stop Neglecting Prayer, 3) Forgive Everyone No Exceptions, and 4) Deny Self – It Takes Sacrifice!

After the epic sermon, there were several baptisms!
In a fitting close to the Mother’s Day Service, a
moving montage of Patricia Velasco and the
other over 100 mothers and “spiritual
mothers” in the City of Angels
Church was shown!
Jennifer Haynes is an awesome mom, as well as a
Shepherdess for the Southland Region!
The montage was creatively designed by Rob
Onekea and inspired by his love for his
incredible wife Burgandie!
Earlier that morning, I wrote a Tribute Thank You to my mom including a few recent pictures:
Dearest Mom, Happy Mother’s Day! Thank you for being such an incredible mom to Randy, Dana and me through all the years! Thank you as well for becoming the “most awesome” grandma and great grandma to all of our extended families!

Kip visited his mom in Florida on her 91st
Birthday on September 30, 2019!
Thank you for all of my precious memories growing up in Norfolk, Bermuda, DC, Boston, Libertyville, Virginia Beach, Maitland and back to Libertyville! Thanks for those amazing summers in Indiana and Michigan!

Kip wrote under this picture, “At your 90th
Birthday Party, you received the…
…ever appropriate Wonder Woman glasses!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for welcoming Elena into our family as more than a daughter-in-law but a true daughter! Thank you for your loving support of our marriage and ministry through all the years to this very day!

Kip wrote, “Your great granddaughters –
Scarlett and Savannah!”
Under this picture was written, “Your
great granddaughter – Alicia!”
Mom, I so look forward to our daily phone calls to hear your perspective on everything from “food to finances!” Thank you for your sage advice gently spoken in between topics!

Thanksgiving 2019!
Thanks for being the “crown jewel” of the “McKean Extended Families!” Your always “sunny” and “effervescent” outlook on life continues to inspire us all! Thank you in a word for – everything! With all of my admiration, appreciation and affection, Kip

A specialty cake – of an aircraft carrier to honor his
father and an artist’s easel to honor his mother –
was made to celebrate their 80th Birthdays!
Kip wrote, “Thanks for being such
incredible parents! Love, Kip”
Following writing to Mom, I wanted to encourage all of my Crown of Thorns Council Sisters:
Dearest Crown of Thorns Council Sisters, Greetings for a very Happy Mother’s Day to all of you as moms and spiritual moms! Thank you for being “The hand that rocks the cradle is the hand that rules the world!” This quote is from a poem by William Ross Wallace that praises motherhood as the preeminent force for change in the world. The poem was first published in 1865 under the title, What Rules the World.
Thank you for all of the precious memories that Elena & I have shared with you like the 33 baptisms in New Delhi on November 17, 2019! Thank you for your steadfast faith during the COVID-19 Pandemic! I pray the Lord will allow us to share even more memories of miracles in the future! On Elena’s & my prayer walk this morning, your names were raised before the throne of God! Thank you for being my sisters, daughters and granddaughters! Enjoy “your” day! We are family… filled with visions and dreams, Kip

The unforgettable 2019 Crown of Thorns Meeting
was combined with the South Asia
Missions Conference in India!
The 33rd baptism in New Delhi on the Sunday of
the 2019 South Asia Missions Conference
was Raja’s & Deb’s son – Ashwin!
On May 14th, Elena & I were excited about an extra day of fasting this week so we could pray all the more earnestly for Pam Boea of Chicago for her twice-returned cancer to be cured; for Raul’s father in Miami who had a stoke most likely from his brain tumor which was to be operated on the next day; for our dear Shivanthi in New York City to be released from the hospital; for the medical scientists to find a COVID-19 vaccine by the end of the year; and for the USA Churches to more than meet the Spring Missions Prayer Goal! (God has blessed the sacrifices of the Boston, Houston, Las Vegas, Phoenix, San Diego, and Syracuse Churches as they have already surpassed their Missions Goals!) So encouraging, at a little after noon that same day, I received the following email from Mark Garrido, who serves gallantly as the Honolulu Lead Evangelist:
Family, We [the Honolulu Church] are sending to Movement Missions $20,000 via wire transfer this morning. This will bring us to $82,400 of our $94,775 Missions Goal. Please pray for us as many have lost jobs and so many have had hours cut tremendously! The Hawaiian Islands certainly will have a challenging recovery, but praise be to God that the Honolulu Disciples have not withheld.

