Greetings from beautiful Los Angeles on our 104th day of quarantine! As of today, the COVID-19 has claimed over a half-a-million lives worldwide – almost 130,000 lives in the United States and of these 40,000 in Metro New York City alone! In the USA, apocalyptic surges in numbers are again being seen! In the midst of this unprecedented pandemic in our lifetime, on May 25th in Minneapolis came the horrifying murder of George Floyd – an unarmed African-American man at the hands of a Caucasian police officer. This ungodly police brutality began after the officer handcuffed Mr. Floyd, and then, with his knee pinned Mr. Floyd’s neck to the ground for 8 minutes and 46 seconds; 2 minutes and 53 seconds of which occurred after Mr. Floyd became unresponsive. He was pronounced dead at a local hospital at 9:25PM. Mr. Floyd’s last words were, “I can’t breathe.” This event revealed centuries of racial injustices by “Whites against Blacks” and ignited a firestorm of protests in all of America’s large cities, as well as in many nations around the world!

Downtown Minneapolis was set ablaze
on May 29, 2020!
The tragic and brutal death of George Floyd and
the ensuing riots have made Minneapolis
the focus of a lost world!
Since there was such an uproar over racial injustice in America, evening curfews were set in place in many USA cities for several nights. However, through God’s sovereignty and always perfect timing, the Minneapolis Mission Team will leave for Minnesota from LA this week! And to God be all the glory!

During the “spying out the land trip” last week, Mike
& Brittany Underhill – the Minneapolis Mission Team
Leaders – hosted the Special Missions Spotlight in
front of the iconic mural of George Floyd
near the place he was murdered.
Brittany mourned over the very site
of George Floyd’s last breath.
Joining the Mike Underhill Family for this historic trip
was his parents – Lance & Connie, the CAICC South
Region Shepherding Couple – who prayed by the
Gopher Mascot of the University of Minnesota…
And “set their foot” on that campus of 51,000
students claiming it for the Lord!
(Joshua 1:3)
As most of you are aware, due to the Coronavirus Pandemic, all of our 2020 Geographic Missions Conferences after March, as well as the 2020 Global Leadership Conference (GLC) were cancelled. We were planning for our largest GLC to date of 2,500 disciples! Most of the participants – because of finances and visa issues – would have come from the USA! However, the pandemic has allowed God to greatly increase our ability to “navigate” on the invisible continent of the internet. Therefore, the World Sector Leaders have made the decision to hold not a Global Missions Conference, but a Virtual World Missions Jubilee (WMJ) on August 7-9, 2020 as every one of the SoldOut Movement’s 7,500 disciples, in over 100 churches, in 46 nations, on all 6 populated continents of the world will be able to participate virtually! The Friday Evening, Saturday Evening and Sunday Morning Sessions will be prerecorded so every disciple will be able to watch the program “at the scheduled time.” The Saturday Morning Live Zoom Session will be initiated “around” 9:30AM but will vary from time zone to time zone in that world sector. The registration is free!
2020 Virtual World Missions Jubilee

August 7-9, 2020
Friday, August 7th
7:00PM Song
Welcome and Prayer: Luke & Brandyn Speckman – NYC
7:15PM Flag Ceremony (All nations with a SoldOut Movement
7:25PM Good News From Around The World:
Geographic World Sector Leaders
Dr. Raul & Lynda Moreno – São Paulo
Dr. Tim & Lianne Kernan – LA
Michael & Michele Williamson – London
Matt & Helen Sullivan – Miami
Oleg & Aliona Sirotkin – Kiev
Cory & Jee Blackwell – San Diego
Joe & Kerry Willis – Sydney
Dr. Andrew & Patrique Smellie – Johannesburg
8:00PM Song
9:00PM Closing Remarks and Prayer: Dr. Tim & Lianne Kernan – LA
Saturday, August 8th
9:30AM Welcome
World or Geographic Sector Leader
(in native languages)
10:15AM Admonitions
11:30AM Close
5:00PM Welcome and Prayer: Jason Dimitry – San Francisco
5:05PM MERCY Video: Nick & Denise Bordieris – Phnom Penh
5:20PM VISIONS AND DREAMS: John Causey – Chicago
Bible Talk Leading: Raja Rajan – New Delhi
Shepherding: Tony Untalan – LA
Full-Time Ministry: Ricky Challinor – Metro Manila
Finding A Spouse: Vini Rodrigues – São Paulo
Converting Family: Luca Di Beo – Kiev
Sickness or Death in the Family: Dr. Raul Moreno
6:30PM Closing Comments and Prayer: Danilo Bataglin – Lima
7:00PM Welcome and Prayer: Sarah Dimitry – San Francisco
7:05PM MERCY Video: Nick & Denise Bordieri – Phnom Penh
7:20PM VISIONS AND DREAMS: Dr. Elena McKean – LA
Bible Talk Leading: Debs Rajan – New Delhi
Shepherding: Therese Untalan – LA
Full-Time Ministry: Coleen Challinor – Metro Manila
Finding A Spouse: Bia Rodrigues – São Paulo
Converting Family: Sophia Di Beo – Kiev
Rescuing Women In Crisis: Emma Causey – Chicago
8:30PM Closing Comments and Prayer: Carol Bataglin – Lima
Sunday, August 9th
10:00AM Welcome and Prayer: Anthony & Cassidy Olmos – Paris
10:10AM ICCM Commencement: Dr. Kip McKean – LA
11:00AM Break
11:05AM Song: Marvelous – New York City Version
11:10AM Communion: Blaise & Patricia Feumba – Abidjan
11:20AM Song: Via Dolorosa
11:25AM Contribution Charge: Michael & Sharon Kirchner – LA
11:30AM Song: Great Among The Nations – Phnom Penh Version
12:15PM Baptisms
12:20PM Send Offs – Minneapolis, Tucson, Boise, San Diego /
Tijuana, and Feumbas
12:30PM Glory Song International Version:
LuJack Martinez – Washington DC

Tim & Lianne Kernan – the Directors of the 2020
WMJ – will assist the McKeans in realizing their
VISIONS AND DREAMS for this epic event!
Please begin to pray for the 2020 WMJ! The ICCM Commencement will be historic as we are planning to bestow a record 105 BA Degrees! Also, John Causey – the Dean of the ICCM Graduate Program – shared with me that a record 8 prestigious Master’s Degrees will be awarded to: Jorge Castillo, Valeria Castillo, Coleen Challinor, Daniel Granger, Ron Harding, Debbie Limon, Luz A. (Lucy) Garcia-Mejia, and Joel Parlour! Amazingly, four of the Master’s recipients are sisters, again the most ever!

In 2019, 6 Master’s Degrees were awarded, but
only 1 went to a sister – Kelly Bartholomew
of Toronto! In 2020, 8 will be hooded for
Master’s Degrees – 4 of them sisters!

In 2018, the youngest LA Super Region Leader
ever – Joey Gregory – had his secret prayer
answered when he became the ICCM BA
Degree Valedictorian! Guess whose
prayers were answered this year!
Los Angeles
On May 13, 2020 – a few days before the last Good News Email on Wednesday, May 20th – Raul Moreno called me from São Paulo and shared in tears that his father’s cancer had returned. Born in Cuba, Raul’s father had been an agnostic all of his life, so Raul knew that God would have to change his dad’s heart.

Raul Jr. with his beloved father – Raul Sr.!
Then early on the morning of May 21st, Raul called this time from Miami and again asked for prayers for his dad. In turn, I wrote the following email to the Crown of Thorns Council Family:
Dear Family, Good morning! This email is an urgent prayer and fasting request for Raul Moreno’s father, whose name is also Raul. (Raul’s parents live in Miami.) Today, the neurologist further detailed to our brother Raul (Jr.) that his father’s melanoma has metastasized to the brain. He has at least four tumors, so from a worldly perspective, this is a terminal diagnosis. The doctor said that Raul’s father may have six months or more, but that in time his brain will fade. Pray for a miraculous turn around in Raul Sr.’s health. For the last couple of days, Raul has been praying with and talking with his 81 year old father about being saved by becoming a baptized disciple. Matt Sullivan – the Miami Lead Evangelist – will join Raul and his father today at 3:00PM Miami time for a Bible study at Raul’s parent’s house. So also pray for Raul’s father to be responsive to the Scriptures and to be baptized soon… Praise God, we are an international movement of churches to be able to baptize each other’s families! And to God be the glory! We are family… filled with visions and dreams, Kip
That afternoon, Matt and Raul studied with Raul Sr. The Holy Spirit answered our prayers as Raul Sr. “got it” and was baptized at 6:00PM that evening at a pool of a brothers’ household!

Raul Sr. welcome to God’s worldwide “familia!”
On Saturday morning, May 23rd, I heard from my dear brother Micky Ngungu – the Lead Evangelist of Kinshasa (Democratic Republic of Congo – DRC) that Mbuji Mayi (DRC) – a church of only 83 disciples – saw “spiritual septuplets” baptized: Mado, Wonder, Francine, Valérie, Armand, Pascal and Hélène! Indeed, “Like cold water to a weary soul is good news from a distant land!” (Proverbs 25:25)

The Mbuji Mayi Septuplets!
A few hours later, I received this email from Pat Boea about his wife Pam. They are a powerful Chicago Shepherding Couple. Pat wrote:
Dear Kip, I am writing with an update on all that God has done for my wife in these last two weeks! On Tuesday, May 12th, Pam received a call from her doctor saying that the cancer she had 15 years ago had returned in a tumor in the lymph node in the same area where her cancer was before. The doctor said it’s called metastatic endometrial mesenteric cancer in the lymph node. She also explained that the pain and swelling Pam was having in other lymph nodes around her body was the cancer.
I want to begin by thanking you from the bottom my heart for allowing the call for prayer to go out around the world to pray and fast for my beautiful wife. Entire churches were praying for her… In answer to the prayers of our global family, God performed an incredible miracle! We were able to get her into a world renowned treatment center, that began accepting our insurance the day we spoke with them. At the end of the week, the doctor and nurse were delighted to report that they could not find any spread of disease! The doctor said, “After 35 years as a physician, I’ve never seen anything like this! I cannot explain it. But I do know there is a God and He does what He does.” We all sat there in awe of what God has done! One of Pam’s prayers was that He be glorified through this time! We are extremely grateful! He never left our side!

