Greetings from Los Angeles to our “Virtual Church Family” in 43 nations around the world! This indeed is one of the darkest hours in our lifetimes, as there are 1.7 million confirmed COVID-19 cases in the world (almost 500,000 in the USA) and over 102,000 deaths around the globe (18,000 in the USA)! As with the ninth plague on Egypt, God has spread over the world, a “darkness that can be felt.” (Exodus 10:21) Yet an old preacher once said, “Where it is darkest, the light shines brightest!” Indeed, among the Israelites in Egypt, “All had light in the places where they lived.” (Exodus 10:23) And so it is with all of the “sheltered in place disciples!” We have light where we live… and through Zoom too!

inspire the SoldOut Movement to “fry the
airwaves” with the true Gospel
into all nations!

The April 5th City of Angels International
Christian Church Virtual Worship
Service had an amazing
almost 25,000 views!
Los Angeles, California
On the weekends of March 7-8th and 14-15th, the City of Angels Church Sisters – led nobly by Lianne Kernan and coordinated by Karen Gregory – celebrated the 2020 Women’s Days in each of the 12 LA Regions! The Inland Empire Region and the Coachella Valley Region had a combined Women’s Day, so there were 11 Women’s Days throughout Metro Los Angeles – a five county area of over 20 million lost souls! The exciting theme for this year was CAPTIVATED!

Lianne gave her all to the Women’s Days as she
spoke in South Region, IE / CV Regions, and
for the Phoenix Sisters!

The Ventura Women’s Day Speakers – Sarah Dimitry
of San Francisco and April Baker the Ventura
WML – greeted each other with the
“holy elbow bump!”

Caleb’s adorable “mom” traveled all the way
from Portland to participate in the
IE / CV Women’s Day!

Caleb led the “GQ” IE and CV Brothers in
ushering the IE / CV Women’s Day!
Sharon Kirchner (right) and all of the West
Region felt so blessed to hear Sonja
Chloupek – one of the best Women’s
Day Speakers – who flew all the
way from Orlando!
On April 1st, Chris & Sonja – the Orlando Church
Leaders – celebrated their 25th
Wedding Anniversary!
After 25 years, Chris & Sonja are more in love with
God and each other than ever before!

At the Orange County Women’s Day, Sabrina –
a very talented Saddleback College
Student – was baptized!
Sabrina was thrilled to be added at baptism to
God’s glorious worldwide family!
Maria from CSULB was so grateful to study with
the South Sisters and finally be a part of
the Kingdom of God!
Karen Gregory (left) – who assisted Lianne in
overseeing all 11 CAICC Women’s Days –
was fired up that her South Region was
fruitful with Maria at the close of
their incredible event!

Kip believes that the the Worldwide Day of Prayer,
Fasting and Confession changed the SoldOut
Movement and the entire world!

The COVID-19 Pandemic has forever
changed the world!
Elena & I were planning to fly to Mexico City to attend the wedding of Joey Underhill & Magnolia Estrada scheduled on April 19th! However, when the “Safer at Home” order was given, we knew that traveling of any kind was out of the question. (Elena & I are both in “high risk groups” for death by the coronavirus, as we are both over 60 years old and Elena is a cancer survivor and I have a little high blood pressure.) Therefore, we were overjoyed that the Estrada / Underhill Wedding was moved up to Friday morning, March 27th!

Magnolia was baptized in the IE Region of LA on
February 22, 2015 and then went to Mexico to
begin and complete her PhD in Molecular
Biology! She now co-leads with Joey the
40 Mexico City Campus Disciples!

At the beautiful wedding, Mike held his iPad
allowing Joey’s and his proud parents –
Lance & Connie – to not only watch,
but to give an inspiring charge!

The first kiss!
Right after the first kiss!
Congratulations to Joey & Magnolia Underhill!
After the “Safer at Home” directive, I had several disciples contact me asking, “Are we going to push back the Salt Lake Church (SLC) planting?” My simple response was, “This is the Kingdom and nothing can stop God forcefully advancing His people!”

The Virtual Salt Lake City Inaugural Service was
a historic first for God’s Movement!

As the creative introduction to the Inaugural Service,
Dustin took the viewers on a virtual tour of Salt
Lake City – population 1.2 million – and the
University of Utah with an enrollment
of 33,000 students!