Mark & Keri Garrido are so admired by
all three of the Hawaiian Churches!
I replied, Dearest Mark & Keri, Amazing! $82,400 toward your $94,775 Prayer Missions Goal! Elena & I remain so inspired by the Hawaiian Disciples… “Out of the most severe trial, their overflowing joy and extreme poverty [from the coronavirus] welled up in rich generosity. For [Mark] testified that the [Hawaiian Disciples] gave as much as they were able, and even beyond their ability!” (2 Corinthians 8:2-3) And to God be all the glory! Love, Kip
On Saturday, May 16th at 3:00PM CST, Elena & I “virtually traveled” to the Miraculous May All PACK Staff Meeting! (PACK is an acronym for Proclaiming Always Christ’s Kingdom. These churches include: Chicago, Indianapolis, Milwaukee, Toronto, Seattle, Portland, Eugene, and Lord willing, very soon Minneapolis!)

The Chicago Church has a new theme every month!
Cesar & Debbie Limon – the right-hand leadership
couple for the Causeys – gave a terrific Welcome!
On the previous Monday, Elena & I had our d-time with John & Emma Causey – the Chicago ICC and PACK Church Leaders. The Causeys shared so many awesome accounts of faith in the PACK Churches, that we were very much looking forward to seeing them with “their people!”

The ever-young John & Emma Causey celebrated
their 36th Anniversary on May 5th!
The Chicago Church has set the pace for all USA Churches by growing from 131 on January 1st – adding the 34 on the Supplemental Mission Team from Portland and LA on January 5th – to smashing the “200 barrier” now having 207 sold-out disciples! A Chicago record of 14 disciples were added in April during lock-down! As well, on the previous Sunday, the Chicago Church was at over 90% of their Spring Missions Goal! So growth does not have to be at the “expense” of missions!

John shared that many Chicago Disciples sacrificed
their stimulus checks to give to the
Spring Missions Collection!
At this auspicious occasion, all of the PACK Church Leaders shared and John made an appeal for benevolence for Africa! He also, encouraged everyone to pray for Pam Boea who found that her cancer had returned.

“My cancer is Big, but the God that I
follow is BIGGER!”
Following a break, Manilyn Pogoso of Columbus sang an original song, Bring A Miracle! I was really moved by the chorus, Anything is possible even if it is difficult because God will bring a miracle!

Manilyn is a “miracle worker” in her
song writing and singing!
Then Elena and Emma each gave an impassioned 5-minute charge from 1 Kings 4:1-8 entitled, BRING ME A MIRACLE! Then I was privileged to preach the lesson, THE GOD OF MIRACLES! This glorious Staff Meeting concluded at 5:00PM CST!

Elena preached with so much passion
As a “thank you” for preaching at the PACK Staff
Meeting, the Causeys and the Chicago Church
sent to the McKeans a beautiful
“edible bouquet of fruit!”
Sunday, May 17th, Cory & Jee gave an awesome Welcome for the City of Angels Church Virtual Service, where Cory said, “Don’t relax! Get ready to worship!” Then we heard “good news” from married couples in all 12 LA Regions!

The dynamic Petersons shared the “Good
News of the Married Ministry” from
the Southland Region!
Following, came the moving Kingdom Appointments of Chris & Maraia Lastra and Stacy & Lynette Ybarra! Both were raised up and appointed by the Orange County Region Leaders – Brian & Joaly Carr!

Brian gave the “ancient charge” to Chris, “In
the presence of God… preach the
Word!” (2 Timothy 4:1-2)
The powerful Orange County Region Staff met
together for the Kingdom Appointments of
the Lastras and the Ybarras!

Congratulations to Stacy & Lynette!
Congratulations to Chris & Maraia!
After the Contribution Charge, a moving montage
was shown dedicated to the City of Angels
Church’s hardworking administrators,
like Yelena Astanina!
Then, Dr. Tim C. Kernan preached from Matthew 28:16-20 a tremendous lesson entitled, THE FINAL CONQUEST! Tim called every LA Disciple to “level up” to new spiritual heights and leadership roles!

Every time Tim preaches he “brings it!”
That evening at 6:30PM, in our LA WSL D-group, Nick & Denise Bordieri of Phnom Penh visited with us! So great to have this group reunited… at least for one Sunday! I preached on EXTRA MILE CHRISTIANITY from Matthew 5:14! From our study which ended with the Parable of the Good Samaritan, we discovered that for Jesus 1) Extra Effort, 2) Extra Patience, and 3) Extra Expense were all “salvation issues!” So good to be together and be “completely united” in Christ! (John 17:20-23) And to God be all the glory!