Though not full-time, Pat & Pam Boea do so much
as they tirelessly serve the Lord as a PACK
Shepherding Couple and the Chicago
MERCY Directors!
Later that same Saturday, Elena and her four siblings along with their spouses, as well as countless nieces and nephews came together on Zoom to celebrate the 90th Birthday of her awesome mom – Carmen Garcia-Bengochea!

Quite thoughtfully, Elena prepared balloons for
her mom’s 90th Zoom Birthday Party!
Through Kip’s & Elena’s grandchildren, Carmen is a
“Great Grandma” – “Bis-Abuela” in Spanish!
Congratulations to Carmen on her 90th Birthday!
We sang Happy Birthday and then the Spanish Birthday Song – Las Mañanitas! In the sharing, over and over again two words were repeated: “patience” and “wisdom!” Elena’s oldest brother Omarr added, “You are the sun around which all of us orbit!” Even with the limitations of Zoom, all of us sensed that Carmen – and her incredible husband Ignacio of 69 years – were very touched!

69 years ago, Ignacio & Carmen were married on
June 24, 1951 in Havana, Cuba – theirs
and Elena’s birthplace!
That evening, we were again encouraged to hear that Jen Lazaro’s 5-year prayer was answered as her little sister Vanessa was baptized! Then we heard that Charlotte Anderson’s 7-year prayer was likewise honored by God as her mom Christina was baptized!

Jen Lazaro (left) baptized her sister Vanessa (second
from the right) with the help of Alicia Cronin and
Maraia Lastra! Vanessa has been accepted
to the University of California – Davis!
After 7 years of continual prayers, Charlotte
Anderson baptized her mom –
Christina Zeno!
On Sunday, May 24th was the Memorial Weekend City of Angels International Christian Church (CAICC) Service! The Welcome was excellently done by the Cohens! Then came a fitting “Montage Tribute” to the 25 CAICC Shepherding Couples!

Clay & Rashima Erickson – Antelope Valley Region!
Pray for Matt & Marlo Lovacheff of the Inland
Empire Region, as both have COVID-19!
Paul & Kaitlin Kelly – West Region!
Rob & Burgandie Onekea – Jedi House Church
Leaders in the Orange County Region!
The Communion was very moving by the Hamulas focusing on John 9! Following Lauren Zepeda – backed up by Michael & Jasmin Peterson – sang OCEANS, a beautiful new song to Elena & me.

Lauren is multi-talented and leads the Arts Media
Sports (AMS) Region with her awesome
husband Adam!
The Kernans gave a challenging Contribution Charge, which was followed by the first inspirational Missions Spotlight overseen by Mike & Brittany Underhill! Cory delivered a terrific sermon on Matthew’s account of Peter walking on water entitled, LORD SAVE ME! Cory preached, “Let your faith be bigger than your fear! Fear will drown you!”

Matthew 14:22-33
Cory’s heartfelt preaching transported his viewers to
Jesus and Peter “walking” on the Sea of Galilee!
At 4:00PM was our highly anticipated, weekly “McKean Extravaganza” where Elena’s & my daughter Olivia and our two sons – Sean and Eric, as well as their spouses and our grandchildren came together for an hour. Recently, we added my mom – “Grandma!” This Sunday, I shared briefly about Memorial Day since my dad (their grandfather and great grandfather) had a distinguished career of 31 years in the US Navy!

Memorial Day 2020!
Kip’s & Elena’s youngest granddaught Savannah
is always sooooo fired up during the
“McKean Extravaganzas!”
I mentioned the term Greatest Generation from the title of Tom Brokaw’s 1998 book, which was the generation of Dad & Mom! I explained that originally Memorial Day was to honor all of those who sacrificed their lives in World War II. Today, the honoring has expanded to all USA war dead, as well as to the active USA Armed Service Members and their families who have sacrificed so much for America’s freedom! Interestingly, the next day on Memorial Day Monday, I made my usual daily phone call to my mom and was very surprised that she was so happy that I made such a big deal over Memorial Day as it meant so much to her!

Admiral Thomas W. McKean – Kip’s father – was
the Operations General of the US Navy
Medical and Dental Corps!
On Thursday, May 28th was The USA Victory Missions Meeting. I asked all 32 USA Church Leader Couples, their Admins and the CAICC Region Leaders to meet with Michael Kirchner – the Movement Admin, Elena & me from 10:00AM to 11:00AM PST! God put this meeting on my heart to ensure “victory” by “hitting” our USA Prayer Missions Goal of almost $3 million dollars! If accomplished, we would not have to “let go” of any full-time servants of God domestically or internationally! As well, the Movement could continue forceful advancement through church plantings even during the COVID-19 Quarantines!

Kip called for an unprecedented USA Victory Meeting
because nothing has been “normal” in 2020!
For the sharing time, I asked the 8 church leaders who by May 24th had completed their Missions Collections a month early to share: Mike Patterson of Boston, Rafael Jerez of Syracuse, Princeton George of Las Vegas, Jeremy Ciaramella of Phoenix, Mason Fetelika of San Diego, Jason Woody of Houston, and John & Emma Causey of Chicago!

The dynamic Las Vegas Church Leaders – Princeton
& Joy George – motivated their congregation to
“hit” missions over a month early!
The Woodys have grown the Houston Church by
over 50% already this year! Pray for Jason
as he may have COVID-19!
Kip & Elena were so impressed with all of the
“young” ministry couples who shared
very practically how God gave them
a victorious missions collection!
I preached a challenging lesson from 1 Samuel 29-30 on DISTRESSED YET VICTORIOUS! My points were: 1) God Works Through Wicked Rulers, 2) God Works Through Tragedy, 3) God Works Through Families To Help The Weak, and 4) God Works For The Future!

Things are not always as they seem… God even
works through “wicked rulers and tragedies!”
To close the lesson, we looked at a handout of all that could be done for God’s glory if we “hit” our $2.9 Million Spring USA Missions Goal on June 28th, our 4x Thanksgiving Missions Goal on November 22nd, and 2021’s only Missions Collection of 24x in May 2021! The following is what I laid before the Lord and the USA Church Leaders:
1) Amsterdam, Netherlands
2) Campinas, Brazil
3) Guam
4) Salt Lake City, Utah
July 2020
Dallas / Fort Worth (DFW) Supplemental Mission Team

After 3 years of training in San Francisco, Fernando
& Jackie Chavez are ready to lead the DFW Church
and to oversee the Texas Churches!
Official Send Offs at the Virtual 2020 WMJ
August 7-9, 2020
Minneapolis, Minnesota Mission Team – Mike & Brittany Underhill
Tucson, Arizona Mission Team – Scott & Sandy Lunde
Zach & Brittany Miller to Seattle to train for the Boise Planting
Blaise & Patricia Feumba to Abidjan to lead French-speaking Africa
San Diego / Tijuana Mission Team – the Blackwells & the Grangers
Excitingly, the San Diego / Tijuana Mission Team will be composed of 17 LA Disciples (including the Blackwells and the Grangers), 10 PACK Disciples and 8 Mexico City Disciples. The Southwest USA Family of Churches will become the USA Base of Middle East World Sector: San Diego, Tijuana, Phoenix, Tucson, Albuquerque and Las Vegas!

For Kip & Elena, d-time with the Blackwells every
Friday morning at 10:00AM is a blast! These past
few weeks, Kip has been teaching on
“structure, order and protocol!”
October 2020
Kolkata, India – John & Selma Jayakaran
December 2020
Jean-Bonard & Loverlie Colon – former United Nations Workers – will move from Jacmel, Haiti to Miami, Florida to train full-time to become the Overseeing Evangelist of the 10 Haitian Churches and the over 600 Haitian Disciples.
Baguio City, Philippines – January 2021
St. Petersburg, Russia – May 2021
Brazzaville, Congo – June 2021
Yaounde, Cameroon – June 2021
Edinburgh, Scotland – October 2021
Lisbon, Portugal – October 2021
Colombo, Sri Lanka – October 2021
Crouching Tiger #3, China – November 2021
Manama, Bahrain – December 2021
Boise, Idaho – January 2021
Dover, Delaware – June 2021
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – June 2021
Ann Arbor, Michigan – June 2021
Tuscaloosa, Alabama – June 2021
St. Louis, Missouri – August 2021
So inspiring in December 2019, the Holy Spirit sent out 19 City of Angels Church Disciples to Chicago, 11 more to Portland, and 5 to Guam – 35 in total! Amazingly, just 7 months later, moving out of Los Angeles are another 37 powerful, well-trained LA Disciples to Abidjan, Minneapolis, Boise, Albuquerque and San Diego! The commitment to sending out disciples by Tim & Lianne Kernan and the entire City of Angels Church Leadership – to their local detriment in leadership and in finances, but for the advancement of the Kingdom – should be an upward call for all church leaders! At The USA Victory Missions Meeting and now to all disciples “everywhere in every church,” I am challenging us to have a “one for all and all for one” mentality when it comes to sending out mission teams! (1 Corinthians 4:17)