Cristian Aviles brilliantly led the singing for the
Worship Service accompanied by Gabrielle
Hill (left) & Janay Higgins!
Jason & Sarah warmly welcomed everyone –
no matter where they were “sheltered” – to
the first ever Virtual Inaugural Service!
Dustin Miller introduced Richard Kahakui before
he gave the powerful Opening Prayer!

that prepared hearts for Communion!

conversion for Communion!
Cristian Aviles & Clarissa Nunez boldly called
everyone to sacrifice like never before
for the Contribution Charge!

After the lesson, Kip remarked to Elena, “Dustin will
someday be one of our great preachers!”

gave thought-provoking closing thoughts!

The Mormon Temple in Downtown SLC had the
Angel Moroni blowing the trumpet at the
apex of the building!

God silenced the False Angel Moroni just
before the Salt Lake City Inaugural!

restored to the Lord after 8 years of prayer!

trip in Moab before the lockdown!
Sunday, April 5th was the City of Angels ICC Congregational Virtual Service superbly orchestrated by Tim Kernan, Cory Blackwell and the LA Staff!

Cory & Jee Blackwell – the Middle East World Sector
Leaders – gave a stirring Welcome!
Dear Family, Praise God for this epic production! From the Blackwells’ Welcome to seeing all the recent baptisms to Maraia’s Poor Wayfaring Stranger to Lianne’s Communion to “all four Laurens” singing I Surrender All to the Untalans’ Contro to the AMS singing Encourage My Soul to Tim’s incredible Sermon on BUILT FOR THIS and the Close by the Kirchners – everything glorified our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ! I pray that all the CAICC Disciples were built up, our non-Christian friends want to study, and fall aways have decided to return to God! Fantastic effort Tim & Lianne, Cory & Jee, and the entire CAICC Staff! We are honored to be numbered among you! We are family… filled with vision and dreams, Elena & Kip

After the Welcome, Good News was shared by
Raul & Lynda Moreno of São Paulo…
Carlos & Lucy Mejia of Mexico City…
Ricky & Co Challinor of Metro Manila…
Ron & Tracy Harding of Atlanta…
Andrew & Patrique Smellie of Johannesburg…
and Anthony & Cassidy Olmos of Paris!
Newly married Maraia Lastra soulfully sang
Poor Wayfaring Stranger!
Lianne eloquently shared her life
for the Communion!
The “four Laurens” were in perfect harmony
singing, I Surrender All!
For the Contribution, Tony & Therese – born
Guamanians – shared in detail about the
Guam Inaugural Service on March 1st!
The AMS Ministry came together virtually
to sing, Encourage My Soul!
Tim delivered the sermon that perfectly captured
the moment in BUILT FOR THIS!
Michael & Sharon pulled everything together
in their Closing Remarks!
Let me commend every Evangelist, Women’s Ministry Leader, and the Virtual Sunday Service Teams in all of our churches! You are doing a fantastic job “presenting the Gospel” on Sundays, and you getting better every week! Especially powerful to me are: New York City, London, Atlanta, Salt Lake City and of course Los Angeles! I know that all of us share Paul’s heart, “To win as many as possible!” (1 Corinthians 9:19) However, for the past three weeks, I have noticed that most of our Sunday Services are not “boosted” by advertising the service. In LA this week, Tim Kernan spent only $300 to boost our video on Facebook and we are now at 24,800 views… and counting! What a terrific opportunity if we pay a very slight amount for “grace [to be] reaching more and more people [causing] thanksgiving to overflow to the glory of God!” (2 Corinthians 4:15)
In fact, one of the “hottest” regions in LA is the Ventura Region led by the indomitable RD & April Baker! In the past 11 days, God has blessed them with four baptisms!

burned their sin lists on March 30th!
John is the brother of the Orange
County Force Sector Leader – Chris
Lastra! Their baptisms have been
viewed over 112,000 times on
social media!
Joseph & Ali Velasquez were baptized on
April 8th, which happened to be Joseph’s
21st birthday! Ali first attended church
at the Ventura Women’s Day!

At the onset of the Coronavirus Pandemic, the
New Movement entered a new era!
March 8 $154,315
March 15 $154,223
March 22 $160,948
March 29 $155,736
April 5 $164,511

LifeSkills has become the Signature MERCY
Project for the USA!