Since Nick & Denise (lowest screen) were
quarantining in Long Beach, California,
they visited the LA WSLs D-Group!
Jason Dimitry – Lead Evangelist of San Francisco: “Nevertheless, David captured the fortress of Zion!” (2 Samuel 5:7) I am very inspired by what I like to call the “nevertheless” attitude of the San Francisco Saints! The “Shelter In Place” ordinance has been in effect in the Bay Area since March 16th. Yet, the spirit of the 257 San Francisco Disciples to keep fighting for a lost world no matter the circumstances, has been blessed by our God as since March 16th we have witnessed 20 incredible souls added to the Kingdom through baptism and one precious soul restored to his first love! During this time of quarantine, it has also been inspiring to see teens become disciples! This week, we saw Saul Mercado and Annie Chiu – both high school students – baptized into Christ!

According to some in San Francisco, “Saul”
may become another Paul!
With the baptism of Annie, the San Francisco
Teen Ministry became 9-strong!
I am so proud of Christian & Devon Enos who have done an outstanding job leading the Lord’s church in Sacramento!

Christian & Devon would never “blow their own
horns” about how powerfully the Spirit
is moving in California’s state
capital of Sacramento!
This week, they celebrated the baptism of Tiara Scott, the point guard for the Sacramento State Women Basketball Team! And to God be the glory!

Tiara’s baptism lifted everyone’s spirits!
Tiara was very fired up to share
with all of her teammates!
Nick Bordieri – World Sector Leader of MERCYworldwide: The COVID-19 has brought the world to a standstill, leaving so many in need, and forcing those previously in need to even greater depths of despair. It is said that there may not be just one famine, but multiple famines around the globe as a result of this pandemic. Jesus said, “The poor you will always have with you.” (Mark 14:7) MERCY is making efforts to address some of these needs around the world. We coined our efforts, COVID-20: Compassion Over the Virus In our Day – 2020!

MERCY Ambassadors: Let’s all fervently get behind:
Compassion Over the Virus In our Day – 2020!
We would like to give a Special Tribute on the second anniversary of Sharon Wong’s passing, in whose name and spirit the Sharon Wong Foundation was established. This year’s anniversary coincides with the unprecedented hard times in our lifetimes. Thank you Dennis Wong and to all in the Wong Foundation for generously giving MERCY over $90,000 these past two years for our projects in Nigeria, Haiti and of course the CSW MERCY Orphanage in Cambodia! Also, I would be amiss, if I did not thank Kip (who serves as Chairman of the Board for MERCY) and all SoldOut Movement Disciples – MERCY Ambassadors – for giving the MERCY Orphanage an extra $100,000 from Missions for each of the past two years!

Dennis & Sharon Wong affectionately called their
beautiful three daughters – “the 3 M’s” for
Megan, Madelyn and Mabel!
Thank you from the entire SoldOut Movement
Family to the Sharon Wong Foundation!
Orphanage are confined to the orphanage premises,
they are taking advantage of the new all-purpose
field the Wong Foundation made possible!
On the domestic front in America, thank you Jim Fenton and Renee Loheed for continuing to do a masterful job presenting the 5-Week MERCY Life Skills Program virtually, which was modified to address the changing job landscape due to Covid-19.

Jim Fenton of Los Angeles is the distinguished
and eloquent Life Skills Global Director!
And one more very special thank you goes to Joselo Cimafranca of Cebu, Philippines for literally transforming his factory into one that produces masks, shields and even protective suits for the fight against the coronavirus! Of note, the BJMP Cebu City Jail has a capacity of only 500, but is now packed with over 6,000 inmates, living in extreme conditions. To date there have been over 500 Covid-19 cases among the prisoners (several have died). As well, 11 guards and even the warden have been infected.

with over 6,000 inmates!

Joselo Cimafranca’s company now mass
produces masks, shields and protective
gear while “advocating” MERCY!
Our dear and enterprising Cebu Brother – Joselo!
In addition, Joselo and MERCY Cebu continue to provide food packs and vitamin C for prisoners and many more in the city!

MERCY Cebu has become a model of “MERCY”
for the entire Movement!
This act of compassion impacted Alerose so
much that she expressed her desire to
come back to be restored to the
Lord and His church!
On a personal note, at the outbreak of the pandemic in America in mid-March, my awesome wife Denise flew to be with our college daughters in Eugene, Oregon.