Since the Chicago Church had already “blown out”
their Missions Goal, John & Emma Causey closed
out the historic Victory Missions Meeting!
Sunday, May 31st was my 66th Birthday! I was up extra early to be with the Lord. During my quiet time, the Spirit put on my heart to write the USA SoldOut Movement Leaders on how to approach the escalating racial tensions around the world. I sent out this email at about 9:00AM PST:
Dearest USA Church Leaders, CAICC Region Leaders and CAICC Shepherding Couples, Good morning on the Lord’s Day! As all of you are aware, on May 25th in Minneapolis, George Floyd – an African American man – was handcuffed and pinned to the ground by a Caucasian police officer for 8 minutes and 46 seconds. So, so satanic, the last 2 minutes and 53 seconds of which occurred after Mr. Floyd became unresponsive. He was pronounced dead at 9:25PM. Consequently, there has been riots in many of our American cities over the continued pattern of very sinful police brutality in the death of Mr. Floyd. As church leaders, we must not remain silent over addressing evil. As Edmund Burke stated, “The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” I might add, “To say and do nothing!”
So sad, many Afro-American brothers and sister have been hurt by our silence and seeming indifference. Of course, we care deeply, but we must say so and affirm our love for the truth and every disciple in our charge. I am blessed that one of my sons married a beautiful Dominican, in the eyes of the world, a “black woman.” She had a child in her teens, who is now Elena’s & my adopted granddaughter. Again, the world would say, “Kip & Elena have a black granddaughter.” We love our son’s wife as a daughter and their daughter the same as our “blood granddaughters.” That said, I realize that since I am White and Elena a Hispanic, we cannot imagine the fear and pain in the Afro-American Community over even the safety of their children. Today at our Bible Talk Leaders Meetings, let’s speak up and “boast in the Lord” that in the church, we are color blind. (Galatians 3:26-29) As well, in Christ, there should be no divide; the cross has made us into one family. (Ephesians 2:14-19) If you are not Afro-American then do not claim to understand the pain and sufferings of our brothers and sisters. Rather seek to understand. If you are Afro-American, please remind yourselves of Jesus’ dealings with the unrighteous – “to turn the other cheek.” (Matthew 6:39) As well, be forgiving even of our brothers’ and sisters’ silence and insensitivity. (Matthew 18:21-35)
This is a time to come together remembering, “Where it is darkest the light shines brightest!” Praise God on His timing: The Minneapolis Mission Team will be sent out this summer to this hurting and divided city! Let today be a time to preach against injustice and prejudice – a wicked form of hate! Preach as well of Christ’s forgiveness and mercy! Praying for the “complete unity” of our family around the world! We are family… filled with visions and dreams, Kip

On June 16, 2012, Kip was honored to preside at the
wedding of his son Sean & his wife Alex – who
was raised in New York City!
Kip is presently reading Stamped From The
Beginning – a New York Times Best Seller
on racism in America, which was
given to him by Sean.
At 9:00AM, May 31st, the “Garcia-Bengochea Familia” gathered and “zoomed again” this time to celebrate the 93rd Birthday of Elena’s Papa a day early as he was born June 1st! It was a very precious moment!

Elena’s amazing and dearly loved parents in 2011!
Then came the CAICC Worship Service heightened by Jay & Alicia Causey’s Kingdom Appointments to be recognized as Evangelist and Women’s Ministry Leader, and the terrific sermon by RD Baker, THE CITY OF PURE GOLD!

Congratulations to Jay & Alicia on their appointment
to be an Evangelist and Women’s Ministry
Leader in the Kingdom of God!
For the Communion Song, Maraia Lastra sang
with all of her heart Sanctuary!
Through persecutions, RD Baker’s faith in God
has proved to be pure gold! (1 Peter 1:7)
Following this was the McKean Extravaganza and my Birthday Party! I had considered this a rather “drab” birthday by number, as all I could think of concerning “66” was “666” – the number of the Beast! (Revelation 13:18) However, I received a card from Karen Gregory – a very dear daughter in the faith – which said, “This is a great birthday as there are 66 books in the Bible and ’66’ is double the age of Jesus when He died!” All I could think of was how much grace I had been given to live this long of an amazing life!

For Kip’s birthday, Joey & Karen Gregory brought
him a basket full of his favorite foods!
At the McKean Extravaganza, the family sang to Kip
Happy Birthday while Elena presented brownies
with candles!
Elena was very wise: Two hours later, Elena
presented the same brownies at Kip’s
birthday celebration at the LA
World Sector Leader Party!

On a whim, Kip did a Facebook Fundraiser for MERCY
for his birthday! Facebook randomly gave him a goal
of $2,000. To his surprise, 48 people contributed –
many from his family – and so he has designated
this money to begin “The McKean Scholarship
Fund” for the underprivileged!
I closed out this very encouraging day reading the following email from my son in the faith Raja Rajan – the New Delhi Church Leader and Overseeing Evangelist of South Asia:
Many, many happy returns of the day! I can never forget this day. 11 years ago, you came to Chennai and taught me the sold-out base principle. That is when I counted the cost and started again with only 10 disciples including us. May 31st was a Sunday in 2009 and the new Chennai Church was born – on the same date as you! Thank you so much for teaching me with great patience. I am very grateful for what you have done for all three my children. Elena counted the cost with Isheeta, Shefali served as your Assistant, and of course, thank you very much for counting the cost with Ashwin. Ashwin is now leading the Teens in New Delhi and unofficially, the Teens in all of India! He is doing excellent spiritually and is a great leader. There are many things I’ve learnt from you. I said many! If the South Asia Churches are cranking today, the credit goes to our God and then to you. Thank you for believing in us when we were nobodies. Love from the bottom of my heart, Raja

Raja has been a true friend and dear son in
the faith to Kip for over 11 years!
Manila, Philippines
June 1st was not only the birthday of my awesome father-in-law, but the 41st Anniversary of Elena & me arriving in Boston! On June 1, 1979 was the night the “30-would-be-disciples” met in the Gempels’ living room… History would record it as the beginning of the Boston Movement – which in 1994 adopted the name: International Church of Christ (ICOC)!

The Gempels’ home looks exactly like it did in 1979!
Bob & Pat Gempel and Kip & Elena walked
and prayed together in the Garden of
Gethsemane in 1997!
A bit ironically, my gift from Elena arrived on June 1st. This thoughtful gift was a Harvard cap with the year ’79 to commemorate our arrival! So the cap arrived exactly 41 years to the very day that we came to Boston with the dream to evangelize Harvard, the many other awesome universities of Boston, and to build a church of only “totally committed disciples!”

Elena’s thoughtful birthday gift to Kip
was a 1979 Harvard cap!
That Monday evening at 7:00PM PST (10:00AM Tuesday Manila time), Elena & I met with the Southeast Asia / Manila Staffs! What a fantastic time of fellowship! My lesson from Mark 9 that evening was simply entitled, THE MOVEMENT OF GOD!

Kip & Elena greeted the leaders of the Southeast
Asia Family of Churches!
First and foremost, the McKeans commended Ricky
& Co Challinor and congratulated Rosas Sobrino
(center) who would be appointed WML
the next Sunday at Manila’s 5th
Anniversary Service!
Los Angeles
The week of June 1st, for the most part, I spent editing Tim Kernan’s incredible new book: 20/20 – 20 More Convictions For The Whole Church In 20 Days! Raul Moreno wrote, “What is better than 20/20 Book One? It is having both 20/20 Book One and now Book Two. Dr. Tim Kernan, one of my best friends, gives us an insightful 20 new principles to build effective, Christ-centered ministries! The author shares from his personal ministry experiences having served all over the world in many roles. I will have all of the church staffs in Central and South America read this amazing book!” Lucy Mejia added, “‘Who is wise? Let them realize these things. Who is discerning? Let them understand. The ways of the Lord are right; the righteous walk in them, but the rebellious stumble in them.’ (Hosea 14:9) Why stumble, when you can have ’20/20 vision!’ Thank you Tim, for compiling and articulating, as only you can, this excellent manual of timeless wisdom filled with proven practices and sound doctrine. This book is for anyone who has set their heart on being a church builder in God’s Kingdom. The 20/20 Series will answer all of the questions anyone can have regarding the how to’s of building churches filled with disciples of Jesus, who are totally committed to the greatest endeavor on Earth!”

SoldOut Press International was founded
by Carlos & Lucy Mejia in 2016!
SOPI’s first book was Elevate – Jesus’
Global Revolution For Women
by Dr. Elena Garcia McKean!
A choice of one of the 5 SOPI Books is to
be given to each new addition, whether
by baptism, restoration or
place membership!
Joe Willis’ Money Is The Answer For
Everything changed the Movement!
Since Ron Harding’s The Chronicles Of
Modern-Day Christianity detailed the
history of the SoldOut Movement,
this book has helped many
remnant disciples join
the Movement!
Elena & I agree, in our humble opinion, every SoldOut Movement Bible Talk Leader should read Tim’s Book Two… more than once! I think so highly of this book that I have sent a copy to each member of the CAICC Staff and to every Church Leader Couple in our over 100 congregations around the world! Here are the links to purchase these books:


On Sunday afternoon June 7th, I wrote the following email:
Dear Crown of Thorns Council, ICCM-Global, Church Leaders and CAICC Region Leaders and Shepherds,
Good afternoon on the Lord’s Day – June 7, 2020! SoldOut Press International (SOPI) Publishing House was founded by Carlos & Lucy Mejia in 2016 in order to publish Elena’s ground-breaking book: Elevate – Jesus’ Global Revolution For Women. (Carlos remains the dynamic SOPI President and Lucy is our gifted Spanish Editor.)

The release of Elena’s book by SOPI’s Lucy
Mejia was celebrated at the 2016 GLC –
Indeed, SoldOut Press International is a very historic aspect of our young Movement. However, the import of this email is to share with you my need to hand off some of my responsibilities at SOPI, so everything can be done excellently. I will continue to serve as the Editor-in-Chief personally editing every English book, but there is so much more to do from an organizational perspective. Praise God that Sharon Kirchner – a compassionate Shepherdess in the CAICC – has accepted my invitation to become the Curator of SoldOut Press International. What does this entail?
1) To write the history of SOPI, as well as to continue to document our ongoing endeavors. Also, keeping a record of each book’s front and back covers and two copies each book.
2) To track in what nation each book is printed, as Amazon cannot print in many places outside the USA.
3) To track the different languages of each publication and their costs. Again, to keep two copies of each book.
4) To help coordinate the future translations of books. Presently, all SOPI Books have been written in English. Some are translated (or are being translated) into: Spanish, Russian, French, French Creole and Tagalog. Prayerfully in the near future, SOPI will publish in: Mandarin, Cantonese, Portuguese, Hindi, Tamil and Visayan! The first two books to always be translated are Chronicles and Elevate as they “carry” the history of the Movement and are best to “draw in” the remnant.