Jim Fenton is the gifted MERCY LifeSkills
Exective Director!

God provided all of the funds for His people to
build the First and Second Temples!

As of April 8th, Chris has made his missions goal!
On Thursday, April 9th, there was another “first” in our Movement: The First Virtual World Sector Leader Brothers Meeting! What a joy to see my precious sons in the faith!

Kip snapped the picture of the historic First Virtual
World Sector Leader Brothers Meeting, which
was so incredibly bonding!

Kaio is truly getting many to “rejoice,” as he
is a bright “light” who as a disciple
will “set the world on fire!”

Kip was baptized on April 11, 1972 as a 17 year
old freshman at the University of Florida!

were wed on Saturday, April 4th! Not even
COVID-19 can stop love!

beds are added to the Mt. Sinai Hospital!

which is docked on the Hudson River!
The Javits Center is in Downtown Manhattan
and is the home of the NBA Knicks!
2,500 beds have been added in the Javits Center!

The front-lines of the COVID-19 War is being fought
by doctors, nurses and many other
medical support heroes!
Pam O’Donnell is a courageous nurse and a
compassionate NYC Church Shepherdess,
who is taking the message of Jesus
to COVID-19 victims!
Another heroic NYC nurse is our dear sister –
Bassey Henshaw (right)!
The beloved Tina Henshaw is the
third gallant NYC nurse!
Please be praying for Tina and this Sunday’s NYC Easter Service as Nicholas Enfantino will be preaching for our congregation! Happy Easter!

Not only prayers, but a huge “thank you” from the
Movement goes to the NYC Church and their
model, cutting-edge Virtual Ministry!

Kevin and his handsome son Laël cannot
wait to see Sandra next week!

Kevin (right) introduced Yourick before his “good
confession” and baptism to everyone
watching on FB!

CSW-MERCY Orphanage, before they
went to lock-down, they taught the
children to be more vigilant in
their hygiene practices!

MERCY – through the efforts of Joselo – has supplied
many in Cebu with face shields and body suits!

the entire city of Cebu!

Nick’s invaluable Khmer flash cards!

Though a young planting, Atlanta has had four
additions in the past six weeks!
Based on Matthew 6:6, “Behind Closed Doors Have
A Quiet Time With Tracy (Harding)” airs every
weekday at 11:00AM EST for 40 minutes!
300 views a day!

Tomika, Welcome to the Kingdom of God!

Consider watching the Atlanta Easter
Service and hearing Ron Harding
preach the Word!

Teigan – the Auckland WML (upper right), Jessica
(small left) and Milly (small right) were fired up
to study with Sarah (left) over the internet!

Sione is dreaming of planting a discipling
church in Tonga!

Nya is excited to be an “ambassador for Christ” for
at least three more years at the University
of South Florida!

Berek (right) and her first cousin
Lander are best friends!

Every morning – Monday through Saturday –
Ricky gives a lesson to all three churches
of the Filipino Family called
During the “DAILY DOSE,” Ricky employed colorful
graphics that kept his audience focused
on the lesson!

Imitating the “vertical baptisms” in India, Ricky
and Marc deliver “soap maker baptistries”
to four of the eight regions in Manila!

in the midst of a quarantine!

baptism in an old refrigerator!

The first of many “Guam Triplets” –
Damen (left), Do and John!

Nicole (left), Jasmine, Queenie and Jess – an original
Hong Kong Mission Team Member – are dreaming
of building a great Teen Ministry in Hong Kong!

In 2020, God has created the incredible Hong
Kong Teen Ministry with the baptisms of
Queenie, Maylisa and Nok!

Nick was so fired up that his mom – Sarie –
became a sold-out disciple of Jesus!

Congratulations to Blaise & Patricia, who
celebrated their 25th Wedding
Anniversary on April 8th!

Angele was so excited to baptize 46 women
into Christ in Bujumbura!
The gallant Amadou & Angele Sountoura!

Benin lies in the heart of West Africa and has
a population of over 12 million losr souls!
Cotonou is the largest city in Benin!

Amadou & Angele rejoiced with the 15 baptisms
at the University of Abomey Calvai!

Korezouzoua – making disciples!

French Africa won to Christ in this generation!