Denise spent a delightful Mother’s Day in Eugene
with her gorgeous daughters – inside and out –
Sonrisa (left) and Makaela!
I remained in Phnom Penh to help the orphanage and the church. Sadly, I too had to quarantine, making my separation from Denise all the more difficult. On May 11th, I flew back to LA to quarantine there for 14 days reuniting with Denise. After this time, we are presently planning to both go back to Eugene to be with the girls, and then sometime in June return to our work in Phnom Penh. Please pray for us!

Nick & Denise are missed in Cambodia as they serve
as the MERCY Orphanage Directors and as the
Shepherding Couple for the Mighty Phnom
Penh Church, which was planted
on August 4, 2019!
Matt Sullivan – Lead Evangelist of Miami: “He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers…” (Malachi 4:6) Since the lock-down in Miami on March 10th nine weeks ago, the Lord has blessed us with one place membership and 22 baptisms! The most inspiring thing has been watching God unite families in Christ! In February, Angie was baptized, and today, her brother Telxandre was baptized! Last year in December, Caron was baptized and three weeks ago, her mother Natividad was baptized!

Caron and her precious mother are now closer
than ever as “spiritual sisters!”
Yinet became a disciple 13 years ago, and due to a hurricane pummeling the Dominican Republic, her mother Gloria needed to move to the States and live with Yinet. Best thing ever, because two weeks ago Gloria was baptized!

Yinet’s prayers of 13 years were answered when
her mom Gloria was baptized!
Good News from our Campus Ministry: In Tallahassee, we now have an ongoing Virtual Bible Talk at Florida State University – known as the “Seminoles” – with several who want to study!

When Kip – a University of Florida Alum – heard of the
Florida State Bible Talk, he said, “So then, God has
granted even the [Seminoles] repentance
unto life!” (Acts 11:18)
I am once again amazed at the overwhelming grace of God to save as many as possible! Lastly, please be praying as my mother, Pam, moved in with us two weeks ago!

When Matt’s mother Pam moved in with the Sullivans,
it brought the whole family together including
Matt’s brother Shawn and his wife Amy!
Joe Willis – Lead Evangelist of Sydney: Greetings from the “Harbour City!” I am very happy to report that we are coming out of the lock downs in our churches in the Austral-China World Sector after some great baptisms!

Kip & Elena always look forward to “Skype
D-time” with Joe & Kerry Willis every
Wednesday at 4:00PM!
Chris Gazzard was baptized during the lock-down! He came as a result of his cousin JJ, who originally asked him to sponsor him to run the Sydney Church Half Marathon for special contribution!

Chris is now running with “perseverance
[his] race that is marked out for
[him]!” (Hebrews 12:1)
Frida was baptized as soon as she was 18 years old and allowed to leave her “home stay accommodation” and move-in with the sisters! She is a “foundation student” at University of New South Wales! (Many Chinese students come for a year before officially starting their degrees taking a “foundation course” where they “master” English.)

Our church in Apia, Samoa has finally been allowed to meet together as of last Sunday! Praise God, there have been no recorded cases of the COVID-19 reported in that country! Our Hong Kong Church has been able to meet in groups of 10, as are Sydney and Auckland as if this Sunday!

The Samoan Brothers and Sisters have
been “freed” from lock-down!
Excitingly, the Crouching Tiger #2 Church has been meeting for over a month, and last week, the 4 disciples had 34 different friends out to their combined weekly meetings! Prayers are so needed: The United States occupies 3.8 million square miles while China has a slightly smaller geographic area of 3.7 million square miles! However, China’s 1.43 billion people are more than four times the 329 million population of the United States! The SoldOut Movement has 32 USA Churches, but presently only two in China. So much work to do!

Though similar in geographic size, it would take more
than “four USA’s” to have the same population
as China’s 1.43 billion!
Another exciting note is that my son Luke with his band “Lucid Hoops” has released their third song available on Spotify, aptly titled at this time of quarantine, Get Me Out Of Here! (This can be viewed at https://smarturl.it/LucidHoopsGMOOH)

Luke (left) is the very talented drummer
for Lucid Hoops!
Blaise Feumba – Overseeing Evangelist of Hispaniola and French-speaking Africa: Praise God, that on the small Caribbean island of Hispaniola there are now 11 SoldOut Movement Churches! Incredibly during this pandemic, they smashed the “600 Disciple Barrier” and now have exactly 606 disciples! Haiti has 10 congregations and the Dominican Republic (DR) presently only has 1. All of them meet in House Churches and Bible Talks. These congregations include: The “Mother Church” which is led by Alexis Turgeau – Port-au-Prince (94 disciples), Jacmel (70), Meyotte (44), Duclair/Chantal (25), Camp-Perrin (33), Saint-Marc (42), Cap Haïtien (110), Limbe (42), Sainte-Suzanne (47), Mirebalais (54), and our DR Church – El Pocito (45)!