Tranquilus and Jacques-Kenzy Francois
(front), as well as Edma Colin and Jean-
Bonard Colin, who is the Coordinator!
5) To help me keep accountability of the churches that the SOPI Books are being given to each new member – at baptism, at restoration or at their place membership. (Of course, if their language has not been translated, this automatically becomes a target language for us.)
Please congratulate Sharon becoming not only an official Redactor in ICCM-Global, but now the Curator of all of our SoldOut Press International Books! And to God be all the glory! We are family… filled with visions and dreams, Kip

Michael & Sharon Kirchner (left) are the highly
valued World Sector Leaders of
Administration and Law!
On Sunday, June 7th was a very important time for the City of Angels Church to acknowledge the hurt in our African-American Brothers and Sisters and to come together as one family under Christ!

Joey & Karen Gregory – the South Region Leaders –
gave a rousing Welcome to the CAICC Service!
The Tribute Montage highlighted Victor & Sonia
Gonzalez and the Spanish Super Sector, as
God gave them 5 baptisms and 1
restoration the week before!
At Communion, Kristin Smith expressed her worries
about Josiah’s & her son getting hurt because he
was Black. Then she closed with, “God created a
place – His church – where we can all be one.”
For the Contribution Charge, the Kirchners pointed
us to God to meet all of our needs!
Tim’s timely sermon – VIOLENCE OF SILENCE –
inspired every disciple in the CAICC!
In responding to Tim’s lesson, Chantelle Anderson
explained, “The church is not a civil rights
organization, but the church is a
civil rights example.”
Cory Blackwell closed this powerful service with
the words, “This is a time for the City of Angels
Church Family to come together!”
That afternoon was the incredible wedding of the CAICC Antelope Valley Region Leaders – Markus & Heather Cameron!

Like most grooms-to-be, Markus got himself in
“tip top shape” for his wedding day!

Markus & Heather have been exemplary in the
complete purity of their dating relationship
and “boasted in Lord” about their first
kiss being at their wedding!
Over 2,000 devices logged in to view the wedding while only 10 people could be present for the wedding due to quarantine laws. Both moms made it! An inspiring Montage of Video Greetings from Around the World was the incredible beginning of the Cameron Wedding!

Greetings were joyfully given from Blaise & Patricia
Feumba – soon-to-be of Abidjan!
Greetings came all the way from Dubai by
Miguel & Sadhvi Mendez!
Greetings to the Bridal Couple were given by
Anthony & Elizabeth Eckels of Tampa, who
baptized Heather in their Houston days!
Greetings from Milwaukee came
from the Shelbracks!
Greetings from the Kernans of LA!

Markus’ & Heather’s very first kiss!
The second kiss!

Standing beside the Camerons are their moms, the
Kirchners (right), and the Blackwells – Markus’
& Heather’s “Dad & Mom in the Faith!”
Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Cameron!

The Camerons will be saying “good-bye” to the
City of Angels Church in July, as they will
begin to lead the Albuquerque Church!
On Wednesday, June 10th, I completed my yearly “read through” of the Bible! As it turned out it was a very special day for Elena & me, as our fourth grandchild was born – Thomas “Julián” McKean – our first grandson! As you know my ancestor Thomas McKean signed the Declaration of Independence for Delaware. So many in my “linage” are named in honor of him: My dad was Thomas Wayne McKean; I am Thomas Wayne McKean II (Kip is a nickname); and my oldest son is Thomas Sean McKean! So I was very honored by Sean’s & Alex’s name choices! Thomas honored my side of the family, and Julián (Spanish for Julius) honored Elena’s and Alex’s Spanish heritage!

“Mom” and “Baby Julián!”
Dad and “Baby Julián!”
Big sister Alicia adored her new “little brother!”
Sharing this “birth day” of June 10th with Julián was Blady Perez – the Phnom Penh Church Leader – who celebrated his 50th Birthday!

Happy (belated) 50th Birthday to Blady Perez – the
charismatic Phnom Penh Church Leader!
The next day at 1:00PM PST was the World Sector Leaders Brothers Zoom Meeting! After a powerful time of sharing from each brother, I preached on the need of the hour, ONE FOR ALL AND ALL FOR ONE! After a time of responses to the message, we began an enthusiastic discussion on how to build the 2020 World Missions Jubilee!

The WSL Brothers in Santa Barbara
on January 24, 2019!
On Sunday, June 14th, the Tribute Montage focused on highlighting and honoring the many graduates from kindergarten all the way to college among the CAICC Disciples! This followed a brief tribute to Tony Untalan’s 58th and Tim’s 44th Birthdays as both were born on June 11th! Brian Carr – the CAICC Orange County Region Leader – preached an outstanding sermon for the CAICC Worship Service entitled, GOD’S PERSPECTIVE! Later that afternoon, Julián experienced his first McKean Extravaganza! Without saying a word, he dominated the discussion!

Nick & Denise Bordieri were the “guest welcomers!”
Congratulations Amaya on your
Kindegarten Graduation!
Congratulations Matthew and Jacob on your
graduation from middle school and
high school respectively!
Congratulations Patricia for graduating from UCI!
Ryan & Luz Casarez – the new AV Region Leaders –
led us to the cross for Communion!
Ron & Tracy Harding – the Atlanta Church Leaders –
preached a convicting Contribution Charge!
Following at 6:30PM was the LA World Sector Leaders Meeting! I preached on Philippines 1:21 – 2:5 entitled, PAUL’S QUARANTINE! The points were directly from the text, 1) Fruitful Labor, 2) Whatever Happens, and 3) Be Like-minded! To close out the night, we celebrated Tony’s and Tim’s Birthdays with heartfelt sharing!

Best friends – Tony and Tim!
On Wednesday, June 17th, was the Zoom ICCM-Global Meeting where we discussed how to do the upcoming Virtual WMJ Commencement! However, first I gave a short charge on COMMENCEMENT! Though we use “graduation” and “commencement” interchangeably, “graduation” indicates something accomplished or finished, while “commencement” means to begin! The idea of “beginning” goes back to the Middle Ages when one finished his training, he would commence learning how to become a “master” – so to speak to receive his “Master’s Degree!”

Jason & Sarah Dimitry – the highly effective San
Francisco Church Leaders – are 1 of only 6
couples where the husband and wife both
hold ICCM Master’s Degrees!
For the lesson, I simply used one passage – Romans 11:13-14 (NIV 1984), “I am talking to you Gentiles. Inasmuch as I am the Apostle to the Gentiles, I MAKE MUCH of my ministry in the hope that I may somehow arouse my own people to envy and save some of them.” (Emphasis mine) To “MAKE MUCH” is the Greek word doxazo which means to magnify or to cloth in splendor. Paul want to highlight the best of the Movement in his day, so that his people the Jews would be “aroused to envy” and want to join! Similarly, I try to doxazo about the New Movement in the Good News Emails, so the Mainline Church of Christ, International Church of Christ and denominational church members would “envy” the awesome happenings in God’s SoldOut Movement, and join us! In my lesson, I said that to draw the remnant to the New Movement, our ICCM Commencement should: 1) Magnify The Founding Of The ICCM, 2) Magnify The Curriculum Of The ICCM, 3) Magnify The Selection To The ICCM, and 4) Magnify The Commencement Of The ICCM!

From deep within the ICCM Archives was
found Jesus’ Zoom Meeting!
Johannesburg, South Africa
On June 18th at noon was the Africanus World Sector Financial Meeting attended by Michael Kirchner, Andrew Smellie – the African World Sector Leader based in Johannesburg, Blaise Feumba – the French-speaking Africa Geographic Sector Leader, and me. During this exciting meeting, we prayed and crystallized all of the plans for the Feumbas to move to Abidjan in August and approved the 2021 African Budget.

The Africanus Financial Meeting was vital as there
are now over 1,200 disciples in Africa!
The following day June 19th was the celebration of Juneteenth! This now international celebration commemorates the historic days of June 1865 when Major General Gordon Granger led Union soldiers to Galveston, Texas, proclaiming that the bloody American Civil War was over and that slaves must go free. Previously, on September 22, 1862, President Lincoln had issued the historic Emancipation Proclamation officially abolishing slavery in the United States – both in the North and South. However, it was not until the surrender of the South’s General Lee in Appomattox, Virginia on April 9, 1865, and General Granger’s arrival in Galveston with troops that created a force strong enough to overcome Texas’ resistance to Lincoln’s order to free slaves. The culmination of Granger’s heroic efforts was his June 19, 1865 reading of the Emancipation Proclamation, coined “Juneteenth!”

Juneteenth is a “portmanteau” of
“June” and “nineteenth!”
This very special day became one where former slaves recounted and forgave the sins of the past, looked forward with hope to a bright future, and gathered for a celebration meal!

Leaders – designed this poster from…

The artwork of the 2016 GLC REVOLUTION of Jesus’
pierced hand holding up the cross and leading the
revolution to “turn the world upsidedown!”
This fall, Tyré & Jael will officially be planting the
Oakland Region – the 6th Region of the
San Francisco Bay Church!
Los Angeles
Sunday, June21st was the CAICC Father’s Day Service! The Bakers gave a sensational and humorous Welcome! The Father’s Day Tribute Montage to the over 100 CAICC Fathers that followed was quite moving! The Petersons blew it out for the Communion sharing about their pasts before becoming disciples, and in particular, the pain and consequences of not having had fathers to raise them.

The CAICC Father’s Day Service was spectacular!
Michael & Jasmin were radiant during Communion!
The Communion Song 10,000 Angels was sung phenomenally by Kamani Grate, who was very harmoniously backed up by Ashley Voltaire!

Kamani’s redition of 10,000 Angels was sensational!
Then all the way from Sydney, Joe & Kerry Willis challenged our faith in our weekly and missions giving! Tim – on his 19th Spiritual Birthday – blew it out on his message, THE CONQUEST OF THE PROMISED LAND. For a strong close, the McDonnells summarized the inspiring service! Then we witnessed several baptisms from this past week in LA! I’m sure our “Father in Heaven” was very pleased with the CAICC Father’s Day Service in His honor!

