“Believe me when I say that I am in the Father and the Father is in me; or at least believe on the evidence of the works themselves. Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father.” (John 14:11-12)
The exciting theme for our 2023 Winter Retreat is Greater! Since our movement leadership has decided on the 2023 theme for the year, The Year of Miracles, our Winter Retreat theme will be centred around Jesus’ miracles. Amazingly, though Jesus performed many “miracles, wonders and signs,” (Acts 2:22) some not even recorded in scripture, (John 20:30) He told His disciples that they would not only do the works that He was doing, but that they would do “even greater things than these.”

It is incomprehensible to think that Jesus’ followers could outdo their mentor. After all, “The student is not above the teacher, nor a servant above his master.” (Matthew 10:24) But the Bible does also say that “everyone who is fully trained will be like their teacher.” (Luke 6:40)
Since Jesus was “going to the Father,” He had a limited amount of time left on earth. Therefore, His impact would be limited from a certain perspective. In contrast to Jesus, His disciples would be able to minister well beyond Jesus’ ascension back into Heaven, and would be able to “fill up in [their] flesh what is still lacking in regard to Christ’s afflictions.” (Colossians 1:24) That is that Jesus was limited in His time on earth, but they had been given more time to do “greater things than these.” Likewise, though God has given us some awesome miracles in this past year, I believe 2023 will be even greater!
The location for our Winter Retreat will be the Crieff Hills Retreat Centre, located a little more than an hour outside of Toronto, and just South of Guelph. This beautiful location features a number of hiking or running trails, a large dining hall, several buildings with hotel-style accommodations, a conference centre, an outdoor amphitheatre, a prayer shelter, and several bonfire-pits. Also, we have the option for them to provide all of our meals – breakfast, lunch, and dinner – for an additional price. This will allows us the opportunity to create many memories and share bonding moments as we dine together!

Our retreat will officially start on Friday night, January 6th, and will close on Sunday, January 8th. The leadership of the Church, which will include our Church staff, our Bible Talk Leaders, all ICCM students, Church administration, and Shepherds, will be gathering a day early for a special leadership session on Thursday, January 5th. This will allow us to build unity, as well as to prepare to serve the rest of the Church throughout the weekend. The cost for this leadership session will be an additional $80 to your registration.
The registration fee for our Winter Retreat will be $160. This will include your overnight accommodations for two nights, and all of the benefits of the retreat. However, this fee will not include any food for the weekend. If you would like to purchase the meal plan, which includes three full meals a day, it will cost an additional $140. (All those who are going to the leadership portion must purchase the meal plan.) These meals will feature a wide selection of cold and hot foods, as well as water, coffee, tea, and hot chocolate. They will also have options for those with food allergies and/or restrictions. (You must communicate any food restrictions or allergies ahead of time.)

For most of us, this will be our first opportunity to have a retreat like this. Perhaps, you’re not quite sure what to expect, or even apprehensive to pay the registration fee to attend. Well I can assure you that this will be a life-changing event! You do not want to miss it!

Could any one man really do “even greater things” than Jesus? No, of course not. However, collectively as a group, unified and inspired through the Holy Spirit, nothing will be impossible for us! Genesis 11:6) Let us, therefore, hear the trumpet call to gather at the advent of 2023.
The Year of Miracles! For “greater things” was not just a promise for our first-century brothers and sisters; it is a promise for all who believe in Jesus and strive to do what He had been doing! To God be all the glory!
Evan Bartholomew