Haiti and the Dominican Republic share the Island
of Hispaniola, where Columbus first landed in
the New World on December 6, 1492!
Dear Brother Kip, Patricia & I have been honored by God’s calling and your trust at the 2013 GLC as you handed Alexis to me – a former Mainline Church of Christ Preacher who became our first Haitian baptized disciple – with the charge to build the New Movement in Haiti! We are humbled by what God has done in one of the most difficult and poorest mission fields! We believe with all of our hearts that the amazing Matt & Helen Sullivan of Miami will take this resilient group of disciples to even greater heights! I am looking forward to connecting with Matt this next week to officially hand over the discipling and the oversight of these precious churches! We will always be available to help in any way needed. Your comrade-in-arms, Blaise

As a true grandfather, Kip promised to Blaise &
Patricia that when they move to Africa in
September to lead the Abidjan Church
that he would take “great care” of
the Feumba children!
Jeremy Ciaramella – Lead Evangelist of the Phoenix Church: Greetings from “The Valley of the ‘Son!'” “Now to Him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations…” (Ephesians 3:20-21) God added 6 to His Phoenix Church through baptism during the last week of April – more than we have ever seen in week! On Sunday, April 19th, a great single sister named Jana Pennington was baptized, whose sister Leah was baptized just 10 days prior! Both of these “sister sisters” are fruit from this year’s Women’s Day!

“sister-sister” with Leah!
Monday, April 20th, the “Women of Wisdom” Bible Talk triumphantly baptized Michelle Romes, whose sister Liz Tyo persevered with her for several months as she wrestled with the truth! On Wednesday, April 22nd, a gentle-spirited Spanish-speaking sister named Nadyn Vasquez was baptized into Christ!

Father and being surrounded
by joyful sisters!
Also baptized on Wednesday was a single Native American man named Marcus Xochihua, who is attending the University of Advancing Technology here in Phoenix!

with their newest brother Marcos Xochihua
stating, “You’ll be next!”
We are so grateful for the Movement as our dear brother Blaise Feumba helped count the cost with Junior Oroko, a French-speaking native of Cameroon who was baptized on Thursday, April 23rd! Most inspiring for me was to see a “Kingdom Kid” make Jesus Lord on Saturday, April 25th as Zach Hamblin, the son of Robb & Theresa Hamblin, was baptized into Christ!

and West James, who helped to make
him into a disciple!
Also, equally exciting, God continued to move in our Teen Ministry as Travis, the oldest son of Scott & Sandy Lunde (the slated Tucson Mission Team Leaders) was baptized into Christ on Saturday, May 16th! We are so inspired to see Travis make Jesus Lord and join his best friend Zach Hamblin who was also baptized just a couple of weeks ago!

Congratulations to Travis and the entire Lunde Clan!
My incredible wife Amy & I are also greatly encouraged by the sacrifice of the disciples here in Phoenix, as this week God has allowed us to see His glory in surpassing our $107,650 Special Missions Prayer Goal! The Phoenix Church has joyfully given over $110,000 with still more expected this weekend and for the next few weeks! We are grateful for the training and encouragement from Mike & Brittany Underhill and are honored to serve in the Southwest Churches!

Jeremy & Amy Ciaramella were sent out of
Portland in January 2004 to plant
the fruitful Eugene Church!
Ricky Challinor – Lead Evangelist of Metro Manila: Greetings from the 469 Filipino Disciples and 55 Cambodian Disciples on Sunday, May 17th! On March 14th, we began an enhanced “Community Quarantine” in the city known as the “Pearl of the Orient!” Yet, since the quarantine began, God has given the Manila Church 26 additions – 25 baptisms 1 restoration!

Ricky & Coleen have grown so much since
coming on the Los Angeles Mission Team
in 2007, as teens just graduated
from high school!
This week, God gave us 2 additions – 1 baptism and 1 restoration! During the lock-down, Rosas was “locked in” with her brother John Rey, his wife Roxanne, and their two children – Jolie Ann and Sam! As a true hero in the faith, Rose used this time to convert “her” household! This week’s baptism is Roxanne, and we are praying that John Rey’s will be very soon!