Tim delivered another superb sermon that can be
summed up in one word: FIRE!
New York City
On Monday, June 22nd, Elena & I decided to fast and pray for Shivanthi Crawford’s health as the last report on Tuesday, June 16th from Brandyn Speckman was rather grim in that Shivanthi was still on the respirator with no improvement. You cannot imagine our joy to read this email on Tuesday from Brandyn the day after fasting for Shivanthi:
Prayers are truly being answered!!!! Though Shivanthi has been in the hospital 73 days for COVID-19 (62 days on the ventilator),YESTERDAY, her husband Travis visited Shivanthi via FaceTime and we learned: 1) Shivanthi is finally COVID negative!!!!! Woohoo!!! 2) She was able to hold an iPad on her own, which means she is regaining her strength!! 3) She was able to mouth words to Travis. The last phrase was, “I’m hungry!” Another great sign… However, she is still tube fed. 4) Shivanthi WAS still on the ventilator until today! She has a tracheotomy and is finally breathing on her own! Our prayers are being answered!

Praise God both Shivanthi & her amazing husband
Travis are recovering from the devastating
effects of COVID-19!
As distinct as the miracle in the Book of Exodus of the Hebrews having light, when the rest of Egypt was in a “darkness that could be felt” is the fact that up to now though about 65 disciples have contacted COVID-19, by the grace of God not one has gone to glory! However, our thoughts and prayers go out to the many brothers and sisters that have lost loved ones to this dreaded disease.

God holds the whole world (and His
Movement) in His hands!
Though sending off mission teams is a tremendous joy, from time to time, there is an equally tremendous sadness when dearly loved disciples “leave” your life. At the beginning of 2020, Elena asked Kaycee James – a 5 talent “Kingdom Kid” – to be her Assistant and to be a Campus Intern at USC. Unfortunately, we have been in quarantine since March 18th, so Elena’s time with Kaycee was cut short. We are praising God that Kaycee has been called by the Spirit to be a full-time intern on the San Diego Mission Team, which leaves in mid-July!

Kaycee’s “mom in the faith” – Jee Blackwell –
is so excited that they will be working
side-by-side in San Diego!
In April 2019, since Haley Jacelon was an experienced administrator at the University of Colorado – Denver as a Daniels Fund Scholarship Mentor and Advisor, we gladly hired her as the ICCM-Global Registrar! However, since I had no one to help me with the Good News Emails at that time and up until the quarantine, every month Haley would come to my rescue! To my great joy, I found Haley to be very quick-minded, a brilliant writer and an expert at grammar! Excitingly, God has called Haley and her awesome boyfriend Orion Traullé to be the right-hand couple for Mike & Brittany on the Minneapolis Mission Team which also leaves in July! Elena & I are already missing this vibrant young woman, as she became our daughter through the gospel!

Haley always walked through the McKeans’ door
radiant and with a huge smile! She became so
dear to Kip, Elena and to everyone
in ICCM-Global!
So Elena & I have been praying and searching for sometime for an Assistant (who also had the dream to become a Campus Intern)! So, on Monday, we met for a second “Zoom interview” with Valerie Escajeda – who graduated from the prestigious University of California Irvine (UCI) just two weeks ago! In high school in Victorville, California, she was a Varsity Volleyball Player, Varsity Cheerleader and dedicated boxer! Interestingly, Valerie also founded a Christian organization call, “Kingdom Club!” Little did she know she would receive her “official membership” when she was baptized on March 1, 2020!

Valerie enthusiastically entered the
Kingdom on March 1, 2020!
She was embraced and adored by all of the
Orange County Sisters!
At UCI, she joined the Alpha Phi (ΑΦ) Sorority and in time became the Vice President of Communications on the Panhellenic Executive Team which oversaw all 12 Chapters of her sorority. As well, Valerie was involved in the Orange County Hispanic Chamber, Latin Business Association and “managed” to make the Dean’s List graduating with a BA in Business Economics!

said, “I wore it at my baptism because
this was a promise I made to Jesus
and would keep forever!”
Congratulations Valerie on becoming the
McKeans’ Assistant and a Campus
Intern in the South Region!
On Sunday, June 28th in LA was the much anticipated Special Missions Sunday and the “goodbye” to the Minneapolis Mission Team!

Early in the morning during their daily prayer walk,
Kip & Elena were filled with “great expectations”
about LA’s Special Missions Service!
After another terrific Welcome by the Gregorys, we saw a Montage of the Crown of Thorns Project!

The Crown of Thorns Project was
based on Acts 1:8…
“Jesus said, ‘You will be my witnesses
in Jerusalem…
in all Judea and Samaria…
and to the ends of the earth.'”
The SoldOut Movement began in 2007; the Crown of
Thorns Project was initiated in 2009; and as
of today, God’s Movement is in 46
nations and counting!
Then for Communion, after the hymn Our God He Is Alive, Orion Traullé & Haley Jacelon shared very vulnerably about their lives before they were baptized! Haley in tears said, “My wounds were healed by the wounds of Jesus.” Elena & I remarked to each other that it was one of the most stirring communions that we had heard for quite some time!

Orion & Haley are destined for “greatness in the
Kingdom” as both are tremendous servants!
Pleng Rodphai sang the beautiful song by Linkin Park, One More Light! One verse ends, “Who cares if one more light goes out? I do.” If only the troubled souls of this generation cared about every single person in every single country!

Pleng reminded us in song that too many “lights
have gone out” during this pandemic!
The Contribution was so inspirational as Lance & Connie Underhill challenged the City of Angels Church to smash their $1.3 million Prayer Missions Goal! (This amount was for missions and several multiples for needs in the City of Angels Church.)

As Lance prayed, only one Scripture came to Kip’s
mind, “The prayer of a righteous man is powerful
and effective.” (James 5:16b)
Following was a montage hosted by Mike & Brittany of all the disciples on the Minneapolis Mission Team! Also, featured were the LA Disciples from Minneapolis: Moses Kulee, Nick & Jacque Economo – who both graduated from the University of Minnesota, and Michael & Sharon Kirchner!

Mike & Brittany have been outstanding week
after week hosting Missions Spotlight!
Then, Mike Underhill – the Minneapolis Mission Team Leader – preached on BUILD GOD’S CHURCH! In Mike’s impassioned style, he taught on the challenging Haggai 1 passage where the aging prophet preached against materialism which was stopping the building of the Second Temple. For his illustrations, Mike shared in detail the “moving” accounts of his father Lance “seeing” the Kingdom in Boston in 1988 and immediately moving there from Florida! Then after the collapse of the ICOC in 2003, because of the ungodly return to Mainline Church of Christ Theology, Lance visited Portland in 2004 and once again saw the “Kingdom” and moved his family there again from Florida! At the end, with a determined smile, Mike proclaimed, “Minneapolis here we come!”

“Minneapolis here we come!”
After the service, I immediately texted Mike – whom I had the honor to help restore at the beginning of the City of Angels Church in 2007. I simply wrote, “Mike, with this sermon you have become one of the best speakers in the Movement! Then a few minutes later at 11:24AM, Tim Kernan texted me that the City of Angels Church had just smashed their “impossible goal” of raising over $1.3 million for Missions! In fact, the City of Angels Church exceeded their goal by $58,000! What a glorious day! And to God be all the glory!

The Kernans – supported by their boys (Junior and
David) and their Assistants (Mialynn left and
Jessie center) – spearheaded LA’s
“miraculous missions victory”
for the Lord!
Raja Rajan – Lead Evangelist of South Asia: Pray for the churches in India, as on Thursday, June 25th, 107 farm workers died of monsoon lightening strikes in the State of Bihar, as well grim Coronavirus statistics indicate that India has the fourth most verified cases in the world!

of the Coronavirus in the last six days!
However, I bring you “good news!” Since April was slow in the four South Asia Churches of New Delhi, Bangalore and Chennai in India, as well as in Kathmandu, Nepal, we set a goal before the Lord: 25 baptisms in May for South Asia Churches. Amazing, the Holy Spirit blessed us, as on May 31st, we baptized number 26!

In Bangalore, Neha was baptized on May 28th…

on June 20th! Both are singles and work
as professional hair stylists!
In Bangalore, Denzil – a very cerebral teen –
was baptized into Christ!
Shalini – another teen in Bangalore – stood up to
persecution, won her parents over by love,
and rejoiced as she made Jesus her
Lord and Savior!
In Delhi, Prijam – a BA Program Student – had lost her
belief in God. She was given hope by Aparna (left)
and Salma and finally decided to believe
and be baptized!
In the city of Chennai, Vishal – who plays for the
“Under 15 Chennaiyin FC” Soccer Team – was
baptized! Vishal now joins Gokul (left) and
Satish (right) as disciples who are
professional soccer players!
In Kathmandu, Prince (left) and Raj, baptized Raj’s
hostel roommate and best friend, Binod!
Of special note: On May 26th, Suji baptized her mother Shanthi, who was suffering from cancer. Just 12 days later, Shanthi went to be with our Lord.

mother Shanthi, who was suffering from
cancer. Just after 12 days, Shanthi
went to be with our Lord!
We have had 12 baptisms in the first three weeks of June, as the increased COVID-19 infections are hitting the churches! Deepak Kumar Singh and his wife Mani, the New Delhi South Region Leaders, have confirmed COVID-19. At least 5 other disciples are showing intense symptoms in the South Region.

Pray for Deepak & Mani to recover quickly!
In Chennai, Maggie – the WML of the Chennai Church – was suffering from fever and throat pain. As well, she had been finding it hard to breath at nights.

Prathap & Maggie Kumar lead the great Chennai
Church! Pray for Maggie’s complete recovery!
Another full-timer, Nalini has been admitted in the hospital as she is COVID-19 positive. 5 more disciples have been tested positive in Chennai. Chennai is under total lock-down till June 30th. We are in desperate need of your prayers!

India’s 5 major cities are: Delhi, Chennai, Bangalore,
Kolkata and Mumbai! Lord willing, we will plant
Kolkata this October, and Mumbai in 2021!
In 2022, India will pass up China as the largest
nation in the history of the world with over
1.4 billion people! Consider that 3 out of 8
people in the world live either
in China or India!
On a bright note: In Kathmandu, Boisang & Debzy Haoki – who were engaged at the South Asia Missions Conference on November 17, 2019 – were married on May 30th! Praise God!