Isaac and Heart have sent the Dubai Church on
their first steps to the “Road to 200!”
celebrate Anna’s 9th Spiritual birthday! (Anna
is the last of the Dubai Mission Team still
in Dubai!) She was so surprised!

Emma Causey – the Chicago Lead
WML – so enjoyed…
Having D-Group with the Chicago
Women Leaders over Zoom!

Before the lock-down, the Downtown ConnecXions
Bible Talk celebrated Terry’s baptism by
singing to him, We Love You With
The Love Of The Lord!
In 2017, the year we completed Phase #1 of the Crown of Thorns Project, God put upon our hearts OPERATION EAGLE whose goal is to plant a SoldOut Movement Church in all 50 States in America! Presently, the Movement has disciples in 23 States! (Of special note, New York City has disciples in the States of New York and New Jersey; Washington DC has disciples in Maryland and Virginia. As well, Boston has disciples in New Hampshire. Remnant Groups do not count as a “planted State.”) Lord willing, God’s people will be present in all 50 States by the end of 2026!

23 States Planted / 27 States To Be Planted
1. Albuquerque, New Mexico – Everardo & Jennifer Esparza
2. Atlanta, Georgia – Ron & Tracy Harding
3. Boston, Massachusetts – Mike & Chenelle Patterson
4. Charlotte, North Carolina – Bill & Lisa Hamilton
5. Chicago, Illinois – John & Emma Causey
6. Columbus, Ohio – Coltin & Mandee Rohn
7. Dallas-Fort Worth, Texas – Tyler & Shay Sears
8. Denver, Colorado – Nate & Sam Pavon
9. Eugene, Oregon – Rich & Hannah Hardy
10. Gainesville, Florida – Joe & Amelia Mack
11. Hilo, Hawaii – Kyle & Janien Bartholomew
12. Honolulu, Hawaii – Mark & Keri Garrido
13. Houston, Texas – Jason & Daniela Woody
14. Indianapolis, Indiana – Jeremiah & Julie Clark
15. Kona, Hawaii – Dennis & Corinna Sloan
16. Las Vegas, Nevada – Princeton & Joy George
17. Miami, Florida – Matt & Helen Sullivan
18. Milwaukee, Wisconsin – Jay & Barb Shelbrack
19. New York City, New York – Luke & Brandyn Speckman
20. Okoboji, Iowa – Tom & Megan Struthers
21. Orlando, Florida – Chris & Sonja Chloupek
22. Phoenix, Arizona – Jeremy & Amy Ciaramella
23. Portland, Oregon – Preston & Shauna Inkley
24. Sacramento, California – Christian & Devon Enos
25. Salt Lake City, California – Dustin & Amanda Miller
26. San Diego, California – Mason & Nathalie Fetelika
27. San Francisco, California – Jason & Sarah Dimitry
28. Seattle, Washington – Joel & Courtney Parlour
29. Syracuse, New York – Rafael & Melissa Jerez
30. Tampa Bay, Florida – Jared & Rachel McGee
31. Washington, DC – LuJack & Cathi Martinez
32. Los Angeles, California – Tim & Lianne Kernan
1. AMS Region – Adam & Lauren Zepeda
2. AV Region – Markus Cameron & Heather Schmidt
3. Central Region – Mike & Brittany Underhill
4. Coachella Valley Region – Zach & Brittany Miller
5. East Region – Kirk & Margie Hamula
6. Inland Empire Region – Caleb & Lizbeth Cohen
7. North Region – Blaise & Patricia Feumba
8. Orange County Region – Brian & Joaly Carr
9. South Region – Joey & Karen Gregory
10. Southland Region – Cory & Jeraldine Blackwell
11. Ventura Region – RD & April Baker
12. West Region – Richie & Elizabeth McDonnell
In closing, please pray for the Tucson, Arizona; Dover, Delaware; and Minneapolis, Minnesota Mission Teams to still be sent out this year!

Scott & Sandy Lundy are the Tuscon Mission
Team Leaders and were with Kip & Elena
in the early days of Portland in 2003!

Please tune into hear Cory Blackwell preach
the Word on Easter Sunday for the
City of Angels Church!
Savannah – who is Abuelo Kip’s & Abuela Elena’s
youngest granddaughter – was sooooo excited
to receive the Easter present sent to
her – “chocolate cake pops!”
We are family… filled with visions and dreams,