Roxanne was so grateful that she was “stuck”
with Rosas during the quarantine!
Praise God, He blessed the Metro Cebu Church with 1 restoration!

to be back in the Kingdom!
The Metro Davao Church saw another soul being baptized into Christ!

since its Inaugural Service on August 11, 2019
from 9 on the mission team and 5 in the
remnant group to 48 disciples – exactly
33 of whom are students!
In Phnom Penh, the Spirit gave them 1 baptism! Khim is the disciples’ tutor for Khmer Class! They began reaching out to him, and in spite of the quarantine, Khim desperately wanted to get right with God and so was baptized!

will teach him to “obey everything!”
Sean O’Connor – Lead Evangelist of Guam: Hafa Adai! Bea was heavily persecuted for even considering meeting up to get baptized! Though Satan delayed this miracle, Bea persevered; the girls met up; and she was baptized into Christ! So, since the March 1st Inaugural Service, God has grown the 11 on the Guam Mission and the 6 in the Remnant Group during this pandemic to now become 24 sold-out disciples!

With Bea’s (red shirt) baptism, the Guam Church
now numbers 24 sold-out disciples of Jesus!
Raja Rajan – Lead Evangelist of New Delhi: Greetings from the land of more than 19,500 languages! During this pandemic, it has been a great struggle for us to be in touch with the disciples. Many disciples do not have smart phones and hence being connected virtually has been a challenge.

Johnsi, a former atheist who just completed
her BBA, traveled from a Red Zone
enduring family persecution
to be baptized!
In India, the police have been on the streets to ensure that no one is loitering around during this lock-down. They use intense measures to punish anyone who is outside without any genuine reason. Since we all use public transport, traveling to disciples’ houses or visiting the studies is next to impossible. In our South Region of New Delhi, one of the studies’ father passed away. No one was willing to help her to cremate the body. Deepak Singh – the leader of the South Region – along with three other brothers decided to go and help out. On the way, the police saw them and started beating them severely; no questions were asked and no reasons were given. After being beaten acutely, they were let go. God blessed their hearts with three baptisms in the South Region in the past week!

rewarded as Sachitanand, a Bachelor’s of
Commerce Graduate, was baptized!
Preethi (center), who is preparing to join Loyola
College to do her Masters, was met by
the zealous Dhanalaxmi (left)
and studied with Shirly!
Also Johnson & Vandana Gona, our New Delhi Shepherding Couple, decided to take a radical step by going to visit the disciples across the border of our state. 10 disciples live there. There were police everywhere and especially at the border, stopping every vehicle, some being questioned and some getting beaten. Johnson & Vandana stated that, it was as though God had blinded the policemen’s eyes, we crossed the border. They stayed there for four days, strengthening the disciples. They could travel from one house to another only in the cover of the dark as the unfriendly neighbors threatened to call the police. They would jump from one terrace to another in the dark to avoid being seen. There they studied the Bible with a couple Vipin & Sarita; baptized them; and returned home safely!

Vipin & Sarita made Jesus their Lord!
To date, the Lord has blessed the four Indian and Nepali Churches – New Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore and Kathmandu – with 14 baptisms and 1 restoration in these 15 days of May. Please continue to pray for your South Asia Family, as in turn, we are constantly praying for you!

their virtual services – was eagerly baptized!
Andrew Smellie – Lead Evangelist of Johannesburg: Greetings from the Motherland! Of all the 54 African nations, the South African government has been enforcing the most stringent of COVID-19 restrictions, as residents have been unable to go out for a jog or walk their pets until just recently!

The Guardian Newspaper reported that South African
Police have used rubber bullets to enforce
COVID-19 restrictions!
Food lines in South Africa have reached
over two miles (3.2 km)!
Despite these circumstances as well as unstable internet platforms, the Lord has blessed our efforts over the past month as three more souls were added: The restoration of Patricia Muzambi, who was baptized 20 years ago in Zimbabwe, and the baptisms of Ditebogo (“Didi”) and Bokang Ledwaba! Didi’s and Bokang’s baptisms also brought great celebrations, as they are remarkable teenagers! Didi (18) was baptized on April 26th and her brother Bokang (16) was baptized on May 3rd!