Congratulations to Boisang & Debzy Haoki!
Raul Moreno – Lead Evangelist of São Paulo: “We always thank God, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, when we pray for you, because we have heard of your faith in Christ Jesus and of the love you have for all God’s people… [for because of you] the gospel is bearing fruit and growing throughout the whole world!” (Colossians 1:3-6) The 320 brothers and sisters in Brazil and another 500 throughout Latin America echo this prayer for all the USA Disciples, as we are in awe for your love as seen in your financial sacrifice for us through world missions! The inspired words of the Apostle Paul, in the passage above, are being lived out again in the 21st Century because of your amazing faith! In São Paulo alone, the Lord has given us three additions a week for the past six weeks – 17 awesome baptisms and one precious restoration!

So fired up even before baptism are Carol, Vitoria
(who was baptized), Jasmine and Isabella!
Leo Borges (right) baptized his mother! Malu – Leo’s
sister – is studying to be baptized!

his little sister – Polyana – after her
amazing baptism!
In 2020, God has grown the São Paulo Church from 240 disciples to exactly 280 disciples! And yet, our hearts are saddened by having the second most COVID-19 infestations (1,350,000) and deaths (60,000) in the world! Pray for us as we pray for you!

The famous Christ the Redeemer Statue that
overlooks Rio – 98 feet high (30 meters) and
outstretched arms spanning 92 feet
(28 meters) – on many nights
“wears” a mask!
Tulio Amaral – Lead Evangelist of Bogotá: Greetings from Colombia! In the past five weeks, God has blessed us with 9 souls being baptized! In doing so, God has grown this church by almost 50% as we now number 31 sold-out disciples!

are Tulio & Vaítsa Amaral!
Let me share about a few of these miraculous conversions! Diana is a Venezuelan, digital influencer and professional of social communication who lives in Colombia. She “by chance” saw an invitation from a disciple to study the Bible on Instagram. (Acts 17:26-27) She accepted the invitation, started to study the Bible, started to live like a true disciple of Jesus, and was baptized! That same day, we saw another miracle since Alejandra, the youngest sister of a campus disciple, was also baptized!

Diana (left) and Alejandra celebrated
being born again!
In the following week, we witnessed the rescue of Nicole and Natalia! Nicole’s mother was invited to study the Bible, but after a while she stopped studying. However, her daughter Nicole started to be in contact with the disciples, began to study the Bible, and by the mercy of God, she was baptized!

Nicole’s baptism inspired all of the Bogotá Sisters!
Natália, a 25-year-old fashion designer, initially studied the Bible with disciples from Mexico. Then, she was “handed off” to the sisters in Colombia, and after months of studying the Bible, she was baptized for the glory of God!

Natália thanked the Lord that His Movement
stretches throughout Central and
South America!
Today, Sunday, June 28th, we had two more baptisms: Julian and Gladys! Gladys Lopez spent 30 years of her life in an evangelical church, and so when her two sons were baptized, she began persecuting the church and being super critical. Over time, she saw the changes of her two sons and she began to be impacted by the love of the Kingdom. She began to study the Bible, became a faithful disciple, and was baptized into Christ and His church!

Alejandro – who taught her the truth
about conversion!

Valeria is baptized by Mapi (left) and Anita –
incredible sisters of the East Region!
Nick Bordieri – World Sector Leader of MERCY: Greetings from Eugene, Oregon where Denise & I are visiting our University of Oregon daughters – Sonrisa and Makaela – celebrating Father’s Day together!

Pictured is the Bordieri Family in 2002 – Sonrisa is 3
and Makaela is 2! A year later, Nick & Denise would
be the key couple for the McKeans to come to
Portland in 2003, where God would spark the
embers for the New Movement! The Bordieri
girls are now University of Oregon Students!
The beautiful Bordieri Family – Christmas 2019!
With COVID-19 putting so many countries in lock-down, MERCY Stockholm – led nobly by Erik & Michelle af Klint – was one of the few cities in all six continents to do a community outreach for the Day of MERCY! Sweden is at the forefront of recycling. MERCY Stockholm partnered with #Hållsverigerent (Keep Sweden Clean), a Swedish foundation with the aim to reduce littering, promote recycling, and increase environmental awareness!

The Stockholm MERCY Ambassadors!
In Brazil’s two major cities – São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro, the pandemic has hurt the poorest class and the homeless. In the favelas (low-income slum neighborhoods), there is an immense need for food, cleaning supplies and face masks! Praise God, we have vibrant churches in each of these two sprawling metropolises! MERCY São Paulo was determined to serve the poor on the International Day of MERCY!

Therefore, disciples collected close to a ton of food and made food boxes that were distributed to families in need first within the church, and then to other families hit hard by the pandemic!

to load the vehicles and distribute food!
Since they were blessed with food, these six
experienced the MERCY of God!
In the United States during the COVID-19 Quarantine, blood donations have plummeted, creating a severe shortage! With this in mind, we are in discussions with the Red Cross to co-sponsor a National Blood Drive Campaign during the month of November (when blood is most needed) called the Red Cross-MERCY Campaign of Thanksgiving! More to come!

Pray for the Red Cross-MERCY
Thanksgiving Blood Drive!
Denise & I long to be “home” in Phnom Penh with the CSW MERCY Orphanage and our dear Phnom Penh Church! Presently, we are doing everything we can to protect the young people from the COVID-19 by spraying the premises regularly with disinfectant. Pray that Denise & I can leave Oregon in early July to travel to Manila to initiate plans for a MERCY Signature Project in that great city, then from there travel on to Cambodia by the end of July!

The well-guarded entrance to the
CSW MERCY Orphanage!
Every effort is being made to spare the
children from COVID-19!
Sharon Groman immediately returned to the CSW
MERCY Orphanage after the quarantine
ended to help the children!
John Causey – Lead Evangelist of Chicago: “I planted the seed, Apollos watered it, but God has been making it grow. So neither the one who plants nor the one who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow.” (1 Corinthians 3:6-7) Greetings from the Windy City! Praise God because we know that it is God who makes the church grow! On January 1, 2020, the Chicago Church had 131 members. The Holy Spirit through the generosity of LA and Portland Churches sent 34 amazing disciples on the Chicago Supplemental Mission Team who placed membership on January 5th. So, in six months, God has blessed us with exactly 50 additions – 41 Baptisms and 9 Restorations! We now have a membership of 215!

John & Emma Causey are the indominable
PACK Family of Churches Leaders!
With a Spring Missions Goal of $177,000, the church generously gave $240,000 – 136% of our goal! We have also baptized some amazingly talented young future leaders into our church during the last 30 days from so many different colleges! We are thankful for: Brian (Morton College Sophomore), Caleb (University of Illinois Chicago Sophomore), Enoch (Riverside Community College Sophomore), Illiana (DePaul University Junior), Cristian (Joliet College Sophomore), Lily (University of Illinois Chicago Graduate), and Michael (University of Illinois Chicago Junior)! Our vision is that all these amazing “5-talent 30-day Spiritual Babies” be groomed for ICCM and leadership immediately!

Development Member, which is the fastest
growing business and financial services
training program in America!
Caleb is a double major Pre-Med and
Music Theory at the University of
Illinois Chicago!
Enoc attends Riverside Community College and
is also a member US Navy!
Critian is a vibrant member of the
Joliet College Soccer Team!
Illiana is studying Public Relations
at DePaul University!
Lily is a recent graduate of the University of
Illinois Chicago in Education!
Also, Michael hails from the University of
Illinois Chicago and is a Theater Major!
Also, we have seen God answer some long-term prayers, as family members have been baptized! The mom of Sharmayne Viscichini of Boston and our own Sandra Villarino – Gemma Villarino – had been going after studying the Bible! Kerri-Sue Adams from the North Super Region, as well as Leslie Dawson and Crystal Williams from the South Super Region worked together in complete harmony to get Gemma into the waters of baptism! By the grace of God, Gemma was baptized! This has been a 10-year prayer from these 2 sisters to see their mom baptized into Christ!

Sandra’s (far left) mom Gemma was baptized!
Gelah is the oldest sister!
Also, Carla Robledo’s 3-year prayer was answered as her sister Marisol was baptized into Christ!

Carla and Marisol are now double sisters!
Our 2020 Prayer Goal in Chicago is to double in size this year from 131 to 262 disciples by December 15th! Please keep us in your prayers!
Oleg Sirotkin – Lead Evangelist of Kiev: On Sunday, June 21st, our Campus Ministry was happy and fruitful again! God is so wonderful, as Alexandra – a student of Aviation University – was baptized in our beautiful Dnipro River!

Praise God for Alexandra’s (second row,
third from the left) baptism!
What is amazing is that she was invited right before the quarantine, but she was forced to leave Kiev as the university closed. The sisters continued to study the Bible online. Just two weeks ago, she decided to be baptized and so moved back to Kiev! We were so fired up to meet her last Wednesday when she arrived by train, and how happy she was to hug all of her future brothers and sisters!

Since persecution has blocked Aliona Sirotkina from
going back to Russia, the center of Eurasia World
Sector has shifted from Moscow to Kiev where
Oleg & Aliona lead the Kiev Church and
the Eurasian World Sector!
Andrew Smellie – World Sector Leader of Africa: Greetings from Johannesburg! “And if anyone gives even a cup of cold water to one of these little ones who is my disciple, truly I tell you, that person will certainly not lose their reward.” (Matthew 10:42) On behalf of all the African Saints, we want to thank the USA Churches for your love expressed in your prayers and financial support for World Missions! Despite the challenges of the third world, particularly during this time of lock-down due to COVID-19, the Lord continues to add to our number! God has been moving powerfully in the Motherland since the last Good News Email!

One year ago to the day, the McKeans said good-
bye to their South African grandchildren –
Isaiah and Naomi!
In the last 5 weeks in the churches in the Democratic Republic of Congo overseen by Micky & Lyly Ngungu, the Lord has added 34 baptisms – 19 baptisms in Kinshasa, 9 baptisms in Mbuji-Mayi, and 6 baptisms in Bandundu! In Bandundu, a mother named Mbo Swani started studying the Bible and invited her daughter Hermine, a campus student, to do the same! Both were later baptized on the same day! A week later, Mbo baptized her niece Chancelle! Of the 19 baptisms in the Kinshasa Church, 4 of them were young teens who have been preaching the gospel!

her niece Chancelle!
Congratulations to Bobette & Percy Sampi on
the birth of “Baby Rock” on June
17th in Kinshasa!
The Lagos Church just had a powerful baptism of a single brother named Timothy on June 21st! Timothy’s life has been very dangerous, as he joined a militant vigilante group to protect his village from attackers in his home state of Taraba. Afterwards, he worked in security for politicians, where he witnessed corruption, sorcery, as well as several acts of murder. Thank God that he recognized the darkness and saw the light of truth in the Kingdom! He has now moved to Lagos and is a welcome addition to the church!