Didi was so proud of her “little brother” at his
baptism! They are very excited that their
mom is now studying the Bible!
Despite her young age, Didi works as an actress and teen presenter for YoTV, and already has four movies to her credit!

on YoTV that airs on SABC1!
Didi has performed in four films
at only 18 years old!
As you are probably aware, God worked powerfully through Amadou & Angele Sountoura – Abidjan (Ivory Coast) Church Leaders – to baptize 80 souls on one weekend in Bujumbura, Burundi in March! Following this, the Spirit carried them to Cotonou, Benin to help build a campus ministry there through Euloge Tcahmmou, a PhD student in Mathmatics who was baptized in Abidjan! However, the closing of the borders of Benin, Togo, Ghana and Ivory Coast due to COVID-19 detained them for over two months in Cotonou. The Sountouras took confidence in God’s sovereignty, and they were able to baptize a dozen campus students! Also, while the Sountouras were in Cotonou, Bolaji Akinfenwa – the Evangelist of the Lagos ICC – referred his dear friends Winceslas & Gloria Adet – an ICOC Ministry Couple in Benin – to Amadou! After meeting with the Sountouras and studying out in the Bible the SoldOut Movement’s 5 Core Convictions, the Adets and their right-hand Shepherding Couple, Godwin & Nathalie Dossou, joined God’s New Movement! Before the Sountouras returned to Abidjan, the two couples were appointed the leaders the Cotonou Church with now 15 campus students! All 15 study at the University of Abomey Calavi – the best university in Benin!

were joined in the New Movement by Godwin &
Nathalie Dossou after studying out the
Five Core Convictions!

The 19 sold-out Cotonou Disciples have been
zealously preaching the Word daily!
The Ivory Coast Goverenment finally allowed
Amadou & Angele to return home to their
children: Jean-David and Ina Laureine
“Patricia” (after Patricia Feumba)!
Recently, a remnant brother named Chiku Magalasi from Blantrye, Malawi also contacted us, seeking revival from God’s New Movement! Chiku was converted in 2001 during the “Great Tribulation” that brought the ICOC back to Mainline Church of Christ Theology. Although the Blantyre ICOC reached a height of 100 disciples since its planting in 1997, the return to a lukewarm standard reduced its numbers to now less than 30 disciples. Though the new ICOC Blantyre Leadership teaches “some” of Brother Kip’s First Principles Studies, they do not teach the Kingdom Study, calling it “unnecessary!” This alarmed Chiku.

Blantyre is a short 2 hour and 15 minute
flight from Johannesburg!
After studying with Chiku about God’s plan to “gather the remnant” (Jeremiah 23:3), he has “officially” joined God’s New Movement and has already translated the First Principles into Chichewa, the native language of Malawi!

“one-man remnant group” – so he may provide
a light of hope for Blantyre, which has
over 800,000 lost souls!
On behalf of the Johannesburg Church, and the entire AFRICANUS World Sector, Patrique & I will be forever grateful for the love expressed through the financial support of the USA Churches, as we strive to win the Motherland for Christ!

Today, May 20th, Dr. Andrew Smellie celebrated
a unique Spiritual Birthday; he was baptized
at 20 and is 20 years old in the Lord!
Milwaukee: On March 13th after 33 hours of labor, Shane & Tracy Russell welcomed their first born – Luka Alexander! He weighed 10lbs. 8 oz. and was 21 1/2 inches long!

Congratulations Shane & Tracy on the birth
of future prophet Luka Alexander!
New York City: Congratulations to David & Hope Nisivoccia, who happily said, “I do” at their “virtual wedding” on April 4, 2020!

Super congratulations to David & Hope Nisivoccia!
Sausha & Umberto rejoiced at the birth of their new son Luka Muniz – born on May 4, 2020!

a moment of peace!
Victor & Sue Vilanova celebrated the birth of their son Cash Brooklyn on April 16, 2020!

Congratulations Victor & Sue Vilanova on
the birth of “Little Cash Brooklyn!”
Please keep Shivanthi Crawford in your prayers! Both she and her husband Travis are COVID-19 positive. Travis is mostly recovered, but Shivanthi has been hospitalized nearly 6 weeks and been on a ventilator over 3 weeks! Shivanthi has been working as a nurse for the last 9 years!

Please continue to keep Travis & Shivanthi
Crawford in your prayers!
Honolulu: Congratulations to Nathan & Sharisse Carr who were married on April 11, 2020! They are highly regarded Bible Talk Leaders in the dynamic Honolulu Church!