Pray for this very brave Timothy to live up
to his namesake!
Mark – a campus student major in Accounting – was baptized in Kampala, Uganda! Our brother Ezekiel traveled over 200 miles for 5 hours on public transportation from the northern province to baptize him! Mark is eager to transfer to the University of Johannesburg once the lock-down restrictions subside, so he can be part of the Jo’burg Church!

Praise God for the two remnant groups in
Uganda – Lire and Kampala!
God also added to our number here in Johannesburg as Eric Nkosi (campus) and Abbigail Prior (marrieds) was baptized! Abbigail is an IT manager and is praying for her husband Kerwin to be baptized soon!

Abbigail was enthusiastically congratulated
by her husband Kerwin immediately
after her baptism!
In closing, thank you specifically to the DC and Chicago Churches that combined supplied $5,000 ABOVE Missions for the emergency surgery needed by the beloved Johannesburg and Lagos Missionary – Ariel Atohengbe. She is recovering well! Please keep us in your prayers!

Osas & Ariel were just married
last October in Lagos!
Pray for Ariel’s complete recovery, so that
in 2023, the Atohengbes can plant
Nairobi, Kenya
LuJack (Luis) Martinez – Lead Evangelist of Washington DC: HIS TRUTH IS MARCHING ON in “The DC Beltway!” “Jesus told them, ‘The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest field.'” (Luke 10:2) The harvest has, INDEED, been plentiful; and our few workers have been working sooooo very hard to bring it all in – AND THEY’RE STILL BRINGING IT!!!

arrived from the Charlotte Remnant Group to
lead the Virginia Region of the DC Church!

Rickia Beckett’s little brother rejoiced at
his sister’s incredible baptism!
Naomi – daughter of Dr. Simon & Karen Guteng
and sister of Ruth Bryant – was baptized
by her whole family!
JOJO GANDA was baptized into Christ on Father’s Day!

On Father’s Day, Jojo made God’s day!
We also had a WEDDING – THE SESAYS – and a BABY GIRL named EMMY YEANNIN JOHNSON, who was born on June 2nd at 8lbs. 0oz. and 20 inches to our newly restored sister: TOMAH JOHNSON!

Congratulations to Mike & Charnell Sesay, who
were married at “La Catedral de Martinez”
(LuJack’s & Cathi’s yard)
on June 6th!
Welcome to your worldwide family “Baby
Emmy” and “Mama Tomah!”

The Zoom DC New Christian Orientation
was incredible by all accounts!
We also had our SECOND VIRTUAL OPEN MIC hosted skillfully by our very own CORNEL GRIFFITH! This GOD-GIVEN TALENT never ceases to amaze!

The DC Church is building a
powerful AMS Ministry!
For our Father’s Day Sunday Church, the father/son team of NOEL & JOSIAH GARCIA preached the WORD! Josiah gave a heartsy and powerful Communion, while Noel cut us to the heart with a convicting message entitled, A FAITHFUL FATHER’S FIGHT! Please keep praying for the church in our nation’s capital because IT’S WORKING! Pray as well for our entire Africanus World Sector and our FEARLESS LEADERS – DR. ANDREW & PATRIQUE SMELLIE!

At the DC Father’s Day Service, Noel Garcia
preached the sermon and his son
Josiah spoke at Communion!
Michael Williamson – Lead Evangelist of London: We had another great week for the Lord! On Wednesday, we baptized Franklyn Endonyan an accomplished music producer in the North Region who’s worked with BBC and several up-and-coming UK artists. Please pray for his wife who is also in the performing arts to make it soon!

The AMS Ministry in London is on fire with the
baptism of Franklyn – a well-known
music producer!
On Sunday the East Region, newly led by Samuel & Nayomie Ajayi, baptized a Queen Mary University (QMU) Student – Marvin from the Republic of Seychelles! He had studied previously, but he missed the church so much that he re-contacted the disciples and in less than two weeks studied the Bible, moved in with the brothers, gave special contribution, and was baptized!

and Economics Student at QMU has become
“fast family” with Abishek – an Indian by
birth – who is an Oxford Brooks
Master’s Student!
We also blew out our Special Missions Contribution for the 10th year in a row setting us up for hiring new interns, sending out the Edinburgh (Scotland) Mission Team, and more work in Europe! Our goal was £91,000 and we raised £93,173 ($116,484)!

Michael & Michele Williamson are so proud of their
son Michael Adrian (right), as he studied with
and baptized Daniel, who is headed
to Cambridge University!
Mike Patterson – Lead Evangelist of Boston: Here in Boston, 2020 has continued to be the “Year of Vision” for us, as we began with just 53 disciples in January and as of this past Sunday we closed out our first “social-distance congregational service” with a membership of 73! We began this year with the vision to build an incredible teen ministry, and God has certainly continued to answer our prayers, as this past Sunday we witnessed our 11th teen baptism in 2020! He is an awesome football player named Syeed! Everett High is going to be on fire for God this year as most of the teens added are major opinion leaders on the track team, basketball team and football team! #BostonDisciples #120in2020

Syeed is the 11th teen baptism in Boston in 2020!
As well as celebrating spiritual births, we are so excited to celebrate with Aaron & Sharmayne Viscichini the birth of their second child! Say hello to their daughter “Adrienne Lee!” Born weighing 6lbs. 13oz.!

Congratulations to the Viscichinis on
the birth of “Adrienne Lee!”
The wedding of Calder & Cassandra Akin shined as a beacon of hope and the power of love, especially during this time of racial divide in our nation. The interracial marriages in the Kingdom are such a testimony to how God destroys the barrier of hostility! (Ephesians 2:14) We had to have the wedding in a small group outside due to COVID-19 restrictions, but despite the precautions we had taken, two Boston police officers quickly came over to speak with us when we arrived. Initially, we were nervous that we might be asked to leave, but instead they offered to stay the entire time and block off the pathway in one of the most famous public parks in the nation – the Boston Public Garden! In the midst of so much heartache, this coming together shined so brightly!

Congratulations Calder & Cassandra!
Marcel Turner – Miami Campus Ministry Leader: Greetings from the Great State of Florida! In just 2 years, God has grown the Miami Campus Ministry from 7 disciples to now 68 sold-out disciples! Zenon, studying for his Masters in Finance, was baptized Friday night, June 26th at our “PNW and SAGES Campus Devotional,” and Jessica was baptized on Sunday, June 28th!

Marcel & Tia Turner are the zealous Miami
Campus Ministry Leaders!
Juan – a FIU Civil Engineering Student – was baptized
two weeks ago and is very influential as
the FIU Running Club Leader!
I have to lift up Isaac & Deborah Gonzalez for raising their Campus Sector from 8 to 25 disciples in 2020 already!

The fantastic growth in 2020 in Isaac &
Deborah’s Campus Sector shows
that marriage “is a good thing,”
as they were just married on
November 30, 2019!
God has blessed the campus here with multiple 5 talent leaders like Juan Carlos Aria who went on the mission team to Bogota two months after he was baptized! He is now dating our incredible sister Giuliana Suplicy, leading a fruitful Bible Talk, and is an exemplary student of ICCM!

Congratulations to Juan Carlos & Giuliana
who started dating two weeks ago!
We also baptized a dear sister named Melanie Tillan earlier this year! She is my wife Tia’s and my beautiful daughter’s “best friend” and nanny! Melanie told me a week ago that she had decided that studying to become a lawyer doesn’t compare to what being in ministry can do for the world. Another incredible addition to our ministry is Max Machado. Max was the first person that Tia shared with on FIU Campus after we moved to Miami from Gainesville. Max was immediately fruitful with his mom and soon after baptized two of his best friends! He is also an ICCM student who dreams to be an evangelist in God’s Kingdom!

Max (black shirt) is “maxing out” for the Lord!
Other 5 talent disciples training for the ministry are
Zach Dryden & Dr. Christina Cyprien!
I share all of this “boasting in the Lord” and to encourage every campus ministry around the world that with faith, they can do ANYTHING! Pray for us to reach 100 Miami Campus Disciples before the end of 2020! God is moving powerfully in this unlimited “fountain leadership” – Campus Ministry!

Pray that the FIU Campus Ministry reaches “100 for
the Lord” by the end of 2020 – the Year of Vision!

All of the SoldOut Movement Churches in China
have the code name – Crouching Tiger – and
the number of their order of planting!

together as visionary, new brothers!

Merari (left) and Teigan had amazing teamwork
to help Carryn to know God!
Great news from Samoa! After having two slow months in Apia, the church decided to have a campaign in June! They were praying for 4 souls to be baptized as they fasted every fourth day! Lepa was baptized last week! It was an emotional and memorable moment for the whole church! Lepa was someone who came in, cold hearted, distant and unwilling to change her heart, but we soon learned that deep down she was desperate for love. After 3 weeks of studying the Bible, she changed before everyone’s eyes! She shared her heart so vulnerably in front of the church about how impacted and changed she was from the love of God and the disciples!

(left) was baptized on June 13th and Lepa
was baptized on June 20th!
This weekend, the prayers for four additions in June in Samoa were answered as two amazing guys were baptized – Metu & Tau! Please continue to pray for us, as God has heard your many prayers and is moving like never before in the Austral-China World Sector!

rejoiced together, as the men’s ministry
is forcefully advancing in Samoa!
Ricky Challinor – Lead Evangelist of Metro Manila: Greetings from your Southeast Asia Family of Churches! In Manila, we have witnessed 95 additions for 11% growth so far in 2020! God has given us many precious baptisms especially in our Cavite Region Teen Ministry! In 2020, this ministry has grown from 8 to now 24! In the Metro Manila Church, God has built a Teen Ministry of 63 sold-out disciples, powerfully led by Carlos & Quennie Robielos!

pageant contestant – was so fired up to
be added to God’s team!
Another one of our teens that I would like to lift up is Kimberly Amurao from the East Region! Just one month ago, though she was struggling in her faith from being locked in doors for 3 months, she made a decision to get back to her “first love!” (Revelation 2:4-5) Astoundingly, since that time, she has been personally fruitful every single week (5x) with her friends!

she has baptized in the last few weeks!
Of personal encouragement to Coleen & myself is the moving from Cebu back to Manila of John & Anna Malnegro! They are best friends to us and life-long partners in the gospel! They will be serving as the first Super Region Leaders of the Metro Manila Church! They did a fantastic job raising up their son and daughter in the faith – Priscoo & Chokiss Palomata – to take over the Metro Cebu Church! It was awesome to visit there (not virtually) just two weeks ago for the leadership hand off!

Best friends – Ricky & Co Challinor
and John & Anna Malnegro!
The delicious celebratory “Welcome Back Cake”
was presented to the Malnegros!
Also, I have been very encouraged by the fruit of the church in Phnom Penh especially the baptisms of the Trippmachers! Don Protasio had been a friend of Marie for 10 years and in time became friends with Reinhard too! (Reinhard is German and Marie Ann is a Filippina.) Praise God, they were baptized three weeks ago and will be incredible additions to the church as they have lived in Cambodia for 10 years and both speak fluent Khmer!

Blady & Cielo Perez had the opportunity to officiate
Reinhard’s & Marie Ann’s wedding in
February 2020!
Reinhard & Marie first came to the Bordieri’s
Bible Talk with Don Protasio!
Marie runs the largest advertising
company in Cambodia!
The entire Phnom Penh Church was euphoric
after Reinhard’s & Marie’s baptisms!
Also, great news from the Yangon Remnant Group in Myanmar, which was initiated in June 2019 with the baptism of the denominational preacher that Kip baptized at last year’s Pacific Rim Missions Conference! An impressive young man named L Doi Aung (John) is a graduate of Lisu Theological Seminary School in Myanmar. He attended one of the virtual worship services of Manila, was inspired, and began to humbly study the Bible with the brothers of Phnom Penh and Yangon! Amid the challenges of lock-downs and landslides, he traveled 11 hours by bus from his hometown of Lashio City to Yangon to be baptized! Lord willing, John will be moving to Yangon soon!

Martin Luder – baptized at the Phnom Penh
Inaugural on August 4, 2019 – had the
great honor to baptize “John!”
Kee Aung (second from the right) and all the
Yangon Brothers were so fired up after
John’s glorious baptism!
On Guam on Sunday, June 28th, Nisha Danis’ cousin Ronald Ortiz was baptized! Nisha wrote on Facebook:
Ronald, I’m so proud of you!!!! You’re the one cousin I was intimidated to share my faith with yet, the same cousin that made Jesus the Lord of his life today! …I’m sooooo excited to see God unfold all of His plans for you in this life and to become the man God wants you to be! I have no doubt that you will one day become an Evangelist in the Kingdom of God!

Prayerfully, Nisha’s vision will become
a reality for Ronald to someday be
appointed an Evangelist!
Lastly, God is expanding the horizons for us here in Southeast Asia! God’s Spirit has begun to work in both Japan and Korea! Just a few weeks ago, we had our first young lady baptized in Japan – Rica Takeuchi! She has several of her friends studying the Bible that will prayerfully be baptized! Like Gina dela Pena in 2012 in Manila, Rica is a “one woman remnant group” in Tokyo!

souls to be saved in Japan!
To be lifted up are the incredible daughters of John & Anna – Jash and Allison! Jash led all of Rica’s studies and has been planting seeds in Japan! Allison on the other hand is a lover of “K-pop music!” (“K” is for Korean!) Allison has been planting seeds and gathering Bible studies with Koreans!

Jash and Allison Malnegro have the vision to
evangelize Japan and Korea respectively!
Lord willing, we will soon be beginning a virtual Bible Talks for Japanese and Korea speakers! For further questions please feel free to message me! And lastly, we were so encouraged to hear of a fiery young Thai woman baptized in Sydney two weeks ago! When she was told there was no church in Thailand as yet, during the Church Study, she immediately turned to the two sisters studying with her and said, “Well let us 3 go and start one there then!” Her name is “Mint” and she is a student at New South Wales University! Lord willing, Bangkok will be planted in 2022… I’m sure that Mint will be more than ready by then!

“Mint” has been such a “refreshment” to
the mighty Sydney Church!
San Francisco: At 8lbs. 10oz. “Ama” Sarkodie was born to Kwaku & Ashley on June 20th, 2020 at 10:21AM! In Twi – the language of Kwaku’s Ashanti Tribe in Ghana, Ama means “born on Saturday!” Ama’s “Spiritual Abuela” (my wife Elena) says that in Spanish, her name means “love!”

Congratulations to Kwaku & Ashley Sarkodie
on the birth of their first child – “Ama!”
Denver: On Sunday, June 14th, Miguel & Jackie were both baptized into Christ! Jackie bought a plane ticket from Oklahoma to Denver when she realized she was not a disciple, as she wanted to marry Miguel as a true Christian! So, on Friday June 19th, they married each other as disciples! They both wanted their marriage to honor God… after all He created marriage!

The Denver Church Leaders – Nate & Sam
Pavon – are so excited that Miguel &
Jackie have the dream to someday
go into the full-time ministry!
Pray for Nate as he has been
diagnosed with COVID-19!
Syracuse: Brock Redhead was baptized on June 6, 2020! His physical brother Corey Smith was baptized August 4, 2019 and was overjoyed to give his brother the charge to walk in the light with God. In God’s infinite mercy, we are honored to be studying the Bible with their mom, Mary Young. She has such a humble and joyful spirit which we see has been passed on to both Corey and Brock!

Corey and Brock (middle right) are praying for their
mom to be baptized soon!
Fabrice & Oksana Katende were married on May 23, 2020! Their beautiful wedding was held at the fountain near the Rose Garden in Thornden Park in Syracuse. This park overlooks gorgeous Syracuse University – Oksana’s alma mater! Fabrice & Oksana met on the mission field in Moscow, Russia. Fabrice was born in the Congo in Africa and moved to Russia for a better life. He had a hard time in Russia, because he was not very familiar with the culture or language and because of the color of his skin. He struggled until he met disciples of Christ and learned of the greater purpose for his life. Oksana is of Ukrainian descent and moved to Russia to support the church and fulfill her dream to work as a teacher in English on the mission field. The Syracuse Church is overjoyed for God and His amazing plan to bring these two heroic disciples together and to multiply their impact now that the two have become one!

Congratulations Mr. & Mrs. Katende!
Orlando: Great news from the “Sonshine” State! Justin & Kio Henselin were married on June 14th! Then they were gloriously baptized June 21st!

Chris Chloupek tied the knot tight in
marrying Justin & Kio!
Congratulations Justin & Kio Henselin!
Los Angeles – Antelope Valley (AV) Region: Karina Lopez was baptized into the AV Singles Ministry on May 10, 2020! After sharing with her mom about her new relationship with God and wanting to be baptized, her mom Rosie Prieto began studying the Bible with the sisters in the North Region. She was baptized Sunday, May 24th, just two weeks later!

Amazingly, Karina Lopez’s mom was
baptized two weeks after her!
Clay & Rashima Erickson had two “perfectly healthy pandemic grandkids” born in the last two months!

in the arms of “Grandma Rashima!”

“Grandpa Clay” is taking excellent
care of Azrial Erickson
born June 11th!
Orange County Region: Congratulations to the San Diego Mission Team Co-Leaders – Danny & Patty Granger – on the birth of their first child: Nehemiah Clyde Granger! “Neo” was born on June 2, 2020, weighed 6lbs. 9oz., and was 19 inches long!

Proud “Papa Danny” & “Mama Patty” are
co-leading the San Diego / Tijuana
Mission Team!
Neo loved hearing Papa read the Bible to him!
Inland Empire Region: Gussie Collins was baptized September 10, 2017 and passed on to glory May 29, 2020. She was selfless when it came to helping her kids and grandkids get what they needed. On her deathbed in her final moments, all she could talk about was being at peace with God and she said, “I can’t wait to meet Jesus!”

For all disciples to imitate were Gussie’s last
words, “I can’t wait to meet Jesus!”
Mission(s) Accomplished!
The mission of the church – the body of Christ on Earth – is expressed in the Scriptures in many varied ways: “Go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them…” (Matthew 28:19); “Come follow me and I will make you fishers of men…” (Mark 1:17); “Seek and save the lost…” (Luke 19:10); “You will be my witnesses… to the ends of the Earth.” (Acts 1:8); “His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known…” (Ephesians 3:10); and “The church of the living God, the pillar and foundation of the truth… preached [Christ] among the nations.” (1 Timothy 3:15-16)! Yet, Paul understood, “How, then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they preach unless they are sent?” (Romans 10:14-15) Spreading the Word to new nations most always requires that monies are raised for sending and sustaining missionaries or as Lucy Mejia put it, for “the greatest endeavor on Earth!” How then can we make this message known, “Love one another… By this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” (John 13:34-35)

“The SoldOut Movement is not composed of Russian
Christians, American Christians or Chinese
Christians, but we are Global Disciples
completely united as one
Family in Christ!”
Praise God that in this the Year of Vision yet in the midst of the COVID-19 Pandemic, a broadening global recession, unprecedented national unemployment numbers, and scarring racial divides, the 32 USA Churches – empowered by the Spirit – have given a higher average weekly contribution than ever before and have more than smashed their June Prayer Missions Goal of $2.9 million dollars by giving $3.6 million dollars! USA Church Family, let me commend you on “mission(s) accomplished!” On behalf of all of the international missionaries, their families and particularly the third world congregations that receive ongoing support, we thank you from the depths of our hearts!

Mike & Brittany are inviting everyone to their
Minneapolis Inaugural Service on
September 20th!
We pledge that out of being supplied by God through you, “we” will work with more passion and compassion than ever before “so that all nations might believe and obey Him – to the only wise God be glory forever through Jesus Christ! Amen!” (Romans16:26-27)
We are family… filled with visions and dreams,