Nathan & Sharisse Carr!
Sacramento: On Sunday, April 26th, Trever & Maile Paschall welcomed Orion Kekoa into the world! Orion weighed in at 7 lbs. 4.2 oz and was 19 inches! Orion is the second child of Trever & Maile. Their elder son’s name is Tiberius!

Trever was blessed with his second
son – Orion Kekoa!
Columbus: Craig & Keshia Davidson (Shepherds-in-Training) had their first child – Jayden Elijah, who was born April 8, 2020! Jayden weighed 6 lbs. 11 oz. and measured 21 inches long!

Craig & Keshia are praying that their first
child – Jayden “Elijah” – will become a
great prayer warrior like
his namesake!
Los Angeles: In the Coachella Valley Region of the ever-expanding City of Angels Church, since the pandemic started, little Naomi Love Robinson was born to Ben & Chieyanne on April 7th making them a family of five! She was a healthy 6 Ibs. 12.5 oz. and 19 inches long! Naomi’s addition catapults our Kids Kingdom Ministry to more than half the number of disciples – 27 disciples and 14 children!

Who will not “love” – Naomi Love Robinson?
With three children, the Robinsons have so
much for which to be thankful!
On April 22nd at 7:14PM in the Ventura Region, Brian & Vanessa Clavel welcomed Carmila Belenon! She arrived unexpectedly 3 weeks early, but was very strong at 6 lbs. and 19 inches!

Arriving 3 weeks early, Carmila just could not
wait any longer to see her Kingdom Family!
Chicago: Praise God that on April 19th, Johnny Dawson was restored at 75 years old, as he was originally baptized in the ICOC and fell-away 15 years ago! His wife Mary, son Theo Sr., daughter Christina, grandson Theo Jr., and granddaughter Tia, are all beloved and key disciples in the Chicago Church! We had nearly 100 members and family online attending his restoration! God had finally answered their 15-year prayer, as Johnny confessed again, “Jesus Is Lord!”

Johnny – with his wife Mary and daughter Christina
by his side – was so fired up to receive his steak
filled “Fatten Calf Basket” from the Chicago
Church to celebrate his return “home!”
In closing out this Good News Email, let me suggest that as well as watching and listening to a wealth of church services, there are several more “opportunities” for spiritual strengthening and growth! Here is a listing of several “Disciple Vlogs” and other edifying websites:

Ricky Challinor’s – Daily Dose!
Daily at 7:30AM in the Philippines

Tracy Harding of Atlanta – Behind Closed Doors!
Monday through Friday 11:00AM EST
(In Tracy’s Closet / War Room)
Raja Rajan of New Delhi – Let’s Bible It!
Tuesdays and Thursdays at 7:00PM India Time
(+5.30 GMT)
Emma Causey’s – Faming For God!
Mondays 3:00PM CST

(On Mike’s Facebook Page)

Zach Shields of Metro Davao – Stay Connected!
Monday through Saturday 10:00AM in the Philippines

Zach enjoyed his very tasty “chicken adobo!”
Ang Bisayang Amerikano
Sundays at 7:00PM in the Philippines!
In their Facebook series, How To Be Excellent In
Life And Ministry, the most popular session
by Marcel & Tia Turner of Miami
was The Top 5 Tips To Start
Dating In 2020!

The 3-Week Webinar The Making Of A Queen
by Courtney Parlour of Seattle can be found
on the Seattle ICC Facebook Page!
The Virtual Kids Party in Chicago organized by
Fabian & Vicky Chagolla and Kasey
Christiansen was a huge “hit” with
the children and their now
rested parents!
To receive the Spanish Good News Email translated by the Mexico City Disciples, please go to this link: http://eepurl.com/gSBBx1.

Dr. Elena Garcia McKean – being born in Cuba – so
appreciates the monumental effort to translate
the Good News Email into Spanish!

Do you have a favorite song and story to share?
Shoot Gary a text, email or hit him up on
Facebook! He may share “your song”
and “its story” in future editions
of The Good Muse!
Please continue to pray for Shivanthi, Pam, Raul’s father, the USA Missions Collections, the future church plantings, and all of our world leaders, as God our Savior is working among the nations like never before in our lifetimes as He “wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth!” (1 Timothy 2:4)

Please continue to pray for the McKeans
and their virtual missionary journeys!
May “the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit. Amen.” (Philippians 4:23)
We are family… filled with visions and dreams,